Alfred Muszynski

About the Artist
Alfred Muszynski is an artist and curator based in Montreal/Tiohtià:ke. He holds a BFA in Studio Arts from Concordia University since 2021 and has curated exhibitions for Art Matters, Artch, Art Souterrain and Le Livart. His artistic practice stretches over both traditional art forms and new technologies. He is interested in the research of video games and digital culture as they relate to anthropology, visual language and mythmaking. His work was most recently featured in the Do Not Research exhibit at Lower Cavity (Holyoke, MA) and he recently curated Under a Sun of Lead and Mercury at Fais-Moi L’Art. His first solo exhibition is set to take place in June 2023 at the Centre Culturel Georges Vanier.
When our streets and public squares feel more and more like liminal spaces meant to get us from point A to point B, online worlds can become safe havens where we can loiter, play and regroup. Agora is a two-channel video exploring the downtown district of GTA V and the meta layering of public spaces caused by digital media. This project, rooted in virtual flanâge, explores the existence of a digital public realm, in this case, represented by a video game open world. It also explores the role of streaming and spectatorship in the creation of new public spaces.