The Centre's research fellows, research associates, and advisory board members come together in transdisciplinary research and research-creation to explore how sustainability studies and initiatives can help shape the future of human communities and the ecosystems they depend upon.
Our researchers come from a wide variety of disciplines, including Biology; Business; Chemistry and Biochemistry; Communication Studies; Design; Economics; Engineering; English; Geography Planning and Environment; History; Journalism; Management; Music; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology and Anthropology; and Theological Studies.
Akbulut, Bengi
- Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Political Economy, Ecological Economics, Development Economics, Economic Alternatives Political Ecology, Feminist Economics, Social Movements -
Awasthi, Anjali
- Professor, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Research areas: Sustainable Mobility, City Logistics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Congestion, Connected Communities, Quality assurance in supply chain management, IT & Decision making, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Cybernetics -
Barker, Matthew J.
- Associate Professor, Philosophy
Research areas: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Psychology, Ethics of Biotechnology, Virtue Ethics and Well-being -
Biron, Pascale
- Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Hydro-geomorphology and river dynamics, River management in agricultural watersheds, Geographical Information Systems, Morphodynamic numerical modelling, Stream restoration for fish habitat. -
Blanchet-Cohen, Natasha
- Full Professor, Applied Human Sciences
Research areas: Community youth development, rights-based approach, decoloniality, cultural safety, youth-led, eco-citizenship, education, community-engaged research, participatory action research, indigenous youth methodologies
Scientific Research Manager, CERC Smart, Sustainable, and Resilient Communities and Cities |
Smart, sustainable cities; University campuses as living labs; architecture; innovation management; urban labs; university-industry partnerships; sustainable energy concepts; social innovation
Bothello, Joel
- Associate Professor, Management
- Concordia University Research Chair in Resilience and Institutions
Research areas: Institutional Theory, sustainability, stakeholder theory, the informal economy -
Bukowski, William Michael
- Professor and Research Chair in Early Adolescent Development , Psychology
- Principal, Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability
Research areas: Peer Relations, Social Development, Origins of Psychopathology, Culture, Economic Inequality, Early Adolescence, Studying Change -
Daoust-Boisvert, Amélie
- Associate Professor / Professeure agrégée, Journalism
Dayanandan, Selvadurai
- Professor, Department of Biology
- Associate Dean - Research and Infrastructure, Faculty of Arts and Science
Research areas: Evolution and maintenance of biodiversity in forest and agricultural landscapes -
Despland, Emma
- Professor, Biology
Research areas: Individual behaviour in insect-plant interactions, and its role in population-level processes -
Diamantoudi, Effrosyni
- Professor, Economics
- Dean, Graduate Studies, School of Graduate Studies
Research areas: Game Theory, Coalition Formation, Cartel Stability Environmental Economics, International Environmental Agreements -
Didur, Jill
- Professor, English & Associate Dean Faculty Affairs and Inclusion, FAS, English
Research areas: postcolonial studies, environmental humanities, plant studies, digital humanities, memory studies, Anthropocene studies, critical posthumanism, media studies, travel writing, disasporic studies, South Asian literature -
Dziedzic, Rebecca
- Assistant Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Asset Management, Water System Sustainability, Infrastructure Resilience -
Eicker, Ursula
- Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Urban energy systems, 3D City modeling, Urban data and simulation platform development, Renewable energies, Zero Carbon Cities, Demand response and flexibility, District and solar heating and cooling networks, sustainable transport -
Fraser, Dylan
- Associate Professor, Biology
Research areas: Evolutionary applications to conservation biology; adaptation to environmental change; fisheries and wildlife management; population, conservation and quantitative genetics; molecular ecology. -
Fritsch, Matthias
- Professor, Philosophy
Research areas: Contemporary European Philosophy (in particular Critical Theory, Deconstruction); Social and Political Philosophy; Ethics; Environmental Philosophy
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Environmental chemistry, analytical chemistry, biogeochemistry, climate change, environmental forensics, stable isotopes, chemical oceanography. |
Gopakumar, Govind
- Associate Professor and Chair, Centre for Engineering in Society
- Associate Professor (cross-appointed) , Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Technology and Society, Urban Infrastructure, Cities, Development Studies, Engineering Education, Global Engineering -
Goulet, Marc-Antoni
- Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Research areas: Flow batteries, Fuel cells, Electrosynthesis, Electrochemical sensors, Electrochemistry fundamentals -
Grant, James W.A.
