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Dr. Mitchell McLarnon

  • Assistant Professor, Education

Research areas: critical adult education; sustainability/environmental education, urban political ecology, gentrification, institutional ethnography, community-based research, participatory visual methods

Contact information

Research activities

Current Projects

Gardening for Social and Environmental Justice. Funded by Multiple Agencies. Role: Principal Investigator. 

Cartographie de la justice environnementale. Fonds de Recherche du Québec. (Nouveau Chercheur) Role: Principal Investigator

Développement d’une trousse d’outils pour les du primaire axée sur l’éducation à l’environnement, la lutte contre les changements climatiques et la gestion de l’éco-anxiété chez les jeunes. Role: Co-Principal Investigator with Catherine Malboeuf-Hurtibise

Impact d'une intervention axée sur les thèmes de l'environnement et de la crise climatique, combinant l'art thérapie, la philosophie pour enfants et la psychologie positive sur la santé mentale d'élèves du primaire. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Grant. Role: Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Catherine Malboeuf-Hurtibise.

ENGEN: Enabling intergenerational connections to promote mental health and well-being and co-develop climate change solutions. Philanthropic Ventures Foundation: Role: Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Jura Augustinavicius.

No outsides: Underground arts as a catalyst for pluralism in an era of polarization Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Connection grant. Role: Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Vivek Venkatesh.

Radical hope and pragmatic optimism: Interdisciplinary approaches to addressing teaching and learning within the context of human-driven climate change. Bishop’s University Internal Research Grant. Role: Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Dawn Wiseman. Co-investigator: Catherine Malbeuf-Hubertise

Reconceptualizing the role of the teacher for Canada’s Creative Economy. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Grant. Role: Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Sean Wiebe.

Teaching activities

ESTU 613 – Anthropological Concepts and Methods

ESTU 676  – Special Topics in Adult Education: Readings for Popular Education

ESTU 641 – Selected Topics in Sociology of Education: Community-Based Participatory Research

ESTU 642  – Selected Topics in Educational Problems: Alternative Environmental Education in the Context of Climate Emergency 

ESTU 671  – Adults as Learners

ADIP 541/ADED 344 – Designing Adult Learning Projects


Articles & Book Chapters


McLarnon, M., et al., (2024). What Do Teachers Need in the Context of Climate Change? Reflecting on Feminist, Interdisciplinary, and Collaborative Survey Design and Analysis Processes. Participatory Data Analysis in/as Feminist Research. University of Alberta Press

McLarnon, M. (2024). Exploring community gardens as critical and complicated sites for adult education. International Handbook of Teaching and Research on Adult Learning and Education. Edward Elgar Publishing

McLarnon, M. (2024). Investigating the social and environmental relations of community gardens for adult education. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education.

McLarnon, M. (2024). Using cellphones for visual methods in school and community garden research:" “Keeping our eyes everywhere”. Routledge Handbook of Mobile Technology, Social Media and the Outdoors.

McLarnon, M. (2019). You’re not hardcore, unless you live hardcore: Exploring the pedagogical encounters in School of Rock. In Conrad, D. & Prendergast, M. Portrayals of teachers and teaching on stage and in film: Dramatic depictions. Intellect Books: Bristol: UK.

McLarnon, M., Leggo, C. & Sinner, A. (2018). Wild Profusions: An Ode to Academic Hair. Journal of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies. 16(1), 70-89.

McLarnon, M., […] Vaudrin-Charette, J. (2016). The school bus symposium: A poetic journey of co-created conference Space. Art Research International: A transdisciplinary Journal, 1(1), 141-173. McLarnon, M. (2016). Poetic inquiry in outdoor environmental education. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. (28) 1, (29-33).

McLarnon, M. (2015). A/r/tography in outdoor environmental education. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. (27)4, 26-30.

McLarnon, M. (2015). Bringing methods to the madness. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. (27) 3, 19-21.

McLarnon, M. (2013). Learning new ways: Transcending outdoor environmental education. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. (25) 5, 6-10.

McLarnon, M. (2013). Inclusive outdoor education: Bridging the Gap. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. (25) 3, 18-22.

Co-Authored Articles and Book Chapters

Wiseman, D., Léger-Goodes, T., Esquivel, L. R., Cognet, E., McLarnon, M., Herba C. M., Jao, L., & Malboeuf-Hurtubise, C. (Accepted). Caring for each other in uncertain times: Teaching and Learning at the of a world. In J.K. Corkett, W. Abdelaal, & A. Steele (Eds.), The end is nigh: Climate anxiety in the classroom. Routledge.

Carter, M., [...] & McLarnon, M. (2020). Reconceptualizing identity through design thinking and creativity:  A Montreal case study. Canadian Art Teacher. 17(1), 26-38.

Howard, P., Becker, C., Wiebe, S., Carter, M., Gouzouasis, P., McLarnon, M., Richardson, P., Ricketts, K., Schuman, L. (2018). Creativity and Pedagogical Innovation: Exploring Teachers' Experiences of Risk-taking. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 50 (4), 1-15.

Wiebe, S., Gouzouasis, P.,
McLarnon, M., Ricketts, K., Schuman, L. (2018). Introduction: A creativity without gold stars. Canadian Journal of Education. 40(1), 1-7.

Nichols, N., Griffiths, A. &
McLarnon, M. (2018). Community-based and Participatory Approaches in Institutional Ethnography. In Reid, J. & Russel L. Studies in Institutional Ethnography. Emerald Publishing: Bingley: UK. 

Lemieux, A. &
McLarnon, M. (2018). Artful portable library spaces: Increasing community agency and shared knowledge. In Leggo, C. & Hasebe-Ludt, E. Provoking Curriculum Studies: A Manifesto of Inspiration/ Imagination/ Interconnection. Canadian Scholars Press: Toronto.

Edited Works

McLarnon, M. (2018). Editorial: Gardening for social ills. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. (30) 1, (3-6).

Wiebe, S, Lyle, E., Wright, P. McLarnon, M., & Dark, K. (2017) (Eds.) Ways of being in teaching: Conversations and reflections. Sydney: Sense.

McLarnon, M. (2016). Editorial. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. (28) 1, (3-4).

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