The Department of Contemporary Dance's cultural production is a reflection of its high standards, enduring commitment to excellence and innovation, and continued dedication to the belief that the human imagination is the heart and soul of all great art.

Improvisation I Fall Term Outcome
End-of-term showcase of new works by Second Year Majors in dance in our fully-equipped black box studio theatre.

Collaboration in Choreographic Practices Outcome
First Year students perform in the Contemporary Dance Department's Black Box March 13 & 14

Photo Credit: Liam Gover, Third Year Contemporary Dance BFA Major
Choreography II Outcome
Third Year Students perform in the Concordia Theatre March 21 to 23

Photo Credit: Kristina Hilliard, Contemporary Dance BFA Major Alumnus
Choreography I Outcome
Second Year students perform new works in the EV black box April 4 to 5