- Professor, Biology
Research areas: The behaviour, ecology and conservation biology of stream-dwelling salmonids. -
Henin, Thibaud
- Part Time Instructor, Political Science
Research areas: Environmental Politics, International Political Economy, Global Governance, International Relations, Lobbying, Private Standards, Forestry, Trade Barriers -
Hetherington, Kregg
- Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
- Concordia University Research Chair in Environmental Ethnography
Research areas: Environment and Infrastructure, Politics, Bureaucracy, Paraguay, Montreal, Water -
Jaeger, Jochen A. G.
- Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Landscape ecology, including road ecology, Quantification and assessment of landscape structure and landscape change, Urban sprawl, Ecological modelling, Impact assessment. -
Khelifa, Rassim
- Assistant Professor, Biology
Research areas: Global change ecology, Life history evolution, Conservation Biology, Behavioural Ecology, Community Ecology, Environmental Sustainability -
Kross, Angela
- Assistant Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Remote sensing; Geographic Information Systems; Ecosystem structure, function and services; vegetation dynamics; land use change and climate change; biodiversity, -
Langlois-Bertrand, Simon
- Lecturer, Political Science
- Part Time Instructor, Political Science
Research areas: Energy politics and policy, global environmental politics, sustainability transitions, social-technical aspects of sustainable development, International politics, the role of technology in development, U.S. politics, methodology -
langshaw, pk
- full professor, Design and Computation Arts
- d_verse research/creation (&all things verse, reversed, in.verse), Fine Arts
- fellow of the loyola college for diversity &sustainability, Loyola International College
Research areas: social design, research-creation, media arts, social creativity, textile arts, poetics, performance art, responsive environments, experimental typography, interface design, social networks, collective creations, community-university, the live of animals, clothing and dress, activism, urban futures, democratic values, ethnocultural diversity, sustainability studies -
Lessard, Jean-Philippe
- Professor, Biology
Research areas: Community ecology and biogeography, Macroecology, Biodiversity, Global Change, Entomology -
Matthews, Damon
- Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Climate change, global climate modelling, climate impacts, allowable emissions for climate mitigation targets, national contributions to climate change
Part-time instructor, Geography, Planning and Environment | Climate change, water resource management, Northern studies |
McLarnon, Mitchell
- Assistant Professor, Education
Research areas: critical adult education; sustainability/environmental education, urban political ecology, gentrification, institutional ethnography, community-based research, participatory visual methods -
Miller, Elizabeth (Liz)
- Department Chair , Communication Studies
- Professor, Communication Studies
status: Not accepting PhD students at this timeResearch areas: Media & Environment, interactive documentary, immersive documentary, VR, human rights, community based research, participatory documentary, feminist media, climate change, research-creation -
Mulligan, Catherine
- Professor , Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
- Distinguished Research Professor and former Concordia Research Chair in Geoenvironmental Sustainability (Tier I) , Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
- Director, Concordia Institute for Water, Energy and Sustainable Systems
Research areas: Environmental Engineering, Surfactant-enhanced washing and flushing of contaminated soils and sediments, Treatment and management of metal-contaminated soils, sediments and wastes, Bioremediation, Physical, chemical and biological treatment of wastewater, Biological treatment of air. -
Mulrennan, Monica E.
