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Alumni of the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program at the John Molson School of Business share how the program shaped their careers

‘A standout choice for those looking to pursue careers in capital markets’
February 18, 2025

Michael Knight, BComm 12, second from left, hosting KWPMP students at Merrill Lynch’s office in New York City Michael Knight, BComm 12, second from left, hosting KWPMP students at Merrill Lynch’s office in New York City

For twenty-five years, the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program (KWPMP) at the John Molson School of Business has given select undergraduate students the opportunity to invest a real-life portfolio in real time. Students are now working with a portfolio of over $6.4 million.

We spoke to alumni who have found work in the major pension plans and in capital markets outside of portfolio management on how the program shaped their careers.

Christian Bonneau, BComm 06, Managing Director, Head of North America and Timber - Natural Resources, PSP Investments

Bonneau has been a mentor, guest speaker and coach for academic case competitions since graduating from the program as part of the Class of 2005. As one of the first Kenneth Woods graduates to join PSP Investments, he has strongly encouraged recruiting students from the program to PSP.

"I think the fit is excellent,” says Bonneau. "PSP offers a variety of options depending on one’s career interests – whether private (i.e. Natural Resources, Private Equity, Infrastructure, Real Estate, Credit Investments) or public markets. Meanwhile, the KW program consistently generates high quality candidates who are keen to learn and grow, many of whom have stuck around and become key contributors at PSP."

He says despite changes in the market over the last twenty years, the Kenneth Woods program continues to stand out for its quality – both in its students and in its leadership.

"In this business, you will fail almost as often as you succeed," he says. "I believe the key to long-term success goes beyond the technical capabilities and is more about the attitude, effort and commitment of the individuals involved."

Kevin LeBlanc

Kevin LeBlanc, BComm 08, Director, Technology, Global Research, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ)

Kevin LeBlanc has always had a passion for the stock market and investing, so the KWPMP seemed like the best way to prepare for a career in finance.

"I vastly underestimated just how important it would be," he recalls.

"The KW program gave me a leg up from my first internship. It let me hit the ground running and distinguish myself. It exposed me to a variety of different investment styles and philosophies and with so many mandates to cover in my role, I recognize many of those different archetypes to this day."

Since graduating, he has been a seminar speaker and is now a mentor in the program. He says that what makes Kenneth Woods program students stand out as interns is their level of preparation. They already know the fundamentals, he says, so they can easily skip over the learning curve and contribute in their role.

In terms of the future of the KWPMP? "It’s more relevant now than ever," he says.

Jason Coviensky

Jason Coviensky, BComm 11, Managing Director, Metals & Mining Investment Banking, RBC Capital Markets

Coviensky says the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program was a major reason he chose to attend the John Molson School of Business.

"The ability to take what I was learning in the classroom and apply it to real world situations, with mentorship and guidance from industry practitioners, was really exciting," he says.

He says the program prepared him perfectly for his current role.

"I learned how to analyze companies and the market, speak the industry language and present confidently," he says.

"The internships and interactions with committee members and alumni also helped me develop the right level of comfort, maturity and confidence to be successful."

Coviensky says what makes the program stand out is the level of involvement of the mentors and committee members. As a mentor himself, he sees how much responsibility the students are given. This is only possible because of the attention and dedication of the client committee and mentors in ensuring students are equipped for success.

Michael Knight, BComm 12, Director, Global Credit and Special Situations, Distressed Trading, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Since graduating from the program, Michael Knight has stayed involved as a seminar leader and mentor. He also hosts students at Bank of America during their trip to Quinnipiac University's annual GAME Forum in New York City.

Knight says it’s important to give back as an alumnus because it makes the program stronger, bringing more awareness to it and elevating its reputation across Canada and the US.

As the years go by, he is continually impressed with the caliber of students that the program attracts.

"Their academic achievements are incredible," he says. "They’re involved in extracurriculars and curious and motivated to grow as individuals. The program continues to place students in top notch firms and is now breaking more into the US market."

"I think one of the most valuable aspects of being in KW was the amount of interaction we had with industry professionals," he adds. "Much of our business is rooted in the academics, but in practice it’s not often as black and white as textbooks and tests. Sharing opinions, being able to speak to concepts independently and having actionable ideas are a stark difference to classroom curriculum. These are invaluable."

He credits the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program for giving him the tools to excel in his career.

"The program set me up to think critically, challenge assumptions and have opinions on investments," he says. "I had experience in all of these things walking in the door on day one."

He says that despite changes in the investment world, the skills taught in the KWPMP will always set students up for success.

"I have seen many first-year students come through my doors quiet and intimidated, only to meet them a year later with some job experience, some stock pitches under their belts and confidence to take on the world they are about to enter," he says. "This comes from hard work, tenacity and a drive to succeed. It’s a wonderful thing to watch."

Calvin Truchon, BComm 19, Sovereign Credit Associate, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ)

Calvin Truchon says he noticed the most driven and ambitious students at John Molson were in the KWPMP and felt he would fit in there.

“I think the program stands out by the quality of its mentorship and internship network, the hands-on experience you acquire during your two years in the program and the tight knit nature of the cohorts,” he says.

He says KW program students who intern at CDPQ get hands-on experience as part of the deal team, conducting research and analysis of issuers in the public markets and getting involved in big projects to improve a team’s investment process. They’re also invited to meetings with CDPQ leaders to learn more about the firm and the pension industry.

“The KW students I’ve met since graduating have shown a keen interest in our field and a level of knowledge that is impressive, especially considering how young they are,” he says. “This is a result of the real-life experience students glean from the program’s classes, as well as the opportunity to work as research associates and fund managers. This, coupled with the network of industry mentors in the program, makes KWPMP students stand out in job interviews.”

Raphael Iliopoulos, BComm 23, Analyst, Natural Resources, PSP Investments

Raphael Iliopoulos recalls attending seminars hosted by the John Molson Investment Society during his first year of university. This is where he heard insights from KWPMP students on industries, companies and financial markets.

"I was very impressed by their knowledge, especially given they were only a year or two older than me," he says. "This sparked my desire to follow in their footsteps and join the program. In addition, the KWPMP offered a unique opportunity to embark on a two-year journey of managing a real-life portfolio. The chance to gain practical, hands-on experience in investing was another key factor that motivated me to apply."

Iliopoulos echoes his fellow KWPMP graduates in stressing how much the program prepared him for his current role. The program also gave him an opportunity to connect with a particular mentor for an entire year – Christian Bonneau. As Christian was able to observe Raphael’s abilities and see his potential, this translated to a full-time job at PSP for Raphael.

"The program guided me through the process of creating investment reports, building financial models, refining my presentation skills and improving my ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously – all of which closely align with the demands of a professional setting," he says.

He says students who intern at PSP Investments are fully immersed in the pension fund, working on industry reports, helping monitor portfolio companies and performing financial analyses.

As a recent graduate, Iliopoulos believes the KWPMP continues to provide the necessary skills required to succeed despite changes in the industry.

"To maintain the program’s long-term success, it is essential for students to actively engage with industry events and stay informed on emerging trends," he says.

"Ultimately, the KWPMP distinguishes itself through its stellar reputation, mentorship opportunities, and hands-on experience, making it a standout choice for those looking to pursue careers in investment management."

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