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14-20 February 2016

Weekly Media Monitoring report for Mali
Posted on March 4, 2016


Compiled by Tinah Dembele

  1. Human Rights Watch Report
  2. Army checkpoint attacked near Niger border
  3. Peace Accord set-back 



1. Human Rights Watch Report
International media

“Mali: l'ONG HRW dénonce des abus dans le sud du pays”, February 20, 2016. Radio France International

  • Human Rights Watch reports many cases violence  and other human right offences happening in Mali
  • Jihadists-led attacks have weakened army along with increasing tensions between communities
  • There are also cases of rape along with ethnic based discrimination  
2.  Army checkpoint attacked near Niger border
International media

“Armed Men Attack Army Checkpoint in Mali, Killing 2 Soldiers”  February 19, 2016, ABC News

  • The town of Menaka near the Niger border was attacked by an unidentified group
  • Two soldiers died, one person wounded and two other people have disappeared along with a vehicle
  • Al-Qaida-linked extremists are present in the region since 2013
3. Peace accord set-back
Local news

“Mali : Nord du Mali : La menace jihadiste s’accentue et tarde la mise en œuvre de l’Accord de paix” Febuary 18, 2016 , MaliActu

  • Even with the peace accord between rebel groups and the Malian government, the road to peace is long, especially in northern Mali
  • Citizens in rural areas and regions such as Gao or in the village of Kaneye, live in continuous fear. From terrorist raids, military attacks, and Kidal (terrorist stronghold), violent attacks are frequent in Mali 
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