- Associate Vice-President, Research (Development and Impact), Office of the Vice-President, Research, Innovation & Impact and Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Indigenous stewardship; Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Indigenous conservation and protected areas; traditional fisheries; seaweed harvesting; ethno-geomorphology -
Nazemi, Ali
- Associate Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Hydrology, water security and climate change, coupled human-water systems, mathematical modeling and algorithm development -
Neves, Katja Grötzner
- Professeure titulaire, Sociology and Anthropology
- Full Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
status: Tenured Professor since 2009Research areas: Transdisciplinary Research; Socio-environmental Sustainability; Biodiversity Conservation Governance; Decolonization -
Pedersen, Eric
- Associate Professor, Biology
Research areas: quantitative ecology, fisheries, marine and aquatic community ecology, rapid change in ecosystems, movement ecology, biostatistics -
Peres-Neto, Pedro
- Professor, Biology
Research areas: aquatic ecology, fish biology, spatial ecology, community ecology, biodiversity, biostatistics, quantitative ecology -
Poteete, Amy R.
- Associate Professor, Political Science
- Undergraduate Program Director, Political Science
Research areas: Comparative Politics; Policy; Africa; natural resources; (de)centralization; elections; social justice and inclusion; research design -
Prakash, Rajshree
- Assistant Professor, Management
Research areas: Institutional theory, Sustainability, Social Innovation -
Renaud, Nicolas
- Assistant Professor - First Peoples Studies, School of Community and Public Affairs
- Program Director - First Peoples Studies (BA), School of Community and Public Affairs
Research areas: Wendat worldview and history, Iroquoian cultures, colonialism and decolonization, Indigenous ecologies, wampum belts, Indigenous cinema, documentary film, experimental film, video installation, relations between Québec society and Indigenous peoples -
Rowan, Sam
- Assistant Professor, Political Science
Research areas: International relations, climate change, global environmental politics, international organizations, international cooperation.
Smith, Nicola SResearch areas: Marine invasions, climate change effects on marine systems, and their interaction with implications for ocean sustainability. Human-drivers of ecological change on coral reefs.
St-Jacques, Jeannine-Marie
- Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: North American freshwater availability, decadal-to-centennial water variability, regional hydrology and climate, impacts of global warming, water management for sustained droughts and floods, paleoclimatology, tree-rings, pollen, instrumental data, climate models. -
Sujir, Leila
- Professor Emeritus, Intermedia (Video, Performance and Electronic Arts), EV1-631, Studio Arts
status: professor emeritusResearch areas: media arts; social justice; embodied interaction; stereoscopic 3D video; spatialized audio; installation; archive and memory; race and digital space; migration; the environment and sustainability -
Tittler, Rebecca
- Part-time Faculty, Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability
- Part-time Faculty, Geography, Planning and Environment
- Academic Advisor and Research Administration Coordinator, Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability
- Research Administration Coordinator, Loyola Sustainability Research Centre (LSRC)
Research areas: Sustainability, ecology, forest management -
Townsend, Craig
- Associate Professor and Chair, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Transportation policy, projects and politics; built environment characteristics of Canada's metropolitan areas; urban sprawl and the effect of legally protecting non-urban land; urban planning in the developing world. -
Turner, Sarah E.
- Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
Research areas: Primatology, Behavioural ecology, Japanese macaques and disability, Animal behaviour and behavioural plasticity, Human-animal interactions, Animal responses to human-induced environmental change, Conservation and biodiversity in northeastern Brazil -
van Wyck, Peter C.
