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Florian Grond,PhD, is an Assistant professor, media artist, and sonic interaction designer. His research interests are participatory design in the context of disability,the arts, immersive media, and assistive technology. He has published in the fields of sound studies, auditory display, assistive technology design,immersive sound recording, sonic ethnographies and art and disability. He has been an independent media artist for many years, exhibiting his works at several venues (Europe, North America, and Japan). When connecting design and disability, he draws from his creative practice as an artist and technologist.Over the last years, he has started collaborations with colleagues with disabilities from academia and the arts, resulting in research output, artistic creations, and exhibition curating. Before joining Concordia faculty, he held a post-doctoral appointment at Concordia, where he was part of the Critical Disability Studies Working Group. He further received a post-doctoral research-creation scholarship B5 from FRQSC, which he held at CIRMMT, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, McGill. Grond has supervised various engineering capstone projects and taught a course on sonic boundary objects, a method using immersive sound recording techniques for blindethnographies, developed with blind literary scholar Dr. Piet Devos, a post-doctoral fellow at Concordia University at that time. Grond was a research associate in the Shared Reality Lab at McGill after spending two years in the Sound Recording Department of the Schulich School of Music. He was the first to record with a 6-degrees-of-freedom sound recording system in several projects at McGill University and later in independent productions. Grond has several years of experience and published in 3D sound recording (microphone arrays) and immersive sound reproduction. He also worked as creative sound engineer and research lead for ZYLIA, a company that produces microphone arrays for sound recording in AR and VR applications.

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