2023 Artch Workshop Series
We are thrilled to renew Art Volt’s collaboration with Artch to offer another series of in-person and online professional training workshops this summer. Artch is an initiative whose mission is to identify, educate and disseminate the work of emerging Quebec contemporary artists.
How to Register
These workshops are available to students registered for graduation and/or to recent alumni who have graduated from Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, within the last three years.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
To register, please email the following details to artvolt@concordia.ca:
Year of graduation
Program and department (ex: BFA, Art History)
Please specify the workshop(s) you would like to attend.
Please include a proof of graduation (your diploma or a screen capture of your graduation approval status from your Student Hub).
FRENCH - Friday, May 19th – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Eric Dufresne-Arbique
ENGLISH - Friday, May 19th – 2pm to 5pm, with naakita feldman-kiss
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
This workshop will explore different tools and techniques to help artists as they write about their practice and their artworks. The session will work toward crafting two texts for the promotion and dissemination of their work: the artist statement and the artist bio. There will be an overview of uses and purposes of these texts, different formats and examples, several writing exercises, and time enough to draft. After the session, artists will be invited to share their writing with the workshop leader for edits and suggestions to support them as they finalize their texts. By the end of the training, artists will have creative and succinct artist statements and bios to support their practices.
BILINGUAL- Friday, May 26th – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Hughes Charbonneau
IN PERSON - Galerie Hugues Charbonneau, 372 Sainte-Catherine Street West, Space 508, Montreal, QC
Choosing the appropriate gallery for your needs can change the trajectory of your artistic career. But how do you discern the different gallery models? What is the role of the gallery owner? What form might an ideal professional relationship between artist and gallery owner take? How have galleries evolved in a context of globalization and digitalization of promotional tools? Gallery owner Hugues Charbonneau will answer the questions posed by the participating artists by using concrete examples. His objectives is to help participants avoid traps, to instead create positive partnerships with galleries.
ENGLISH - Friday, June 23rd – 2pm to 5pm, with Amber Berson
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
Join us as we learn to navigate through the confusing world of grant-writing! This is an introductory information session, where Berson will be guiding us through the funding opportunities available via the various councils and funding bodies.
*Please note that the grants that will be discussed during the workshop are unfortunately only available to folks with Canadian citizenship. We welcome everyone to attend the workshop, however, as the skills covered can be transferred to other funding sources and models.
ENGLISH - Friday, June 2nd – 2pm to 5pm, with Lan “Florence” Yee
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
This workshop will help participants understand their options for online engagement in order to grow your support and opportunities. It can be intimidating to navigate online spaces, especially when we are thinking of it solely as a means to an end. This workshop will guide participants through their options to integrate online engagement with their emerging artist practice in sustainable ways. Instead of aiming towards numbers-oriented goals of ‘promotion,’ ‘marketing,’ and ‘selling yourself,’ engagement can be centered around finding like-minded creatives, supporting each other, and maintaining community connections. These are the shifts in the workshop leader’s perspective as someone who isn’t a commercial artist, but who does need to have support and make a living.
The workshop will introduce proactive steps that can be taken by participants ahead of sharing work, such as documentation, inventory, and formatting. The workshop will also address ideas of “authenticity” that are assumed online and how to establish the boundaries necessary to continue engaging without burning out. Finally, this workshop will demonstrate how maintaining a presence online can be a way to share resources, exchange marginalized knowledge, and keep each other accountable.
FRENCH - Friday, June 9th – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Kama La Mackerel
ENGLISH - Friday, June 30th – 2pm to 5pm, with Kama La Mackerel
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
In this workshop, at once theoretical and practical, we will analyze different power dynamics in the ways in which they play out in the arts and cultural fields, and in society at large. Through different exercises, we will develop personal and collective strategies to challenge them.
FRENCH - Friday, June 9th – 2pm to 5pm, with Bianca Pietracupa
ENGLISH - Friday, June 16th – 2pm to 5pm, with Bianca Pietracupa
While being an artist is and has always been a creative endeavor, the business of art requires an in-depth understanding of intellectual property rights attached to artistic works and how best to monetise them. This workshop aims to educate participants on the common intellectual property issues that artists face. We will explore copyright law and how artists might claim or run afoul of its protections.
