Alessia Signorino

About the Artist
Alessia Signorino is an Italo-Argentinian that currently calls Tio’tia:ke/Montreal home. She graduated in Design with a Minor in Computation Arts from Concordia University. Through her art practice, she strives to create new platforms for human connection and empathy. By creating opportunities for sharing moments together, her artworks celebrate playfulness, curiosity, heritage and the human psyche. Her interdisciplinary artistic practice spans from object-making in various mediums such as wood, metal, textiles and digital fabrication, in addition to circuitry, programming and graphic design. Her work has been exhibited in VAV Art Gallery, the Design and Computation Arts Year End Show and published in Interfold Magazine. Signorino is the recipient of a 2019 Elspeth McConnell Fine Arts Award.
Lost in Compression, 2020, digital animation, 2 minutes
About the Work
The artwork that I’ve created during this residency is called Lost in Compression. The piece deals with themes of memory, classism, resilience and intergenerational trauma. I approached frame manipulation of moving symbols that represent my grandmothers. The degradation of the image addresses theories of historically unresolved grief. What does it entail to process artefacts of one’s ancestors? My intention was to explore the contrast between two individuals that have shaped the following generations with their abuse, as well as to piece together fragments of their perplexing past. This piece links back to themes I’ve previously explored such as heritage and mental health, but with a particular interest in the material traces of oral history.
Special thank you to Marie-Christiane Mathieu for her mentorship and support during the residency.