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This event is free and open to the public
Climate Emergency Committee and Loyola Sustainability Research Centre
Jochen Jaeger
Frigo Vert 1440 rue Mackay
Join us as we celebrate 5 years of this impactful organization. Meet like-minded people and learn more about what they do and how you might be able to get involved. Music, snacks, games, and plenty of information provided. All are welcome!
This event is brought to you by the Climate Emergency Committee. The conference is brought to you by the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability and the Loyola Sustainability Research Centre in collaboration with 4TH SPACE, with the support of the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies; the School of Community and Public Affairs and First Peoples Studies; the Science College; and the Departments of Biology; Communication Studies; Geography, Planning and Environment; and Political Science at Concordia University.
The conference will contribute to the Sustainability in Research section of Concordia's Sustainability Action Plan by increasing the visibility of sustainability research at Concordia.
Hope and agency in uncertain times
© Concordia University