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Dr. Sarah Ghabrial publishes new article

February 24, 2025

Dr. Sarah Ghabrial has a new article titled, “Emergency by Design: The ‘Native Repressive Tribunals’ and the Normalization of Exception in Colonial Algeria, 1858–1904,” and it has been published in the journal Law and History Review.

This study is the first to explore the creation of the Tribunaux repressifs indigènes (Native repressive tribunals or TRIs), a novel jurisdiction of exception promulgated at the turn of the twentieth century in colonial Algeria. Using both French and Algerian judicial archives to trace the multiple intertwined historical processes through which the TRIs were created, operationalized, challenged, and ‘legalized,’ and this article reveals important logics and blueprints for the racialized normalization of exception as a mode of governance in liberal legal orders.


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