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Marc-Antoni Goulet, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering

Research areas: Flow batteries, Fuel cells, Electrosynthesis, Electrochemical sensors, Electrochemistry fundamentals

Contact information

Teaching activities


CHME 6911 - Topics in Chemical Engineering I: Electrochemical Engineering
CHME 6031 - Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Engineering
CHME 6071 - Materials Science & Engineering



My current research focuses on flow batteries for grid scale electricity storage to increase the distribution of intermittent renewable energy such as wind and solar. I also look for ways of electrochemically converting CO2 to value added products and creating better electrochemical sensors for chemical analysis.


Journal Publications

  1. Jing, Y., Zhao, E.W., Goulet, M.-A., Bahari, M., Fell, E., Jin, S., Davoodi, A., Jónsson, E., Wu, M., Grey,C., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J., In situelectrochemical recomposition of decomposed redox-active species in aqueousorganic flow batteries, Nature Chemistry, 2022, 1-7.

  2. Jing, Y., Fell, E., Wu, M., Jin, S., Ji, Y., Pollack, D.A., Tang, Z., Ding, D., Bahari, M., Goulet, M.-A., Tsukamoto, T., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J., Anthraquinone Flow Battery Reactants with Nonhydrolyzable Water-Solubilizing Chains Introduced via a Generic Cross-Coupling Method, ACS Energy Letters, 2022, 7 (1), 226–235.

  3. Tong, L., Goulet, M.-A., Tabor, D.P., Kerr, E.F., De Porcellinis, D., Fell, E.M., Aspuru-Guzik, A., Gordon, R.G., and Aziz, M.J., Molecular Engineering of an Alkaline Naphthoquinone Flow Battery, ACS Energy Letters, 2019, 4 (8): 1880−1887.

  4. Li, W., Kerr, E.F., Goulet, M.-A., Fu, H., Zhao, Y., Yang, Y., Veyssal, A., He, J.-H., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J., Jin, S., A Long Lifetime Aqueous Organic Solar Flow Battery, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019,  1900918.

  5. Liu, Y., Goulet, M.-A., Tong, L., Liu, Y., Ji, Y., Wu, L., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J., Yang, Z., Xu, T., A Long-Lifetime All-Organic Aqueous Flow Battery Utilizing TMAP-TEMPO Radical, Chem, 2019, 5 (7): 1–10.

  6. Jin, S., Jing, Y., Kwabi, D.G., Ji, Y., Tong, L., De Porcellinis, D., Goulet, M.-A., Pollack, D.A., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J., A Water-Miscible Quinone Flow Battery with High Volumetric Capacity and Energy Density, ACS Energy Letters, 2019, 4 (6): 1342−1348.

  7. Park, M., Beh, E.S., Fell, E.M. ,Jing, Y., Kerr, E.F., De Porcellinis, D., Goulet, M.-A., Ryu, J., Wong, A.A., Gordon, R.G., Cho, J., Aziz, M.J., A High Voltage Aqueous Zinc–Organic Hybrid Flow Battery, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 1900694.

  8. Goulet, M.-A., Tong, L., Pollack, D.A., Tabor, D., Odom, S.A., Aspuru-Guzik, A., Kwan, E.E., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J. Extending the Lifetime of Organic Flow Batteries via Redox State Management, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141 (20): 8014-8019.

  9. Ji, Y., Goulet, M.-A., Pollack,D.A.,Kwabi, D.G., Jin, S., De Porcellinis, D., Kerr, E.F., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J.,A Phosphonate-Functionalized Quinone Redox Flow Battery at Near-Neutral pH with Record Capacity Retention Rate, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 1900039.

  10. Goulet, M.-A., Aziz, M.J., Flow Battery Molecular Reactant Stability Determined by Symmetric Cell Cycling Methods, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165 (7): A1466–A1477.

  11. Kwabi, D., Lin, K., L., Ji, Y.,Kerr, E.F., Goulet, M.-A., De Porcellinis, D., Tabor, D., Pollack, D.A., Aspuru-Guzik,A., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J., Alkaline Quinone Flow Battery with Long Lifetime at pH 12, Joule, 2018, 2 (9):1894–1906.

  12. Yang, Z., Tong, L., Tabor, D.P., Beh, E.S., Goulet, M.-A., De Porcellinis, D., Aspuru-Guzik, A., Gordon, R.G., Aziz, M.J., Alkaline Benzoquinone Aqueous Flow Battery for Large-Scale Storage of Electrical Energy, Advanced Energy Materials, 2017,1702056.

  13. Goulet, M.-A., Ibrahim, O. A., Kim, W.H.J. and Kjeang, E., Maximizing the power density of aqueous electrochemical flow cells with in operando deposition, Journal of Power Sources,2017, 339: 80-85.

  14. Goulet, M.-A., Habisch, A. and Kjeang, E., In situ enhancement of flow-through porous electrodes with carbon nanotubes via flowing deposition, Electrochimica Acta, 2016,206: 36-44.

  15. Goulet, M.-A., Skyllas-Kazacos, M. and Kjeang, E., The importance of wetting in carbon paper electrodes for vanadium redox reactions, Carbon, 2016, 101: 390-398.

  16. Ibrahim, O. A., Goulet, M.-A. and Kjeang, E., In-situ characterization of symmetric dual-pass architecture of microfluidic co-laminar flow cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 187:277-285.

  17. Goulet, M.-A., Eikerling, M. and Kjeang, E., Direct measurement of electrochemical reaction kinetics in flow-through porous electrodes, Electrochemistry Communications, 2015, 57: 14-17.

  18. Ibrahim, O. A., Goulet, M.-A. and Kjeang, E., Microfluidic Electrochemical Cell Array in Series: Effect of Shunt Current, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162: F639–F644.

  19. Arjona, N., Goulet, M.-A., Guerra-Balcazar, M., Ledesma-Garcia, J., Kjeang, E. and Arriaga, L.G., Direct formic acid microfluidic fuel cell with Pd nanocubes supported on flow-through microporous electrodes, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 2015,4 (4): F24-F28.

  20. Sadeghi Alavijeh, A., Goulet, M.-A., Khorasany, R.M.H., Ghataurah, J., Lim, C., Lauritzen, M., Kjeang, E., Wang, G.G. and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Decay in Mechanical Properties of Catalyst Coated Membranes Subjected to Combined Chemical and Mechanical Membrane Degradation, Fuel Cells, 2015, 15 (1): 204-213.

  21. Goulet, M.-A., Arbour, S., Lauritzen, M. and Kjeang, E., Water sorption and expansion of an ionomer membrane constrained by fuel cell electrodesJournal of Power Sources, 2015, 274: 94-100.

  22. Goulet, M.-A. and Kjeang, E., Reactant recirculation in electrochemical co-laminar flow cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 140: 217-224.

  23. Goulet, M.-A. and Kjeang, E., Co-laminar flow cells for electrochemical energy conversion, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 260: 186-196.

  24. Khorasany, R.M.H., Goulet, M.-A., Sadeghi Alavijeh, A., Kjeang, E., Wang, G.G. and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., On the Constitutive Relations for Catalyst Coated Membrane Applied to In-Situ Fuel Cell Modeling, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 252: 176-188.

  25. Lee, J.W., Goulet, M.-A. and Kjeang, E., Microfluidic Redox BatteryLab on a Chip, 2013, 13: 2504-2507.

  26. Goulet, M.-A., Khorasany, R.M.H., De Torres, C., Lauritzen, M., Kjeang, E., Wang, G.G. and Rajapakse, R.K.N.D., Mechanical Properties of Catalyst Coated Membranes for PEM Fuel Cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 234: 38-47.

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