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Educator GenAI Transparency Statements


The Educator Transparency Statement is a document that outlines how an educator plans to use Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools in their course. This statement is designed to provide learners with a clear understanding of the role GenAI will play in various aspects of the course, such as curriculum development, assessment creation, learner work evaluation, and feedback and support. The educator will also discuss any potential limitations or risks associated with the use of GenAI and reaffirm their commitment to providing guidance and support to learners throughout the course.


The transparency statement will be updated at the mid-semester point and end of the semester to reflect on the effectiveness of GenAI tools and any necessary adjustments. To create your Educator Transparency Statement, follow these steps:

To begin, in the "Initial Statement" section, provide a detailed explanation of how you plan to use Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools to support teaching and learning in your course. Address each of the four areas: Curriculum Development, Assessment Creation, Learner Work Evaluation, and Feedback and Support. Be as specific as possible, providing examples where appropriate.

Next, in the "Limitations and Risks" section, discuss any potential drawbacks, concerns, or challenges associated with the use of GenAI in your course. This may include issues related to accuracy, privacy, bias, or any other relevant considerations. Conclude your initial statement by clearly stating your objectives for using GenAI tools in the course and reaffirming your commitment to providing guidance, support, and feedback to your learners. Sign the initial statement and share it with your learners at the beginning of the course.

At the mid-semester point, revisit your transparency statement and provide an update in the "Mid-Semester Update" section. Reflect on the use of GenAI in your course so far, noting any changes, adjustments, or observations you have made. Discuss the impact of GenAI on teaching and learning and address any learner feedback or concerns.

Finally, at the end of the semester, complete the "End-of-Semester Reflection" section, offering a comprehensive evaluation of the use of GenAI throughout the semester. Assess the effectiveness of GenAI tools, discuss any challenges encountered, and share lessons learned. Consider potential improvements or changes for future iterations of the course. Share your mid-semester update and end-of-semester reflection with your learners to maintain transparency and encourage ongoing dialogue about the use of GenAI in your course.

Educator Transparency Statement

Course: [Insert course name and code] Educator: [Insert educator name]

Initial Statement: In this course, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools will be used to support teaching and learning in the following ways:

1.     Curriculum Development: [Explain how GenAI will be used to develop course content, materials, or resources]

2.     Assessment Creation: [Describe how GenAI will be utilized in creating assignments, quizzes, or exams]

3.     Learner Work Evaluation: [Outline the role of GenAI in assessing and providing feedback on learner work]

4.     Feedback and Support: [Discuss how GenAI will be employed to offer personalized feedback or support to learners]

Limitations and Risks: [Highlight any potential limitations or risks associated with the use of GenAI in the course, such as accuracy concerns, privacy issues, or potential for bias]

By using GenAI tools in this course, I aim to [insert objectives, e.g., enhance learning experiences, provide personalized support, or streamline assessment processes]. However, I acknowledge that GenAI is not a replacement for human instruction and interaction. As your educator, I remain committed to providing you with the necessary guidance, support, and feedback throughout the course.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of GenAI in this course, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

[Educator Signature]

Mid-Semester Update (Date: [Insert date]): [Reflect on the use of GenAI in the course so far, noting any changes, adjustments, or observations. Discuss the impact of GenAI on teaching and learning, and address any learner feedback or concerns.]

End-of-Semester Reflection (Date: [Insert date]): [Provide a comprehensive reflection on the use of GenAI throughout the semester, evaluating its effectiveness, challenges, and lessons learned. Discuss potential improvements or changes for future iterations of the course.]

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