Adèle Aubin
Adèle Aubin (PhD candidate, Education, supervised by David Waddington) was awarded a Doctoral Training Scholarship valued at $58,334 (2024-2026) from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) for her project « Exploration des réussites et défis en matière de formation éthique offerte par les programmes techniques en intelligence artificielle dans les universités québécoises ».
Aubin’s research explores ways to rethink and improve ethical training in technical AI programs. She is particularly interested in a pedagogy based on the ethics of care, notably through the inclusion of service learning and a redefinition of the relationship with technology. Aubin has an MSc in AI applied to speech and language processing from the University of Edinburgh and prior to her PhD, she worked in the industry on projects related to AI applied to grammatical correction and speech synthesis. Currently, Aubin works part-time at BAnQ on handwritten text recognition for making the archives more accessible and as a research assistant to Ann-Louise Davidson (Professor, Education, Concordia) where they are studying how challenge-based activities can help teach AI ethics to laypeople.