- Professor, Communication Studies
status: Not accepting new graduate studentsResearch areas: environmental and ecological humanities; atomic photography; nuclear and atomic history and aesthetics; cultural theory; writing as method; north and nordicity; monuments, archives and memory; risk and futurity -
Weladji, Robert
- Professor, Biology
- Graduate Program Director, Biology
Research areas: Behavioural ecology of large herbivores, life history strategies and evolutionary ecology, population ecology, population dynamics, terrestrial ecosystems ecology, wildlife conservation and management, wildlife ecology, welfare of captive wildlife. -
Ziter, Carly
- Assistant Professor, Biology
Research areas: Landscape ecology; ecosystem services; biodiversity science; urban ecology; multifunctional landscapes; forest ecology; land-use legacies; sustainability
Name | Research interest |
Peace-building and resource governance |
Critical food studies, social network analysis, active learning |
Invasive species, carnivore conservation | |
Comparative urban and environmental politics, global environmental governance, urban and environmental policymaking and administration, the politics of infrastructure, agriculture and natural resources, Internet governance | |
(UNEP) |
Programme Officer at UN Fund for International Partnerships |
(Earth Systems Governance Representations of and Rights for the Environment Workgroup) |
Law, international organisations, environmental governance, Indigenous rights and law, environmental humanities, legal linguistics and semiotics |
Environmental politics and energy | |
Biodiversity and ecosystem management and conservation, global and public health, One Health, climate change, regulatory energy policy | |
Strategic and sustainability marketing and management, corporate social responsibility, sustainable business models | |
Gender, political ecology, and urban social-environmental justice in Central America | |
International relations and law, global environmental politics, human rights, biodiversity conservation policy, transnational environmental crime, marine pollution prevention, climate justice, Canadian-American environmental relations | |
North American environmental politics and policy, urban sustainability, environmental policy history, interagency and multilateral policy networks |
Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable finance, governance and multilateral agreements |
Name | Research interest |
(MSc Student) |
urban green space, environmental justice |
(PhD Student) |
Urban development in India, transit-oriented development, non-motorized transportation in cities, public policy |
(MSc Student) |
Conservation, road effects, connectivity, corridors |
(PhD Student) |
Communications, socio-environmental impacts of renewable energy infrastructures in Quebec |
(PhD Student) |
Corporate environmental practice, institutional theory |
(PhD Student) |
Sustainable textiles, material culture, craft-based knowledge systems, circularity |
(PhD Student) |
Wildlife management, landscape ecology, landscape connectivity |
Joëlle Dubé | Intergenerational justice, contemporary art |
(PhD Student) |
Biogas, agricultural waste, environmental justice |
(PhD Student) |
Transit, travel behaviour, development, planning |
(MFA student) |
Embodiment, self-recognition, body-environment relationships, virtual reality, ecology |
(PhD Student) |
Primatology; wildlife reintroduction; wildlife rehabilitation; animal personality; conservation; human-wildlife coexistence |
(PhD Student) |
International environmental agreements, climate change |
(PhD Student) |
Mobility, transport infrastructure, commuting, cycling, walking |
(PhD Student) |
Tropical forest dynamics, floral phylogeny, rhizosphere, carbon storage |
Water management, politics of knowledge production |
(PhD Student) |
Dendroclimatology, climate history |
(MA Student) |
Social movements, political parties, urban green spaces, participatory structures municipal politics |
(PhD Student) |
Climate change, migration, human rights, Latin America, Africa, Indo-Pacific |
(PhD Student) |
Façade design characteristics, façade data model, building energy efficiency |
(PhD Student) |
Active mobility, technological change, urban experimentation |
(PhD Student) |
Urban trees, ecosystems |
(PhD Student) |
Urban sprawl and urban sprawl mitigation, urban growth planning strategies |
(PhD Student) |
Waste management, data mining, big data, remote sensor technology, machine learning algorithms, circular economy |
(PhD Student) |
Japanese macaques, animal behaviour, behavioural flexibility, animal disability |
(PhD Student) |
Environmental communication, memory, sensory and care studies, urban design, storytelling, food justice |
(PhD Student) |
Community ecology, biogeography, conservation |
(PhD Student) |
Wildlife conservation, road effects |
(PhD Student) |
Energy transitions, energy governance, sustainable development, and sub-Saharan Africa |
(PhD Student) |
Urban biodiversity, arthropods |