Welcome to our new members!
It is with great pleasure that the LSRC welcomes six new members from Concordia and beyond. With expertise in economic theory, game theory, coalition formation and foresight, cartel stability, and international environmental agreements, Dr. Effosyni Diamantoudi joins our ranks as a Fellow from the Department of Economics. Dr. Pedro Peres-Neto, new to Concordia's Department of Biology, brings with him expertise in quantitative ecology with a particular interest in aquatic communities. Dr. Anna-Liisa Aunio, part-time professor at the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability and Professor of Environmental Studies at Dawson College, brings her expertise in food justice and sustainability to the conversation as an internal research associate. Drs. Christina Cook and Jean-Patrick Toussaint, both Science Officers at Future Earth, join us as external research associates with expertise in environmental governance and environmental policy, respectively. Dr. Tonia Ruppenthal, new external associate from Fulda University in Germany, brings with her expertise in sustainable food systems. For more about these and our other research associates and fellows, refer to the People section of our webpage. We look forward to a future of interesting conversations and fruitful collaborations!