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Research, protocols and Nation-to-Nation relations: A discussion on Indigenous research and the presence of cultural objects within colonial institutions

Date & time
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Registration is closed


Jonathan Lainey, Emilio Wawatie


This event is free.


Concordia’s Office of Community Engagement



As part of the Umitemieu project, we are hosting a conversation on the presence of Indigenous cultural objects in museums and reflecting on the positionality of Indigenous researchers in colonial institutions.

Umitemieu is an initiative of McCord Museum, UHU Labos Nomades and Concordia’s Office of Community Engagement to engage Indigenous communities in conversations about cultural objects using innovative digital technology.

How can you participate? Attend the discussion in person (note, there is a maximum of 25 audience members permitted in the space) or online by registering for the Zoom webinar or watching live on 4th Space's YouTube channel.

Have questions? Send them to


Jonathan Lainey is a Huron-Wendat historian and he holds the position of Curator, Indigenous Cultures at McCord Museum. His professional experiences have led him to work with the Huron-Wendat Band Council, Parcs Canada, Library and Archives Canada and the Canadian Museum of History.

Emilio Wawatie is an Algonquin-Anishnabe from Kitigan Zibi and Barrier Lake, Quebec and is a musician, filmmaker, researcher, and educator. Born in Maniwaki and raised throughout Anishnabe Aki in La Verendrye park, Abitibi and Gatineau, he now resides in Mooniak, where he studies at Concordia University in Music and First People's studies.

Ce projet est réalisé grâce au soutien financier du gouvernement du Québec.

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