8 Concordia resources to help you stay safe on and off campus

For decades, we’ve been told to call 911 if faced with an emergency. On both the Loyola and Sir George Williams campuses there is a second number to remember, and it’s one you should probably use first if there’s an emergency inside a university building.
Call 514-848-3717 for Campus Security
When you call Campus Security, you have access to a 911 operator through one of the university dispatchers. That means you have help directing ambulance technicians, police or firefighters to an exact location — not always easy when you consider that Concordia is made up of more than 60 buildings, many with multiple floors and corridors.
It’s a good idea to enter the number for Security into your phone contacts: 514-848-3717. If you have access to an internal phone, you can simply dial extension 3717.
Mandatory training on preventing sexual violence
All members of the Concordia community must complete an online training module on sexual violence awareness and prevention by October 4. It’s required by law and by the university.
Themes include:
- Understanding what constitutes sexual violence and the myths and realities surrounding the issue
- Learning how to ask for informed consent and how to ensure that it is mutual, voluntary and ongoing
- Understanding how power dynamics complicate consent
- Learning when and how to intervene as a bystander if you witness behaviours that could escalate to sexual violence
- Learning how to support people who have experienced sexual violence
The training also provides information about processes and policies related to sexual violence, including resources available on and off campus.
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, the Sexual Assault Resource Centre is there to help.
Be among the first to know with Rave Guardian
If you haven’t done so already, download the Rave Guardian app on your smartphone. It’s a free alert system that sends push notifications if there is a significant campus incident.
The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. It’s quick to install, takes minimal storage and doesn’t require significant data transfer. Once downloaded:
- Open the app and enter your cellphone number to receive a verification code by text
- Enter your Concordia email address. You will receive your verification code by email.
You also need a data connection or Wi-Fi signal to receive the notifications. Don’t forget to update the app so that it functions properly in an emergency.
Checking in on those working alone
Whether you’re working late in the lab or a serious morning bird, you may want to check out Checkmate. The service is available to those working or studying alone on campus between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
On the days you want to use it, you can register at the nearest security desk or online. You indicate the hours that you plan to work and Checkmate calls or texts you hourly. If you don’t respond, a security agent is dispatched to your location to check on you.
You can learn more about Checkmate online, at 514-848-3717 or by visiting a campus security desk.
Be aware — move with care
Both the Loyola and Sir George Williams campuses are situated along busy streets. Whether you are using them as a pedestrian, cyclist or driver, you should do so safely.
Concordia’s Security Department has some tips and reminders. They include:
- Putting down your mobile devices until you are off the street
- Respecting traffic lights — including pedestrian signals
- Yielding the right of way to pedestrians, even as a cyclist
If you don’t respect Quebec road regulations, police can ticket you.
Think before you post
Social media can be both fun and useful. Aside from sharing with friends and family, it can help you connect with fellow students, collaborators and potential employers. However, social media missteps can lead to major issues, including identity theft or reputational damage.
So what’s the easiest way to ensure you don’t damage your academic or career future? Think before you post.
For best practices and university policies, read Concordia’s Social Media Handbook.
Theft prevention tips
Prevention begins with you. Keep your valuables in sight, carry only what you need and take note of the people around you. If you need to step away from your study space to chat on the phone, bring your valuables with you, including your laptop! Don’t rely on strangers to watch your belongings — they may be distracted by their own studying.
If you notice any suspicious activity on campus, please call Campus Security at 514-848-3717.
Proper password protection
Choosing strong passwords and changing them regularly help keep your personal information from those who might abuse it. Remember, never share any passwords — including your Concordia netname password. Also resist the temptation to write them down. Use a password for your Concordia account that is different from your other accounts like online banking and social media.
Find out how to change your Concordia Netname password and learn more about IT security.