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New and revised policies

Take the time to review important Concordia policies.
September 13, 2011

Concordia University has a number of policies, covering topics such as behaviour, student life and academics, human resources and employee relations, operations, safety and security. Policies are important because they guide the university’s practice and help ensure our compliance with laws, regulations and government requirements.

It is your responsibility as a member of the Concordia community to be aware of the existence of these policies and to be familiar with those policies that are relevant to your activities.

As we begin the start of a new academic year, I would like to bring to your attention several new or modified policies that were adopted in 2010-11 up to and including August 1, 2011. These include the revised code of ethics and safe disclosure policy for employees and new policies regarding academic visitors and minors on campus, the accommodation of religious observance for students, food and beverages served on campus and safety related to magnetic fields.

I encourage you to take the time to review these policies — many of them are applicable across the Concordia community and may affect your department or unit. You will find a list of all official university policies online (Official Policies by Sector) that serves as a valuable reference whenever you are wondering whether Concordia has a policy on a particular subject.

Code of Ethics

Revised: BD-4 - Code of Ethics and Safe Disclosure Policy Applicable to Employees of Concordia University
This policy has undergone a major revision. The purpose of this code is to establish the rules of conduct respecting conflicts of interest applicable to the employees of the university as well as to provide a protected disclosure mechanism by which directors, officers and employees acting in good faith can disclose wrongdoing within Concordia.

Booking Events on Campus

New: VPS-7 - Policy on Food or Beverage Service on University Space
Concordia recognizes that the service of food or beverage fulfills an important social as well as nutritional function in the community life of the university. The university further recognizes the diverse food needs of its community. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the service of food or beverage is done in a safe and responsible manner.

Revised: VPS-3 - Policy on the Sale and Service of Alcohol on University Premises
This policy outlines the framework for the sale and service of alcohol on Concordia’s premises and also seeks to promote and ensure responsible, safe and respectful use of alcohol on university premises.

Respecting Rights of Students

New: PRVPAA-1 - Policy for Students on the Accommodation of Religious Observances
In accordance with applicable legislation including the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms R.S.Q., chapter C-12, this policy outlines how scheduling accommodations for religious beliefs, observances and obligations (“religious observances”) must be made for students in the context of evaluative exercises set out in course outlines.

Addressing Academic Visitors, Minors on Campus

New: VPRGS-10 – Policy on Academic Visitors
Concordia University regularly welcomes academic visitors from other institutions and research centres. Academic visitors come to the university, at the invitation of a department, school, faculty or research unit for reasons including but not limited to, conducting research in a university facility, collaborating with university researchers on specific projects, and observing faculty research. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the status of the academic visitor at the university and the rights and responsibilities of both the academic visitor and the university are clearly set out in writing. 

New: VPS-8 - Policy Concerning Minors on Campus
On a regular basis, but primarily during the summer months, a variety of community and/or children’s programs are offered at Concordia University, including but not limited to day camps, music courses and sports activities. The university, therefore, regularly welcomes children (or minors, as defined below) onto the campus and seeks to ensure that both children and the university are adequately protected. This policy does not apply to the small number of Concordia University students who may, for a short time at the beginning of their studies, be minors.

Promoting Environmental Health and Safety

New: VPS-54 - Magnetic Field Safety Policy
Concordia is committed to providing a safe research, teaching and work environment. All persons working with or near strong magnetic fields or occupying university space with potentially elevated magnetic fields must comply with this policy. This policy is of particular interest to all research units.

Ensuring Safety

Revised: VPS-49 - Emergency Evacuation and Fire Policy
In the case of an emergency on university property requiring evacuation, the procedure for evacuation referred to in this policy shall be followed. The evacuation procedures will be in compliance with federal, provincial and municipal regulations and generally accepted standards regarding emergency response.

Ensuring Administrative Best Practices

New: VPS-32 - Policy on Computer Provisioning
This policy sets out university-wide standards for computer provisioning in order to reduce the cost of ownership and to provide reliable information technology support to university faculty and staff members.

New: BD- 14 - Policy on Enterprise Risk Management
This policy articulates Concordia’s approach to risk management, and sets forth the roles of the Board of Governors, the administration, and their various committees.

Revised: BD-13 – Policy on the Internal Audit Function
This policy has undergone a major revision to reflect best practices in the field.

Revised Guidelines – Decision-making and Access to Information

Rules of Natural Justice
The Office of the General Counsel has updated the Handbook for Members of University Tribunals and Administrative Decision-Making Bodies. It provides guidelines for observing the rules of natural justice and the duty to act fairly.

Access to Information Guidelines
The Office of the General Counsel has updated the guidelines that aim to demystify the Access to Information Act for members of the university community. These guidelines selectively focus on those elements and procedures contained in the Act, which are most relevant and most likely to apply in the university context.

Me Bram Freedman
Vice-President, Institutional Relations and Secretary-General



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