Richard Guy, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering

Office: | S-EV-6.139 Engineering and Visual Arts Complex, 1515 St. Catherine W. |
Phone: | (514) 848-2424 ext. 3191 |
Email: | |
Dr. Richard William Guy received his M.Sc. in Acoustics from Southampton University in 1970, and his Ph.D. in Acoustics from Liverpool University in 1975.
In 1970 he was awarded a Research Fellowship at Liverpool University, England, to pursue studies into the effect of Room dimensions on measured transmission loss of wall elements. This research led to the award of a Ph.D in 1975. In 1973 he joined Herriot –Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Building. He was responsible for a research study on the Cost Effectiveness of National Grants towards acoustic insulation improvements to the housing stock of Scotland. Upon completion he was accepted as full time faculty in the position of Lecturer, responsible for developing and teaching courses in Acoustics and Building Sciences & Services.
He joined Concordia University in 1977 as a Research Associate Professor at the Centre for Building Studies and retired in 2011 as Professor of Engineering, at the Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
In 1996 Dr.Guy, as a pedestrian, was struck by an out of control automobile. He suffered extensive injuries to his lower limbs together with a later diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder. As a result, in 2003, Dr.Guy accepted a long term disability leave of absence.
Dr.Guy’s research interest is in Transmission of Sound in Finite Surrounds, Sound Power Directivity, Sound Absorption Coefficient / Impedance evaluation, and Room Property / Acoustic Evaluation, including:
- Sound intensometry, steady state, and transient sound power measurement
- Sound transmission loss measurement
- Material impedance/absorbance evaluation
- Room acoustics/objective indicator assessment
- Vibrational power flow measurement
Teaching activities
Undergraduate courses
- ENGR 251 - Thermodynamics
- BLDG 363 - Building Science I
- BLDG 364 - Building Science II ( Now BLDG 366 Acoustics and Lighting)
- BLDG 473 - Building Acoustics
Graduate courses
- BLDG 6611 - Building Science
- BLDG 6721 - Building Acoustics
Course evaluations in all courses over a period of twenty five years were in the higher percentile of the Department and Faculty evaluation criteria with respect to student appreciation.
Additional activities
- Member of the Canadian Advisory Committee on International Standards.
- Convenor of Working Group 14 for ISO TC43/ SC2.
- Associate Editor of the “Journal of Applied Acoustics”.
- Member, Editorial Board of “Building Acoustics”
- Chairman of the Eastern Canada Branch for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
- Co-chairman of the SDVNC '95 Conference held in Hong Kong
- Session Chairman of Inter-Noise '96 held in Liverpool, England.
(A) Refereed journal papers
- 1996): Abdou,A. and Guy,R.W. , “Spatial information of sound fields for room-acoustics evaluation and diagnosis”, J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 100(5):3215-3226(1996).
- (1995): Guy,R.W. and Luchian,H.,”Probe reversal and pressure biased bias error correction procedures applied to intensity measurements in planar standing waves”, J.Vib.Acoust. 117(1):56-61.
- (1994): Guy,R.W. ”Acomprehensive expression for P-P measurements in planar standing waves”, J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 95(4):2265-2266.
- (1994): Guy, R.W. and Abdou, A., "Spatial Information System to Investigate Specular and Diffuse Sound Fields in Enclosures", Noise Control Engineering, Vol. 42 (1), January-February.
- (1993): Abdou, A. and Guy, R.W., "A PC-Based Measurement System for Obtaining Spatial information and Objective Room-Acoustic Indicators", Canadian Acoustics, Vol.21, No. 1, pp. 9-12.
- (1993): Guy,R.W.,”Standing wave tube testing of sound intensity probes”, J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 93(4):2272-2273.
- (1993): Abdou, A. and Guy, R.W., “Spatial information measurements for investigating specular and diffuse sound fields in enclosures”, J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 93(4):2283
- (1992): Guy, R.W. and Li, J. "Intensity Measurements in the Presence of Standing Waves", J.Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 92, No. (5), pp. 2709-2715.
- (1991): Guy, R.W, "Teacher Study Model for Airborne Sound Transmission in Structures", COED, Computer in Education of ASEE, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 34-40, July-September.
- (1987): DeMey, A. and Guy, R.W., "Exploiting the Laboratory Measurement of Sound Transmission Loss by the Sound Intensity Technique", Applied Acoustics, Vol. 20, No.3, pp. 219-236.
- (1985): Guy,R.W., De Mey,A. and Sauer,P.,”The effect of some physical parameters upon the laboratory measurement of sound transmission loss”, Applied Acoustics, Volume 18, Issue 2,81-98.
- (1985): Turaga, M. and Guy, R.W., "Refrigerant Side Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Estimates for Direct Expansion Coils - Review of Works in North American Use", International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 134-142.
- (1984): Guy,R.W. and Sauer,P.,”The influence of sills and reveals on Sound Transmission Loss”, Applied Acoust., Volume 17, issue 6,453-476.
- (1981): Guy, R.W., "The Transmission of Airborne Sound through a Finite Panel, Air Gap, Panel and Cavity Configuration", Acustica, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 323-333.
- (1980): Homma, H. and Guy, R.W., "Comfort Conditions at Reduced Heating Loads, A Future Strategy for Buildings", Int. J. App. Housing Science, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 322-334.
- (1980): Guy, R.W. “Pressure developed within a cavity backing a finite panel when subjected to external transient excitation”, J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 68(6)1736-1747.
- (1980): Guy,R.W. and Mattar,S. “Une approche simplife’e aux formulations the’oretiques pour les vibrations d’un panneau adosse’ a une cavite’”, Acustica 44, 35-40.
- (1979): Guy,R.W. “The response of a cavity backed panel to external airborne excitation: A general analysis. J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 65(3):719-731.
- (1979): Guy,R.W. and Mulholland, K.A., “Some observations on employing a panel’s sill and reveal to enhance noise reduction”. Applied Acoustics, Vol.12., issue5, 377-388.
- (1979): Guy,R.W. “The steady state transmission of sound at normal and oblique incidence through a thin panel backed by a rectangular room – a multi-modal analysis”,Acustica , 43(5) 295-304.
- (1973): Guy, R.W. and Battacharya, M.C."The Transmission of Sound through a Cavity - Backed Finite Plate", Journal of Sound Vibration, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 207-223.
- (1972): Bhattacharya,M.C. and Guy,R.W. “The influence of the measuring facility on the measured sound insulating property of a panel”, Acustica 26, 344.
(B) International standards
As Convenor of Working Group 14 for ISO TC43/ SC2, Dr. Guy was primary Author and international editor of “ ISO 10534-2:1998 Acoustics -- Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes -- Part 2: Transfer-function method.”