Labour Day: what’s open, what’s closed at Concordia

No classes or other instructional activities will occur on Labour Day, which takes place Monday, September 4.
Only staff, faculty and graduate students with appropriate Concordia-issued identification will have access to offices, studios and laboratories. Undergraduate students needing access will require a letter from their respective departments.
- Concordia Retail Stores
- Campus Wellness and Support Services
- Health Services
- Access Centre for Students with Disabilities (ACSD)
- Counselling and Psychological Services (CPS)
- Shuttle buses
Athletic facilities
- The PERFORM Centre Gym and the Ed Meagher Arena (Loyola Campus) will both be closed.
- Le Gym (Sir George Williams Campus) will be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The R. Howard Webster and Georges P. Vanier libraries as well as the Grey Nuns Reading Room will be closed.
Food and beverage services
- The Grey Nuns Dining Hall and the Buzz Dining Hall will remain open during regular business hours.
- All other food service locations will be closed.
- Parking in the J.W. McConnell Building (LB) will be closed.
- Loyola Campus and Faubourg Building (FB) parking will remain open as per regular hours.
Tunnel access
- Tunnels on the Sir George Williams Campus will follow the regular weekend schedule.
Going away for the long weekend? Visit Concordia’s travel safety web page.