Floriane Binette-Laporte
Floriane Binette-Laporte (PhD candidate, Education, supervised by Mélissa Goulet and Isabelle Plante) was awarded a Doctoral research Scholarship valued at 83 334 (2024-2028) from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) for her project « Le rôle de l'environnement socioéducatif dans l'anxiété évaluative d'élèves du troisième cycle du primaire ».
Binette-Laporte is a passionate student focused on mental health and well-being in educational settings. Her research interests revolve around these themes, particularly test anxiety. Ultimately, she hopes that the outcomes of her work will contribute to fostering a healthier school environment that allows students, as well as school staff members, to thrive positively. Binette-Laporte completed an M.A. in education with the goal of developing a training module for parents of high school students who exhibit a high level of test anxiety. Currently, Binette-Laporte is a lecturer in the Department of Education and Specialized Training at UQAM, as well as a research assistant for Mélissa Goulet (Professor, UQAM) and Isabelle Plante (Professor, UQAM). She is also involved in various research groups and committees, including the Comité interordre de la relève étudiante du Conseil supérieur de l’éducation (CSE).