Dorel Feldman, PhD
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering

Office: | S-EV-6.403 Engineering and Visual Arts Complex, 1515 St. Catherine W. |
Phone: | (514) 848-2424 ext. 3202 |
Email: | |
For more than two decades Dr. Feldman has been a Professor of Engineering in the Department of Building, Civil & Environmental Engineering at Concordia University. His research interests are Polymers (plastics, adhesives, sealants etc.) as building materials and composites based on synthetic fibres.
Dr. Dorel Feldman is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Engineering. For more than two decades he has been a Professor of Engineering in the Department of Building, Civil & Environmental Engineering (formerly called the School for Building) of Concordia University.
Previously, he was professor of polymer technology in a Polytechnic Institute and served as manager of a polymerization sector in a research institute for macromolecular compounds.
Dr. Feldman has published and presented more than 250 research papers, obtained seventeen patents, co-authored five books, and authored himself another two.
American Chemical Society (Polymer Division), Society of Plastics Engineers (USA), The Institute of Materials (UK), FIMMM (Fellow Institute of Materials), Société Québécoise des Polymères.
Research in Transportation Engineering and Design
- Polymers (plastics, adhesives, sealants etc) as building materials
- Composites based on synthetic fibres
- Polymers and organic compounds for energy conservation
Teaching activities
Courses taught
- Polymer technology
- Chemistry of organic polymers
- Engineering materials
- Modern Building Materials (Polymers)
- Durability of Materials
- Fire and Smoke Control
Recent publications
Refereed journal publicationss
- Dorel Feldman Polymers and polymer nanocomposites for cancer therapy. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9 (18), 3899.
- Dorel Feldman " Elastomer nanocomposites: Applications in medicine". Current Trends in Polymer Science, 2018, vol.18, pages 69-73.
- Dorel Feldman Polyamide nanocomposites. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part.A, Pure and Applied Chemistry 2017, vol.54, No.4 :255-262.
- Dorel Feldman Natural rubber nanocomposites. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A. Pure an Applied Chemistry. 2017, vol.9 :629-634.
- Dorel Feldman Polymer nanocomposites for tissue engineering, antimicrobials and drug delivery. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry.Volume 8, issue 1, 2018, 3153-3160.
- Dorel Feldman: Polyolefin, olefin copolymers and polyolefin polyblend nanocomposites. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2016, vol 53, No.10, 651-658.
- D.Feldman “Lignin Nanocomposites” Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A. Pure and Applied Chemistry (2016), 53, 6.
- D.Feldman “Polymer Nanocomposites in Medicine”. Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part A. Pure and Applied Chemistry (2016), 53,1, 55-62.
- D.Feldman “Polyblend Nanocomposites”.Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part A. Pure and Applied Chemistry (2015), 52, 648-658.
- D.Feldman “Cellulose Nanocomposites” .Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A. Pure and Applied Chemistry (2015), 52, (4), 322-329.
- P.Pouria, M.R.Nokken, D.Banu, R.Schmidt, C.I.DeWolf, D.Feldman.” Effect of UV and UV ozone treatment of polyolefin fibers on toughness” . Advances in Civil Engineering Materials (2013), 2(1), 51-61.
- D. Feldman, "Poly(vinyl chloride) nanocomposites", Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part.A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2014, 51
(8), 659-667. - D. Feldman, "Polymer Nanocomposites; Flammability", Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A. Pure and Applied Chemistry, (2013), 50,
1241-1249. - D. Feldman, "Polymer Nanocomposites in Building, Construction", Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry,
(2014), 51, 203-209. - D.Feldman, Polymer nanocomposites barriers. Journal of macromolecular science. Part A. Pure and applied chemistry, (2013), 50, 441-448.
- D.Feldman, Elastomer nanocomposites; preparation. Current trend in polymer science (2012), 16, 77-95.
- D.Feldman, Elastomer nanocomposite; properties. Journal of macromolecular science. Part A. Pure and applied Chemistry. (2012), 49, 1-16.
- P.Payrow, M.R.Nokken, D.Banu and D.Feldman "Effect of surface treatment on the post-peak residual strength and roughness of polypropylene/polyethylene -blended fiber reinforced concrete, published in Journal of Composite materials (2011), 45 (20), 2047-2054
- D.Feldman "Elastomer nanocomposite: properties" published in Journal of Macromolecular Science (2012), 49, 1-10.
