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Dr. William Michael Bukowski, PhD

  • Professor and Research Chair in Early Adolescent Development , Psychology
  • Principal, Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability

Research areas: Peer Relations, Social Development, Origins of Psychopathology, Culture, Economic Inequality, Early Adolescence, Studying Change

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PhD (Michigan State University)

Research interests

WilliamM. Bukowskiis a Professor in the Department of Psychology.   He holds a University Research Chair in earlyadolescent development.   From 2008 to 2016 he was the director of the Centrede recherche en développement humain,.  He is the 2014 recipient of the John P HillMemorial Award from the Society forResearch in Adolescence and is a Charter Fellow of the InternationalSociety for the Study of Behavioral Development.

The goal of his research program is to understand how and why children's and adolescents' experiences with their peers affect competence and well-being. His projects are aimed at identifying and measuring the fundamental characteristics of children's interactions and relationships with their peers and determining how these experiences affect behavioral development, emotional adjustment and physical health. His laboratory has a particular interest in the processes that account for the protective effects of friendship on anxiety.  The current themes of his research projects are (a) contextual/cultural differences in peer experiences and the processes that account for variations in the effects of peer relations; (b) the intersection between peer experiences and psychophysiology especially the response to stress; (c) the origins, structure, and functioning of the self concept; and (d) gender differences especially as they are related to culture.  His laboratory is also specialized in several forms of measurement including sociomtric measures, peer assessment, and self-report measures of multiple components of anxiety, friendship experiences, and aspects of the self concept. 

Teaching activities

Life Span Development (PSYC 333)

Self, Culture, and Development (LOYC 330)


Multivariate Statistics (PSYC 734)

Selected publications

Books/SpecialIssues/Large Review Chapters


Bukowski, W.M.,Laursen, B, & Rubin, K.H., (in press). Handbook of peer interactions,relationships, and groups (Second Edition). New York: Guilford.

Bukowski, W.M.,  Castellanos, M., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro,F.  (2014).  Socialization experiences with peers. In J.E.Grusec and P.D. Hastings (Eds.), Handbookof socialization: Theory and research (Second Edition) New York: Guilford.

Rubin, K. H., Bukowski,W. M. & Bowker, J.  (2015).  Children in groups.  In R. Lerner (Series Ed.) and M. Bornstein(Volume Ed.), The Handbook of ChildPsychology (Seventh Edition, pp 175-222). New York: Wiley.

Journal Articles (Selected Since 2010)

Bukowski, W.M.,  Dirks, M. A., Commisso, M. , Velasquez, A.M., & Lopez, L.S.  (in press).  Pages from a sociometric notebook:  Reconsidering the effects of selectivemissingness.  International Journal of Behavioral Development.

Santo, J. B., Bass, E.C., Lopez, L. S., & Bukowski, W. M. (2017). Contextual influences on therelations between physical and relational aggression and peervictimization.  School Psychology International, 38(1), 42-59.Doi:  10.1177/0143034316678655

Bukowski,W. M., Panarello, B., & Santo, J. B. (2016).  Androgyny in Liking andin Being Liked Are Antecedent to Well-Being in Pre-Adolescent Boys and Girls. SexRoles,Special Issue in Memory of Sandra Bem.  doi:10.1007/s11199-016-0638-6

vanNoorden, T. H., Bukowski, W. M., Haselager, G. J., Lansu, T. A., &Cillessen, A. H. (2016). Disentangling the Frequency and Severity of Bullyingand Victimization in the Association with Empathy. Social Development, 25 (1), 176-192.

Devine,K. A., Bukowski, W. M., Sahler, O. J. Z., Ohman-Strickland, P., Smith, T. H.,Lown, E. A., & Noll, R. B. (2016). Social Competence in Childhood BrainTumor Survivors: Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes of a Peer-MediatedIntervention. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 37(6),475-482.

Bahrami,N., Sibmar, M., Bukowski, W. M., Vedadhir, A., & Panarello, B. (2016).Factors that promote and impede other-sex friendships: a qualitative study ofIranian adolescent girls. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine andHealth.

Wood, M.A., Bukowski, W. M., & Santo, J. B. (2015). Friendship Security, But NotFriendship Intimacy, Moderates the Stability of Anxiety During Preadolescence. Journalof Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 1-12.

Wood, M. A., Bukowski,W. M., & Lis, E. (2015). The digital self: How social media serves as asetting that shapes youth’s emotional experiences. Adolescent ResearchReview, 1(2). 163-173. doi: 10.1007/s40894-015-0014-8.

