Nesreen Galal
Glimpses of Egypt, Syria and Kuwait

Artist statement
A time pre-civil war
A time when I had my parakeets in Kuwait: Sinson and Toti
A time when I see used to see my grandparents every year
A time when my dad was still alive
A time when my grandma was still alive
A time when I used to see the beautiful scenery in Sharm El Sheik — شرم الشيخ
A time when I used to navigate through my grandparents’ neighbourhood Dummar — دُمَّر
A time when I used to wait to eat my grandma’s food
What a time.
Glimpses of Egypt, Syria and Kuwait was done for my independent study, experimenting with risoprinting, I wanted to try out stop-motion with the process of printmaking. Printed as dual-tone images; in pink and blue, in blue and red, in red and yellow, in yellow and pink; these shots were taken when I was a kid. I wanted to re-use my old footage of when my love for art started, when I received a digital camera on my tenth birthday. I found my camera not long ago. This project is a gift to my younger self. Following the situation occurring in Gaza, I was inspired by the collective memories of my upbringing.
Arab people living in Canada, far away from their families and pets, get nostalgic for the sceneries from our countries: such as the beaches in the Arabian gulf and the Red Sea. Some collective food memory, like “el sufra” which means the dining table, are a huge deal in the Arab community, as it is a time to sit down and spend it with our family especially during Ramadan. I added two sequences about it as I found it fascinating that the word Sufra comes from the Semitic root “s-f-r,” associated with sweeping motions and with journeys (also giving rise to the word borrowed into English as safari). According to E. W. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, the basic meaning of the word was 'food that is prepared for the traveler ... or for a journey.' This resonated with me as someone nostalgic for the countries I have lived in and try to go back to often. I feel like I am a traveler and a tourist in my own countries, as I never lived in Egypt and Syria, but my parents are from there, and I lived in Kuwait but never felt Kuwaiti enough. I always say I look Syrian, but I don’t speak like one, and I sound Egyptian, but I don’t look like one. I use art to navigate my identity and find my place.
Artist’s biography
Nesreen's artistic practice resides at the crossroads of memory exploration and identity deconstruction. She often examines and deconstructs the multifaceted layers of identity within a capitalist, male-dominated society, questioning the distinction between the true self and the persona constructed under societal scrutiny. Central to her work is an exploration of memory and its subjective nature, considering the distortions inherent in recollection and the physicality of memory archiving.
Nesreen employs a diverse range of mediums to articulate these themes, with a particular focus on performance art, printmaking, photography, video, design, and collage. Her approach is experimental and often involves a fusion of digital and analogue techniques, resulting in mixed-media creations that challenge traditional artistic boundaries.