FRENCH - Tuesday, June 13th – 9am to 12pm with the RCAAQ
ENGLISH - Friday, June 16th – 9:30am to 12:30pm with the RCAAQ
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
Artist-run centers are non-profit organizations operated by artists for artists. Promoting the values of participation, experimentation and innovation, the main activity of these institutions is to encourage the production of artworks, their promotion and research in contemporary art. All this, in spaces that exist outside of commercial structures, independent of the imperatives of the art market. They offer artists spaces, equipment, services and specialized resources, they propose reflection, training, and professionalization activities, and welcome artists for residencies and production projects.
ENGLISH - Tuesday, June 20th – 9:30am to 12:00pm, with Chris Enns, from Rags to Reasonable
FRENCH - Friday, June 30th – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Julie Picard
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
Are your finances a major source of stress? In this workshop, we’ll talk about the fundamentals of finance and how to start building a financial technique. We’ll work with tools that help connect your money to what really matters, manage money when your income is variable, and strategies to pay off debt/save for the big things you’re working towards.
BILINGUAL- Tuesday, June 27th – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Hughes Charbonneau
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
Hugues Charbonneau will animate a workshop developed for performing artists. The conversation will be illustrated by concrete examples of performance projects that have been presented in collaboration with international institutions and biennials. The sale of performance artworks and the protocols for reactivating artworks will also be explored. The main objective of this workshop will be to equip artists to better control the environment in which their artworks are created, distributed and re-activated.
FRENCH - Friday, July 7th – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Gabrielle Bouchard
ENGLISH - Friday, July 7th – 2pm to 5pm, with Gabrielle Bouchard
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
This workshop will provide an introduction to the ways in which the art market operates and the criteria that set the price of an artwork. This workshop will be an opportunity to analyze the factors determining the market value of a work (artist’s CV, nature of the work, production costs, prices charged by competition, etc.) and to identify the various factors that influence the art market. Participants will have some time to reflect on the criteria used to assess the monetary value of their work and they will be better equipped to set their own price list. The first part of the training will take the form of a lecture, followed by a discussion during which the participants will be invited to assess the value of their own work based on the art market standards discussed previously.
FRENCH ONLY - Friday, June 23rd – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Cloé Pluquet
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
Meta is a powerful and vast tool! This workshop will attempt to demystify Meta by bringing in concrete tools for creation and management.The ultimate goal being to optimize your workflows, as well as reach and grow your desired audience.
FRENCH ONLY - Friday, July 14th – 2pm to 5pm with Cloé Pluquet
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
What is the purpose of translating art into printed matter? How can one represent their artistic vision in an editorial format without losing the essence of the work? How does one communicate with a publisher? Where does one distribute this publication and how can it co-exist with the artist's physical work? All these questions will be answered in this workshop!
ENGLISH ONLY - Friday, July 28th – 9:30am to 12:30pm, with Michelle Lacombe
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
“Action Art”, a discipline that includes performance and all its derivatives and is more often than not showcased in DIY context. However, a growing interest for this interdisciplinary type of art practice now means that artists in Québec are being invited to showcase their works in a variety of venues and spaces. This workshop will address what to expect when presenting “Action Art” in these diverse contexts.
FRENCH ONLY - Friday, July 28th – 2pm to 5pm, with Janna Yotte
IN PERSON - Carrefour Jeunesse emploi Montréal centre-ville: 460 Sainte-Catherine St W bureau 602, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A7
Mental health is too often neglected or outright ignored when it comes to the creative process. Although it is easy to minimize the impact it can have in the short term, a lack of tools and mental health hygiene is very often what weakens an artist, his art and his career in the long term. It is therefore essential to learn to identify personal limitations and certain precursory signs. In this workshop, we will clarify what can compromise your mental health, how to prevent it at different stages of production and establish what tools are available to us if it is time to heal. We will also identify your priorities and compromises that will guide you in establishing career goals that are adapted to your desires and reality.