The Concordia Arts in Health Centre
The Concordia Arts and Health Centre (CAiHC) provides accessible, research-based Creative Arts Therapies (CATs) services to the general public on campus and on site with inter-university and community partners.
Our supervised student interns provide therapeutic services in the fields of art therapy, dramatherapy, music therapy, and play therapy. We work with clients of all ages interested in working on a wide variety of health-related issues and/or ways they would like to grow personally.
This initiative grew from the Department’s desire to establish deeper roots in communities across Montreal and beyond, to broaden the range of our services to the public, and to provide accessible, inclusive and respectful creative arts therapies.
Creative expression and creative process through the arts provides innumerable avenues to improved health and well-being.
Our department works at the forefront of both research and practice in the Creative Arts Therapies. Concordia has been at the forefront of the development of these therapeutic disciplines in Canada and is known internationally as a leader. The CAiHC is fortunate that our onsite centre and community services benefit from the combined expertise of our faculty as well as our community partners and practitioners

Our vision is to provide Creative Arts Therapies services to the greater community, to establish an innovative, sustainable, systemic model of practice-based learning that is respectful of diversity and rooted in social justice, and to train our students in research and best practice-based work.

The mission of the Concordia Arts in Health Centre is to provide high-quality, accessible therapeutic services to the greater community as part of an experiential learning opportunity for our students in the Department of Creative Arts Therapies.

The foundational values for the CAiHC are: creativity, well-being, respect, healthy relationships, community, and social and ecological justice. These all stem from the core value of health. With its systemic approach, it will consider these values on an individual, family, community, institutional and ecological levels, including the relationships in between these. These values will inform every part of the CAiHC’s processes, from its internal functioning to the training and community service it will provide.