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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

ARTH 351 Studies in the History of Sculpture: Animals in Contemporary Sculpture

  • Fridays, 11:45am-2:15pm
  • EV-1-615
  • Instructor: Professor Laurie Milner


In this course, we will study recent (1960-today) sculpture projects, exhibitions and events in which non-human species and the ecosystems of which they are part are represented, acknowledged, incorporated, allied with, or otherwise deployed by contemporary Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists. As animal species and their worlds are increasingly endangered, artists have been joining with fellow intellectuals and activists to disrupt patterns of anthropic thought, enact healing practices, and deepen our understanding of the interconnected and interdependent nature of human and non-human relations. We will engage with some of the many propositions and projects on the topic that have been put forward by artists as well as scholars working in the fields of art history, Indigenous studies, philosophy, animal studies, anthropology and ethology. Readings, presentations by guest artists and video recordings will provide a rich fount of material to be discussed and debated in video-lectures, synchronous class meetings, breakout sessions and discussion board conversations, and further explored in individual and group projects. 

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