Ida Zhang

Photo by Bianca Gonzalez
Ida is the mentor for you, if you are interested in: Art Education, teaching English as a second language or community engagement work.
Ida is an art educator working as an English teacher at L'Ancre des Jeunes, a community center in Montreal where at-risk youth are offered alternative schooling. She utilizes her expertise in both EAL and Art Education to design classes and projects that empower students to build their own tools of communication and self-expression. L'Ancre offers students a well-rounded environment where they benefit from academic, artistic and psychosocial support in order to grow through self-discovery and community participation.
Ida holds an undergraduate degree in Art Education from Concordia University. She left the country after graduation to teach English in Japan where she caught the travel bug. She then joined a voyage on Peace Boat, an international NGO working to promote peace, sustainability and human rights.
She is fascinated with all mediums of visual storytelling and loves handicrafts, both making them and learning about their cultural histories. She believes in the teaching power of communities and in the therapeutic power of the arts.