- Pouria Payrow, Michelle R.Nokken, Dorina Banu and Dorel Feldman "Effect of surface treatment on the post-peak residual strength and toughness of polypropylene/polyethylene blended fiber-reinforced concrete" in Journal of Composite Materials - published on line, March 30, 2011.
- Feldman, D. “Polymer history” (2008), Design monomers and polymers, vol. 11, pp.1-15.
- Feldman, D., Banu D., and El-Aghoury, A. (2007) “Plasticization effect of lignin in some highly filled vinyl formulations” Journal of vinyl and additive technology, vol.13, no.1, pp.14-21.
- Banu, D. and A. El-Aghoury, and Feldman, D. (2006), “Contributions to the characterization of PVC-lignin blends”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol.101, issue 5, pp.2732-2748.
- El-Aghoury, R.K.Vasudeva, D.Banu, M.Elektorowicz and D.Feldman (2006) “Contribution to the study of fungal attack on some plasticized vinyl formulations”, Journal of Polymers and Environment.,vol14, no.2, pp.136-147
- Feldman, D. and Banu, D. (2005), “Determination of Microorganisms’ attack on some flexible polymers by using soil burial test methods”, Journal of polymers and the environment”, vol.13, no.3.,pp.287-29.
- Feldman, D. (2004) “Polyblend compatibilization” Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A Pure and Applied Chemistry, vol.42,No.5.pp.587-607.
- Feldman, D. and Banu, D. (2003) “Interactions in Poly(vinyl chloride)-Lignin blends” Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, vol.17. No.15, pp.2065-2083.
- Feldman, D., (2002), "Polymer Degradation: Thermo-oxidation" Journal of Polymers and the Environment, vol.10, No.4, pp.163-173.
- Feldman, D., Banu D., .Manley,R.St.J., and Zhu, H. (2003) “Highly filled blends of vinylic copolymer with plasticized lignin; thermal and mechanical properties” Journal of Applied polymer Science.,vol.89, no.7, pp.2000-2010.
- Feldman, D.,(2002) “Polymer Barrier Films”,Journal of Polymers and the Environment, vol.9, No.2, , pp.51-57.
- Feldman, D., Banu D., Campanelli J., and Zhu H. (2001) “Blends of Vinylic Copolymer with Plasticized Lignin: Thermal and Mechanical Properties”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol.81, pp.861-874.
- Feldman, D., Denes F., Zeng Z., Denes A.R., and Banu D. (2000) “Polypropylene fiber -matrix bonds in cementitious composites” (2000), Journal Adhesion Science and Technology, vol.14, No.13, pp.1705-1721.
- Lee T., Hawes, D.W., Banu, D. and Feldman, D. (2000), “Control aspects of latent heat storage and recovery in concrete”, Solar energy materials and solar cells, vol.62, pp.217-237.
- M.Bani-Hani, D. Banu, J. Campanelli and D. Feldman (1999), “Highly filled polyolefin elastomer formulations for possible PVC replacement in flooring”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol.74, pp.1156-1168.
- Koroth, S.R., Feldman, D. and Fazio, P. (1998), “Development of New Durability Index for Clay Bricks, Journal of Architectural Engineering,vol.4, no.3, pp.87-94.
- Koroth, S.R., Fazio, P. and Feldman, D. (1998), “Evaluation of Clay Brick Durability using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Journal of Architectural Engineering, vol.4, no.4, pp.142-149.
- Feldman, D., Stathopoulos T., Cosmulescu, C., Wu, H. (1998), “A simple apparatus for the Evaluation of air infiltration through building envelope components”, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, vol.77&78, pp.479-489.
- Banu, D., Feldman, D., Haghighat, F., Paris, J. and Hawes, D., (1998) "Energy Storing Wallboard _ Flammability Tests", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 21, pp. 98_106.
- Banu, D., Feldman, D. and Hawes, D., (1998) "Evaluation of Thermal Storage as Latent Heat in Phase Change Material Wallboard by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Large Scale Thermal Testing", Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 3926, pp. 1.
- Koroth, S., Fazio, P. and Feldman, D., (1998) "Comparative Study of Durability Indices for Clay Bricks", Journal of Architectural Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 26-34.
