Winter 2025 Workshop Series
Our winter workshop series is here! Register now for a series of online and in-person workshops presented by Art Volt, in collaboration with Fantasia, 4th Space, and FutureBound.
A Practical Walk Through of the Next Steps After Producing a Film with the Fantasia International Film Festival Industry Team
Presented in Collaboration with Fantasia and 4th Space
IN PERSON - Wednesday, January 29th – 1:30pm to 2:45pm
4th Space Concordia, 1400 Maisonneuve Blvd W, Montreal
In this two part event, Tania Morissette, Deputy Director, and Becca McKay, Programming Manager, of the Fantasia International Film Festival will begin a step-by-step walkthrough of how to best prepare for the work that follows completing a film.
The discussion will address how to navigate the festival circuit (locally and internationally), provide an overview of film industry professionals in Quebec, explain the differences of sales vs. distribution, learn how to strategize releasing your film, the purpose of coproduction markets, and teach you how to pitch and network.
The purpose of this conversation is to help prepare up-and-coming filmmakers with the film industry landscape that follows completing a film; an industry that is hard to access for newcomers and is filled with knowledge that seldom gets passed down in public discussions. Not only will this conversation provide a detailed breakdown of the timeline necessary for better film visibility, the following event will go into further detail on each of these steps.
These workshops are open to current students, as well as recent alumni who have graduated from Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, within the last five years. To register, please email your name, program/department and year of graduation to
Rotating Table Discussions with Industry Professionals
IN PERSON - Wednesday, January 29th – 3:00pm to 4:30pm
4th Space Concordia, 1400 Maisonneuve Blvd W, Montreal
In the second part of the event, five industry professionals will join small rotating groups to discuss their work in greater detail and provide support for filmmakers negotiating the best approach to production, post-production, festivals, sales, and distribution.
These workshops are open to current students, as well as recent alumni who have graduated from Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, within the last five years. To register, please email your name, program/department and year of graduation to
Presented in collaboration with FutureBound
In English, with Johanne Pelletier
Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 – 12:00pm - 1:30pm
IN PERSON - Student Success Centre Workshop Room, H-771
What makes a good story? How can you use storytelling to have an impact on your communications? Storytelling is a skill you can practice and bring to networking events, job interviews, or time spent sharing personal stories among friends.
In this workshop you will learn what makes a good story, how to tell more compelling stories, and get tips that can help move ideas and anecdotes into stories that influence and inspire. You will have the opportunity to practice in a supportive, safe, and fun atmosphere and receive immediate feedback. Family events, public speaking opportunities, job interviews, presentations – all are opportunities to use stories to convey ideas. What is your story?
How to Register
This workshop is open to undergraduate students of Concordia University and recent alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Presented in Collaboration with FutureBound
In English, with Chris Ens
ONLINE - Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 - 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
As you plan for the next 5-10 years, your financial goals may grow. In this workshop, we’ll explore essential financial tools, including credit options (credit cards, lines of credit, mortgages), incorporation, investment accounts (RRSP, TFSA), and insurance (life, disability, critical illness). We'll talk about the basics of how they work and when you might want to use them with a specific focus on those of you who plan on being self-employed.
How to Register
This workshop is open to undergraduate students of Concordia University and recent alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Presented in Collaboration with FutureBound
In English, with Chris Ens
ONLINE - Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 - 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Are your finances a major source of stress? In this workshop, we’ll talk about the fundamentals of finance and how to start building a financial technique. We’ll work with tools that help connect your money to what really matters, manage money when your income is variable, and strategies to pay off debt/save for the big things you’re working towards.
How to Register
This workshop is open to undergraduate students of Concordia University and recent alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Presented in Collaboration with FutureBound
In English, with Alexandra Allen
ONLINE - Thursday, March 6th, 2025 - 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Designing and leading workshops is a valuable, transferable skill. Whether in school or the workplace, many people find themselves creating and facilitating learning experiences. But where should you begin?
In this hands-on session, you’ll create an outline for a workshop of your own.
How to Register
This workshop is open to undergraduate students of Concordia University and recent alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Presented in Collaboration with FutureBound
In English, by Rosalia Felice
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 - 12:00pm - 2:00pm
IN PERSON - Student Success Centre Workshop Room, H-771
Team meetings, brainstorming discussions, planning sessions, trainings, workshops, and other gatherings are not effective by accident. Often, their success is rooted in purposeful design and led by a skilled facilitator. Competent facilitators are adept at sensing group energies, ensuring active participation, managing varied group perspectives, catalyzing group dynamics, keeping discussions focused and driving towards workshop objectives. It’s no wonder that facilitation is increasingly in-demand by employers.
In this lively workshop, we will explore and practice proven strategies to master the essential skills of facilitation, equip you with a facilitation toolkit and support you in achieving your facilitation goals.
How to Register
This workshop is open to undergraduate students of Concordia University and recent alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Presented in Collaboration with the Creative Arts Therapies Department
In English, by Veronica Mockler
ONLINE - Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
What lies at the crux of participation? What does it mean to truly transform a monological situation into a dialogical one? Join artist Veronica Mockler as she invites you to experience what is at stake when the act of speaking and listening — however familiar these functions are to us — become manifestations of democracy. Through performance-based exercises that you can do from your computer, take part in this exploration of what it means to really take part, and apply these reflections to your practice, just as the artist does herself in her institutional transformations.
About Veronica Mockler
Veronica Mockler is an artist specializing in participatory dialogue. Her work, which investigates processes of shared authority, has been commissioned in various settings, including curated art spaces, government offices, community organizations, and universities. Her politically collaborative work explores the dialogic through forms such as video interviews among strangers from opposing backgrounds, collective documentaries in which subjects become authors, takeovers by youth, scores for walking and hard listening, guerrilla internships, performative public forums, controversial consultations, gate-openings, and workshop crusades within administrative strongholds. Drawing from art history, oral history, documentary practice, and the working-class roots of popular education, Mockler's work seeks to redefine who and how we can participate in the institutions of art, citizenship, and knowledge. Québec immigration and diversity state workers, tenant groups and city housing authorities, natural scientists in Europe, farmers and foresters in Japan, prisoners of war in the North of Ireland, teachers across Canada, and Montreal police force are among those whom Mockler’s dialogism has reached. For over two years, Mockler has held an artist-in-residence position at the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance at Concordia University, as part of the UNESCO Chair in the Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism. In this role, her arts-based research focuses on the challenges of institutional inclusion and class solidarity in the face of increasing global polarization.
How to Register
This workshop is open to students and recent alumni of Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts. Due to limited capacity, priority access will be given to students and alumni of the Creative Arts Therapies program. To register, please email your name, program/department and year of graduation to
In English, with Andras Csaszar
Friday, March 28th, 2025 - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
IN PERSON – EV 2.776 (Dean’s Office)
This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of safely packaging artworks for transportation. Participants will learn about handling techniques, what materials to use, and how to build safe packaging for various types of 2D and 3D artwork. Come learn from an expert and minimize the risks of damaging your artworks!
About Andras
With a background in visual arts, Andras Csaszar has extensive experience in art handling. While working for galleries, museums, collectors, institutions and art shipping companies, his abilities expanded to include tasks such as packing and unpacking artwork, installing exhibitions and individual works, transporting delicate pieces, and ensuring the safety and security of valuable artworks.
How to Register
This workshop is open to recent alumni of Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts. To register, please email your name, program/department and year of graduation to