Don’t miss these important deadlines!

The fall term will soon be upon us and it will be full steam ahead with course work. As you begin to tackle your readings and assignments, make sure to keep an eye on these key deadlines.
Registering and dropping courses
The last day to register or make section changes for courses starting this fall is September 21, 2020.
The deadline for dropping a course without having to pay for it, and without it appearing on your academic record is also September 21, 2020. This is called the “Did Not Enter” or “DNE” deadline.
Students who drop their courses after the DNE date will receive a Discontinued (DISC) notation on their record and will be responsible for full payment of the tuition and other associated fees. The last day for academic withdrawal from a course (DISC) is November 9, 2020.
See how to swap and drop courses on your SIS student hub.
Are you on a waitlist for a class?
The last day to add yourself to a waitlist is the day of the DNE deadline. The waitlist process will be running until 4 p.m. on September 21, 2020.
This means that you may be automatically enrolled in your waitlisted classes until that time due to other students swapping and dropping courses on the DNE deadline. Therefore, please pay attention to your position on the waitlist.
If you are satisfied with your current schedule and no longer wish to be waitlisted for a class, be sure to remove your name from the waitlist. Once the DNE deadline has passed, any course for which you are waitlisted in this term will be removed.
Paying your tuition and fees
Tuition and other fees for the 2020 Fall term are due on November 1, 2020. This tuition fee deadline is later than usual due to the significant impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the financial situation of many students.
The late fee of $77.50 and interest will only be applied to your account if you have not paid your tuition and other fees by November 30th, 2020.
It’s important to remember that it can take three to five business days for your financial institution or bank to process your payment. There are several convenient methods to pay your fees.
You can confirm the balance owing on your account in the My Student Centre by clicking on account inquiry.
Applying for special project funding?
The Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL) makes funds available for projects that enhance or contribute to the quality of student life at the university.
The fund is designed to support innovative and unique activities: events, projects or initiatives that raise awareness or engage the student body in a social, political, educational or cultural context. Find more details on the Dean of Students web page.
Find out more about the fall 2020 academic dates.