Condoms — for free!

At Concordia
You do not need to spend your money on condoms while you are a student at Concordia. There are places on campus where you can get condoms, lube, and other safer sex supplies - for free! These places are funded by student fees.
Healthy YOU at CU!: Free condoms and lube distributed at Health Services' outreach table during during fall and winter terms; different locations around campus.
Health Services: Pick up condoms from your health professional during in-person appointments at the clinic (both campuses), or from the waiting room.
Concordia Student Union: Condoms and lube available at the front desk; both campuses.
Centre for Gender Advocacy: Distribution of free condoms (including latex-free condoms), gloves, lube and dental dams
By drop in and by appointment: see this page for hours.
Zen Dens: Pick up free condoms, menstrual supplies, and more from the wellness shelves when the Peer Wellness Ambassadors are on shift (scroll down to schedule)
- GM-300.22
- MB-5.285
- H-928
- EV-2.781
- Loyola-CC-403
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC): Pick up free condoms.
LB-720 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Frigo Vert: Distribution of free safer sex and safer drug use supplies: "We have condoms, lube, screens, pipes, sterile water, and information booklets free to take from our bathroom."
1440 Rue Mackay
Sex and Self Concordia maintains the Wellness Pantry, also in Le Frigo Vert (see above). They offer safe-sex items as well as menstrual products, gender affirming gear, and pleasure-based accessories, free of charge. Further, they provide students with comprehensive sexual education seminars, workshops, events, and resources.
Queer Concordia: Lube, condoms, dental dams, gloves.
Downtown: PR-Annex room 302
Hours: See their Insta for their office hours.
In the community
We recommend you call before you go.
Head and Hands (NDG)
Condoms and lube are free and can be picked up at any time during open hours.
3465 ave Benny
Monday to Friday (see their page for up-to-date hours)
You know other locations that have free condom distribution? Contact our health promotion specialists so we can add it to the list and spread the word!