Bukowski,W. M., McCauley, E., & Mazur, T. (2015). Disorders of sex development(DSD): peer relations and psychosocial well-being. Hormone and MetabolicResearch, 47(05), 357-360.

van Noorden, T. H. J., Haselager, G. J. T., Cillessen, A. H. N. , &Bukowski, W. M. (2015). Empathy and involvement in bullying in children andadolescents: A systematic review. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44,637-657. doi: 10.1007/s10964-014-0135-6

Doramajian, C., & Bukowski, W. M. (2015). A longitudinal study ofthe associations between moral disengagement and active defending versuspassive bystanding during bullying situations. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly,61(1), 144-172.

van Noorden, T. H.,Haselager, G. J., Cillessen, A. H., & Bukowski, W. M. (2013).Dehumanization in children: The link with moral disengagement in bullying andvictimization. Aggressive behavior, 40, 320–328.

Velasquez, A. M.,Bukowski, W. M., Saldarriaga, L. M. (2013). Adjusting for group size effects in peer nomination data.  SocialDevelopment. 22,  845–863.DOI: 10.1111/sode.12029

Raufelder, D.,Bukowski, W. M., & Mohr, S.  (2013).Thick description of the teacher-student relationship in the educationalcontext of school: Results of an ethnographic field study. Journal ofEducation and Training Studies, 1, 1-18.DOI:10.11114/jets.v1i2.108

Raufelder, D., Drury,K., Jagenowa, D., Hoferichtera, F., & Bukowski, W.  (2013). Development and validation of the relationship and motivation (REMO)scale to assess students' perceptions of peers and teachers as motivators inadolescence, Learning and IndividualDifferences, 24: 182-189. 

Brendgen,M., Vitaro, F., Bukowski, W. M., Dionne, G., Tremblay, R.  & Boivin, M. (2013).  Can Friends Protect Genetically VulnerableChildren From Depression?  Development and Psychopathology, 25.2:277-289. DOI: 10.1017/S085457912001058. 

Santo, J.B., Bukowski,W.M., Lopez, L.S., Carmago, G., Mayman S.B., & Adams, R. E. (2013). Factorsunderlying contextual variations in the structure of the self: Differencesrelated to SES, gender, culture and “majority/“non-majority” status duringearly adolescence. Journal of Research onAdolescence, 23.1: 69-80. DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2012.00793.x

Lansu,T. A., Cillessen, A. H., & Bukowski, W. M. (2013). Implicit and explicitpeer evaluation: Associations with early adolescents’ prosociality, aggression,and bullying. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23(4), 762-771.

Noll, R. B.,& Bukowski, W. M. (2012).  Socialcompetence in children with chronic illness: The devil is in the details.  Journalof Pediatric Psychology,  37, 959-966. DOI: 10.1093/jpepsy/jss058

Drury, K-M., Bukowski,W. M., Velasquez, A. M. & Lopez, L. S. (2012).  Victimization and genderidentity in single-sex and mixed-sex schools: Examining contextual variationsin pressure to conform to gender norms. SexRoles 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-012-0118-6

Lee, E. J., &Bukowski, W. M. (2012).  Co-developmentof internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors: Causal direction andcommon vulnerability.  Journal of Adolescence 35.3, 713-729.DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2011.10.008

Adams, R. E., Santo, J. B., & Bukowski, W. M., (2011).  The presence of a best friend buffers theeffects of negative experience.  Developmental Psychology, 47, 1786-1792.

Bukowski, W. M., Laursen, B., & Hoza, B. (2010).  Thesnowball effect:  Friendship moderatesover-time escalations in depressed affect among avoidant and excludedchildren.  Development and psychopathology, 22, 749-757.

Velasquez, A. M. , Santo, J. B., Saldarriaga,L. M., Lopez, L. S., & Bukowski, W. M. (2010).   Context-dependentvictimization and aggression: Differences between all-girl and mixed-sexschools.  Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 56,283-302.

Laursen, B.Bukowski, W. M., Nurmi, J. E. Marion, D., Salmela-Aro, K., & Kiuru, N.  (2010). Opposites detract: Middle school peer group antipathies.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,106, 240-256


Bukowski, W.M. & Raufelder, D.  (in press).  Peers and the Self.  To appear in W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen,& K. H. Rubin (Eds.)  Handbook of peer interactions,relationships, and groups (Second Edition). New York: Guilford.

Bukowski, W.M., Laursen, B, & Rubin, K.H  (inpress).  Peers relation:  Past, present and promise.  To appear in W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen,& K. H. Rubin (Eds.)  Handbook of peer interactions,relationships, and groups (Second Edition). New York: Guilford.

Bagwell,C.  & Bukowski, W. M. (inpress).  Friendship.  To appear in W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen,& K. H. Rubin (Eds.)  Handbook of peer interactions, relationships,and groups (Second Edition).  NewYork: Guilford.

Cillessen, A,H. N.,  & Bukowski, W. M. (inpress).  Sociometry.  To appear in W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen,& K. H. Rubin (Eds.)  Handbook of peer interactions,relationships, and groups (Second Edition). New York: Guilford.

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