514-848-2424, ext. 4395
Office of the VP, Research, Innovation and Impact
The Office of Vice-President, Research, Innovation and Impact (OVPRII) takes great pride in providing support and guidance to the university’s researchers. The Office offers an array of services to help dedicated researchers and promote the results of their research — whether it’s maximizing funding opportunities, establishing international research partnerships or guiding them through the university’s policies and procedures.
Since graduate students play a key role in research, the Office, through the School of Graduate Studies, provides several services – from application to thesis – to support graduate students. The Office also oversees admissions standards and graduation requirements.
What we do
Through the Office of Research, the Vice-President is responsible for research facilitation and promotion, including maximizing research funding opportunities, the development and implementation of policies related to research, technology transfer, and providing a full range of research services and support to Concordia researchers.
Through the School of Graduate Studies, students, faculty and administrators are shepherded through the academic and administrative components of Concordia's graduate programs. The School is home to the Individualized (INDI) programs, which supports research initiatives that fall outside of normal disciplinary boundaries of research and creation. INDI students develop and engage in unique, meaningful, and self-directed research that would not otherwise be available through existing graduate programs.
Through Concordia International, the Vice-President plays a leadership role in promoting (international) student mobility as well as international research initiatives.
The Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery is part of Concordia University and is dedicated to the research, dissemination and critical examination of Canadian and international contemporary art. As part of its programming, it presents exhibitions, provides various educational programs and produces publications. Responsibility for all tasks related to the management, exhibition, research and conservation of the Gallery’s art collection is also part of its mandate.
The Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology is a research unit working at the intersection of design, art, culture and technology. It is a platform for progressive imagining, critical studies, creative experimenting and interdisciplinary training where thinking and making come together to transform our encounter with technology.
The School of Health is a unique facility dedicated to improving health through prevention. The centre combines research, education and community engagement in the areas of physical activity, rehabilitation, nutrition and lifestyle change. The School brings together researchers, students and program participants in a state-of-the-art clinical research facility to create an integrated and comprehensive environment that promotes healthy living.
The Next-Generation Cities Institute leverages the combined strength of our cities research capacity to enhance collaboration, communication, education and interaction within our community. The institute brings together researchers from a range of disciplines including engineering, economics, natural sciences, the arts, humanities and the social sciences to engage in an inclusive and universal approach to sustainable urban development.
The Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute connects Concordia researchers to address important challenges in the fields of telecommunications, cybersecurity, Smart Cities, critical infrastructure, transportation and aerospace, manufacturing, gaming, medical diagnostics, human-machine systems and social-cultural studies and finance.
With a $123-million grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, Volt-age seeks to accelerate and optimize the transition to decarbonized resilient communities. Through applied research that integrates technologies for carbon-neutral buildings, advanced energy storage, smart grids, and the electrification of transportation, Volt-age is creating solutions for a de-carbonized future.
As a public-facing space, 4th Space collaborates with faculty, students and staff across disciplines to create events and connect audiences with what Concordia is working on.
Fundamentally, the public expects that academics act with integrity, since research is the cornerstone of our profession. At Concordia, we have aligned ourselves to the highest standards set by federal and provincial funding agencies.
The research integrity officer provides information, support, training and assistance to scholars in fulfilling all obligations related to principles of ethical conduct.
These standards are consistent with the requirements of federal and provincial funding agencies and other sponsors at the university, and are outlined in detail in the Policy for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
If you have any questions relating to the integrity research at Concordia, contact Cameron Skinner, research integrity officer, directly and confidentially, at rio@concordia.ca or 514-848-2424, ext. 3341.