Alicia Fortier

Alicia is the mentor for you if you are interested in: Video game design, UX/UI design, accessibility of technology.
Alicia Fortier has been a game designer for the last 8 years. She started her career at Ubisoft Montreal in 2014, working on interdisciplinary teams for AAA projects such as For Honor, Discovery Tour Ancient Greece, and Rainbow 6 Extraction. She is currently Lead Game Designer at Spry Fox, a small indie studio that works to create games to improve player's lives.
As a designer she has primarily worked on large teams and taken on multiple specialities. She has developed expertise in UI/UX design, community engagement, progression design, accessibility, and online features. She has also been teaching game design and game production courses at the Montreal campus of Champlain College of Vermont over the last 6 years.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Computation Arts Specialisation in 2014, receiving the Computation Arts prize. CART allowed her to go deeper in her learning and take on more experimental projects such as with Arduino and motion controls. She participated in the first iteration of the Pixelles Game Incubator which allowed her to discover her love of game design and has since participated in over 15 game jams.
She is passionate about accessibility of technology and has given multiple workshops with non-profit organizations such as Pixelles and Youth Fusion to share core design knowledge and skills