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FundOne brings projects to life

New crowdfunding platform open to Concordians seeking funding for university-based projects
November 6, 2014
By Louise Morgan

A few bucks from a lot of folks adds up fast.

That’s the idea behind crowdfunding: harnessing the power of digital communications to generate  donations from many people who believe in a project.

Concordia’s own crowdfunding platform — called FundOne — is ready to help researchers, faculty, staff and students raise money.

Launched last summer, FundOne provides the tools for Concordians to tap their own networks and ask for a small contribution toward a larger project goal.

What’s the benefit?

FundOne provides a simple, secure infrastructure for Concordians to accept donations for small-scale projects.

It’s easy for project leaders to spread the word about their initiative via email or social media. And it’s easy for donors to give with confidence. Each donation is eligible for a charitable tax receipt from Concordia.

Even if the project’s goal exceeds funds raised, 100 per cent of donations go to the project in question.

What kinds of projects qualify?

FundOne initiatives must support the university’s mission to educate, advance research and enhance student life. They must be based at the university, with a Concordia staff or faculty member to administer the funds.

Qualifying projects may benefit cultural or research initiatives, community assistance programs, athletics teams, educational equipment, extracurricular activities, fellowships and student awards — the possibilities are virtually endless.

Among FundOne projects, to date, are Alternative Spring Break, the District 3 Makerspace, the Concordia Society of Automotive Engineers competition fund, and several named scholarships and bursaries.

Power in individuals

“The key to a successful FundOne project is reaching out to friends, colleagues and other connections to ask for funding,” says FundOne coordinator Sophie Johnson, a development officer in Advancement and Alumni Relations.

“We offer the infrastructure and tips on how to craft communications that help secure donations and it’s up to the project teams to get out there and convince their networks to support them.”

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