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Learner GenAI Transparency Statements


The Learner Transparency Statement is a document that outlines how a learner plans to use Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools to support their learning in a course. This statement is designed to provide the educator with a clear understanding of the specific GenAI tools the learner intends to use and how they will be employed to complete assignments, engage with course material, and enhance the learner's understanding of key concepts. The learner will also acknowledge any potential limitations or risks associated with the use of GenAI and commit to using these tools responsibly, adhering to course guidelines and academic integrity policies. The transparency statement will be updated at the mid-semester point and end of the semester to reflect on the learner's experience using GenAI tools and any insights gained. To create your Learner Transparency Statement, follow these steps:


To begin, fill in the course name, code, and your name at the top of the template. In the "Initial Statement" section, list the Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools you plan to use in the course to support your learning. For each tool, provide a detailed explanation of how you intend to use it to complete assignments, engage with course material, or enhance your understanding of key concepts.

In the "Limitations and Risks" section, acknowledge any potential limitations or risks associated with the use of GenAI in your learning process. This may include concerns about the accuracy or bias of AI-generated content or the need to critically evaluate the information provided by these tools. Conclude your initial statement by affirming your understanding that GenAI tools are not a substitute for your own critical thinking, analysis, and original work. Commit to using these tools responsibly, adhering to course guidelines and academic integrity policies, and properly attributing any AI-generated content included in your work. Sign the initial statement and submit it to your educator at the beginning of the course.

At the mid-semester point, revisit your transparency statement and provide a reflection in the "Mid-Semester Reflection" section. Discuss your experience using GenAI tools so far, including how they have impacted your learning, any challenges you have faced, and how you have addressed them. Note any changes in your approach to using GenAI tools based on your experience and feedback from the educator.

At the end of the semester, complete the "End-of-Semester Reflection" section, providing a comprehensive evaluation of your use of GenAI tools throughout the semester. Assess the effectiveness of these tools in supporting your learning, highlight the skills you have developed in using them, and share any insights gained. Discuss how you plan to apply your experiences with GenAI in future courses or academic pursuits. Submit your mid-semester reflection and end-of-semester reflection to your educator to demonstrate your ongoing engagement with and critical evaluation of GenAI tools in your learning process.

Learner Transparency Statement

Course: [Insert course name and code] Learner Name: [Insert learner name]

Initial Statement: In this course, I plan to use the following Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools to support my learning:

1.     [Tool 1]: [Explain how you will use this tool to complete assignments, engage with course material, or enhance your understanding of key concepts]

2.     [Tool 2]: [Describe the purpose of using this tool and how it will contribute to your learning process]

3.     [Tool 3]: [Discuss how you intend to integrate the output generated by this tool into your work]

Limitations and Risks: [Acknowledge any potential limitations or risks associated with the use of GenAI in your learning process, such as the possibility of inaccurate or biased information, or the need to critically evaluate AI-generated content]

I understand that the use of GenAI tools is not a substitute for my own critical thinking, analysis, and original work. I commit to using these tools responsibly, adhering to the course guidelines and academic integrity policies, and properly attributing any AI-generated content included in my work.

[Learner Signature]

Mid-Semester Reflection (Date: [Insert date]): [Reflect on your experience using GenAI tools so far, discussing how they have impacted your learning, any challenges you have faced, and how you have addressed them. Note any changes in your approach to using GenAI tools based on your experience and feedback from the instructor.]

End-of-Semester Reflection (Date: [Insert date]): [Provide a comprehensive reflection on your use of GenAI tools throughout the semester, evaluating their effectiveness in supporting your learning, the skills you have developed in using these tools, and any insights gained. Discuss how you plan to apply your experiences with GenAI in future courses or academic pursuits.]

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