- Athienitis, A.K., Liu, C., Hawes, D., Banu, D. and Feldman, D., (1997), “Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Passive Solar Test-room with Wall Latent Heat Storage”, Building and Environment, Vol.32, No.5, 405-410.
- Feldman, D. and Banu, D., (1997), Contribution to the Study of Rigid PVC Polyblends with Different Lignins”Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol.66, 1731-1744.
Books / contributions to books
- Feldman, D. (2010) "Polymeric foam materials for insulation in buildings". 10th Chapter in Materials for energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings, Edited by Matthew R,Hall, Woodhead Publishing Ltd.Oxford, UK
- Feldman, D. (2005), “History of polymeric materials” Section 2.1 in the book Polymers in Construction, Rapra Technology Ltd. U.K., pp 13-22.
- Feldman, D. (2005), “Coatings”, Section 3.4 of the book “Polymers in Construction”, Rapra Technology Ltd., U.K., pp.64-78.
- Feldman, D. (2005), “Plastics and polymer composites; a perspective and properties related to their use in construction” Chapter 7 th of the book “ Polymers in construction”, Rapra Technology Ltd., U.K., pp.237-303.
- Feldman, D. (2001) “Lignin and its polyblends - a review” chapter in the book entitled "Chemical modifications, properties and usage of lignin” edited by T.Q.Hu, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers,New York, 81-90.
Major technical reports / theses
- Pouria Payrow (2008) “Effect of synthetic fiber surface treatment on the residual post-cracking and toughness of fiber reinforced concrete” Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Co-supervisor: M. Nokken.
- Sahar Davoodi (2007) “Building composites based on by-products” Thesis MASc., Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
- Amr El-Aghoury (2005) “Contribution to the study of the effects of plasticized plastic on the environment” PhD thesis (Building studies) Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
- Rishi Kumar Vasudeva, (2004), “Control of fungal growth on PVC building composites blended with residual material (lignin)” Thesis MASc (Environment), Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Co-supervisor: M. Elektorowicz.
- Hui Wang,(2002), Response of a PVC - lignin blend building material to fungi attack. Thesis MASc. (Building), Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Co-supervisor: M.Electorowicz.
- Nikhil Vyas (2002), “Polyolefin Elastomer Blends as an A;lternative to Poly(vinyl chloride). Thesis MASc (Building), Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University.
- Hui Zhu. (2000), “Plasticized lignin-PVC blends for flooring”Thesis, MASc., Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Co-supervisor: J.Campanelli.
- Tachen Lee, (1998), “Latent and sensible heat storage in concrete blocks”. Thesis, MASc,(Building), School for Building, Concordia University.
- Bani_Hani, Manar, (1998) "Polyolefin Plastomer in Composites for Flooring Applications", Thesis, M.A.Sc. (Civil), School for Building, Concordia University, Co-supervisor: J. Campanelli.
- Koroth, S., (1997), “Evaluation and Improvement Frost Durability of Clay Bricks”, Thesis, PhD. (Building), Concordia University, Centre for Building Studies, Co-supervisor: P.Fazio.
Denes, F., Feldman, D., Hua, Z.Q., Young, R.A. and Zhihong, Z., (1998) "Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites", USA Patent No.5,705,233, January 6, 1998.
Participation activities
Conference papers
- Feldman, D., Banu, D. and El_Aghoury, A. (2007), “Lignin blends with syntjetic polymers” Proceedings of the 8th International Lignin Institute, Rome, May 10-12, pp.61-67.
- El-Aghoury A., Vasudeva R.K., .Banu D.,.Elektorowicz M. and Feldman, D. (2006) “Biodegradation of VC-Vac copolymer under the effect of microorganisms”3rd International Building Physics Conference, Montreal (Canada), August 27-31.
- Feldman, D., Banu D (2006) “Sustainable alternatives to plasticized PVC building material”International Conference on indoor air quality HB –healthy buildings-2006, Lisbone (Portugal), June 4-8.
- A.K.Athienitis, J.Zhang and D.Feldman (2005) “A study of double facades with phase change storage and photovoltaics”. International Conference –passive and low energy cooling for the built environment , Santorini, Greece, May, 19-21.
