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Robert Weladji, PhD

  • Professor, Biology
  • Graduate Program Director, Biology

Research areas: Behavioural ecology of large herbivores, life history strategies and evolutionary ecology, population ecology, population dynamics, terrestrial ecosystems ecology, wildlife conservation and management, wildlife ecology, welfare of captive wildlife.

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PhD (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)

Research interests

Behavioural ecology, life history strategies and evolutionary ecology, mammals, population ecology, population dynamics, terrestrial ecosystems, wildlife conservation and management, wildlife ecology, welfare of captive wildlife.

Teaching activities

Population Ecology
Biodiversity & Ecology

Selected publications

S.C. Engelhardt*, R. B.Weladji, Ø. Holand,and M. Nieminen. (2016) Allosuckling in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus): a test of the improved nutrition and compensation hypotheses. Mammalian Biology 81:146-152

G. Body*, R.B. Weladji, Ø. Holand & M. Nieminen (2015) Measuring variation in the frequency of group fission and fusion from continuous monitoring of group size. Journalof Mammalogy 96: 791-799

G. Body*, R.B. Weladji, Ø. Holand & M. Nieminen (2014) Highly competitive reindeer males control female behavior during the rut. PLOSONE 9: e95618

T. Kalioujny*, R.B. Weladji, O. Paré & S.C. Engelhardt* (2014) The effectof zoo visitors on activity patterns of captive African herbivores.
Journalof Biodiversity Management and Forestry 2:3 (online:

N. A. Melnycky*, R.B. Weladji, Øystein Holand & Mauri Nieminen (2013) Scaling of antler size in reindeer (
Rangifer tarandus): sexual dimorphism and variability in resource allocation. Journal of Mammalogy 94:1371-1379.

I. Hébert* & R.B. Weladji (2013) The use of coniferous forests and cutovers by Newfoundland woodland caribou.
Forest Ecology and Management  291: 318-325.

L. L'Italien*, R.B. Weladji, Ø. Holand, K.H. Røed, M. Nieminen & S.D. Côté (2012) Mating group size and stability in reindeer: the effects of male characteristics, sex ratio and male age-structure.
Ethology 118:783-792

A. Granados* & R.B. Weladji (2012) Human-elephant conflict around Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: Influence on local attitudes and implications forconservation.
Human Dimension of Wildlife 17:77-90.

C.C. Morden*, R.B. Weladji, E. Ropstad, E. Dahl, Ø. Holand, G. Mastromonaco & M. Nieminen (2011) Faecal hormones as a non-invasive population monitoring method for reindeer and caribou.
Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 1426-1435.

E.M. Tennenhouse*, R.B. Weladji, Ø. Holand, K.H. Røed & M. Nieminen (2011) Mating group composition influence somatic costs and activity in rutting dominant male reindeer (
Rangifer tarandus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 287-295.

Full publication list

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