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23rd Annual HIM Conference a Great Success

March 26, 2018

Hearty congratulations are due to the team of graduate students who pitched in to help organize the 23rd annual History in the Making conference, a tremendously successful event that wrapped up on Saturday evening. This year's theme, Embodiments of Space, drew students from History, English, Architecture, Communications Studies and other disciplines who presented fascinating papers on a broad range of topics, united in their attention to the intriguing relationship between bodies (human and otherwise) and spaces over time. We were also treated to stimulating keynote lectures by Dr. Elihu Rubin of the Yale University School of Architecture and our own Dr. Anya Zilberstein and to lots of opportunities for informal exchange in the seamlessly organized and deliciously catered Friday reception at the Atwater Library and in the health and lunch breaks on Saturday at the Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Sincere and enthusiastic congratulations are certainly due to the History in the Making organizing committee, comprised of Trisha Booth, Kathryn Boschman, Ashley Lanni, and Mathieu Morin, and to the other graduate students who helped out over the weekend, especially GHSA general coordinator Althea Thompson.

Dr. Anya Zilberstein on Confinement Feeding for People and other Animals in the 18th-Century British Atlantic world

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