- Feldman, D., Banu, D. and Elaghoury, A. (2004) “Plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) – Lignin composites” (2004), ICCE-11, Eleventh annual international conferenmce on composites/nanoengineering, Hilton-Head Island, SC, August, 8-14.
- W.Hui, M.Elektorowicz, R.Chifrina, D.Banu and D.Feldman, (2003), " Microorganism impact on a PVC flooring matrerial blended with wasted residues" The Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering , Moncton, BC, June 4-7.
- A.Elalghoury, D.Banu and D.Feldman, (2003), "Plasticizers effect on the properties of vinyl-chloride - vinyl acetate copolymer - lignin blends " The 5th International Conference of Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Montreal, June 21-26.
- N.Vyas, D.Banu and D.Feldman, (2003)," Polyolefin elastomer as an alternativ to PVC flooring,", The 5th International Conference of Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, June 21-26.
- D,Banu, D.Feldman and A.Elalghoury (2003)," Plasticized vimyl copolymer - lignin blends; correlation between mechanical and thermal properties" 49th International Conference on Analytical Science and Spectroscopy, Ottawa, June 3-4.
- Feldman D., Banu D., and H.Zhu, (2002), “Vinyl chloride - vinyl acetate copolymer - lignin composites”, Second International Symposium on interfaces in polymer composites Orlando (Florida), December 9.
- Feldman D., Banu D., Campanelli J., and Zhu H. (2000) “PVC - plasticized Lignin polyblends”Poly Millennial 2000 Congress, Waikoloa, Hawaii, December 9-13.
- Feldman D., Denes A.R., Zeng Z., Banu D., and Denes F. (2000), “Plasma- and chemically- treated polypropylene fibers for mineral composites”Poly Millennial 2000 Congress, Waikoloa, Hawaii, December 9-13.
- Feldman D., Banu D., and Hawes D., (2000), “Organic phase change materials for latent heat storage”,2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 14-19.
- Denes, F. and Feldman, D. (2000), “The adhesion between polypropylene fiber and concrete” 21st International Conference of SAMPE EUROPE, Paris, La Defence, April 18-20.
- Feldman D. and Banu D. (1999), “Organosolv-lignin filled plasticized PVC” Eurofillers’99 Lyon Villeurbanne, Septe,mber 6-9.
- Banu D.and Feldman D.,(1999),”Evaluation of plasticizer-lignin by DCS”9thAnnual Canadian Thermal Analysis Society Technical Meeting, Mississauga, On, May 17-18.
- Banu, D , Bani_Hani, M., Campanelli, J. and Feldman, D., (1998) "Metallocene Polyolefin Plastomer Polyblends with Post_Consumer Polyolefins; Mechanical and Thermal Properties Correlation., 42nd International Conference on Analytical Scienceand Spectroscopy, August 10_12, 1998, Kingston, Ontario.
- Campanelli, J., Bani_Hani, M., Banu, D. and Feldman, D., (1998) "Alternatives to Plasticized PVC for Flooring Tiles", CIB World Building Congress, June 7_12, 1998, Gavle, Sweden.
- Banu, D., Haghighat, F., Paris, J., Hawes, D.W., and Feldman, D., (1997), “Organic Phase Change Materials for Energy Conservation”, Fifth Chemical Congress of North America,November 11-15, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
- Feldman D., (1997),”Plastics in Conctruction Industry”, Society of Plastics Engineers, Gulf South Central Section,May 19, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Invited Lecturer).
- Feldman, D., (1997), “Polyblends of Synthetic Polymers with Lignin”, Louisiana State University, May 19-21, Louisiana, USA, (Invited Lecturer).
- Feldman, D. and Banu, D., (1997), “Lignin as a Filler for PVC”, International Conference of Filled Polymers and Fillers, Euro-Fillers’97, September 8-11, Manchester, UK.
- Feldman, D., and Banu, D., (1997), “Evaluation of Thermal Storage Wallboard by Small Scale DSC Analysis and Room Scale Testing”,Canadian Thermal Analysis Society Meeting, May 13, Toronto, Ontario.
- Feldman, D., Stathopoulos, T., Cosmulescu, C. and Wu, H.,(1997), “A New Apparatus for the Evaluation of Wind-induced Infiltration in Buildings”, The Eighth US National Conference on Wind Engineering, June 5-7, Baltimore, MD, USA.