Want to build a rocket, or just a great student club?

The Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL) is dedicated to supporting student success, both on and off campus. Its voting membership includes students, faculty, student service administrators and staff.
The committee is behind a range of special events and initiatives, including the CCSL Special Project Fund. Awarded twice a year, the fund is open to all students and student groups. It aims to propel student-led initiatives that engage the student body socially, politically, educationally or culturally. The fall deadline application is October 9, 2015, at 5 p.m.
Last year the CCSL approved $124,347 worth of funding, which supported 112 projects.
The council has subsidized all kinds of proposals, including the Political Science Students Association's debate team and Space Concordia’s rocket-building project, which allowed students to represent the university at the Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition.
Konrad Obritzhauser, vice-president of finance with Space Concordia, says the money from the CCSL Special Project Fund was essential in helping the Rocketry Division team to win second place in the Space Dynamics Laboratory Payload Challenge. “It also allowed us to jump-start further innovative projects for students interested in astronautical engineering,” he added.
Last year, the CCSL also funded Concordia’s Farmers’ Market, the Art Education Graduate Symposium, the Engineering and Commerce Case Competition, and helped send members of the Concordia Committee for International Relations and Diplomacy to the National Model African Union Conference, where they won a prize.
Lauren Broad, assistant to the dean of Students, says the CCSL Special Project Fund covers a huge variety of undertakings, from bringing in guest speakers to financing publications and symposiums. “We support small-scale initiatives as well as large-scale ones, and can award anywhere from $200 to over $5,000.”
She notes student groups without a budget can turn to the CCSL for funding in order to help them stay active and visible on campus.
The CCSL’s subcommittee reviews projects requesting less than $5,000. Any groups or individuals seeking larger sums must present their proposals in front of the entire council.
Learn more about the CCSL and apply for the CCSL Special Project Fund.