Student requests
Leaves, CAQ letters, and other requests
Applications from students for exceptions to academic regulations or related matters should be submitted by the student through a service request.
For this, please go to your Student Center under “Research Activities.”
Some requests are time sensitive, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are aware of make sure you know the deadlines and regulations.
If your request is made through email (see below for when to send an email, as opposed to do this in person), your request will be processed within ten (10) business days. If the advisor needs clarifications on your request, she will email you. In order to help us serve you better, do not send multiple emails with the same question — this will not accelerate the process (in fact, it delays it).
Examples of supporting documentation would be:
- Medical note
- Birth certificate
- Communications with department and faculty
- Employment letter
- Travel documents
CAQ letters – renewal
For International students whose CAQ letter and study permit expires
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
Thesis students: Ask your supervisor to send an email to Jenny stating the month and year of the expected completion of your degree. Ask them to copy you on the email so that you know when it is done.
MEng students: Go to LB185
Change of option (“transfer” for graduate students)
Graduate students who wish to switch from course based option to thesis option or vice versa.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
For all thesis based graduate student help, other than registration: open a ticket by clicking here.
For all non-thesis based graduate student help, other than registration: open a ticket by clicking here.
Change in status
A change of student full-time or part-time status may have implications for students receiving loans, bursaries, or awards; students should check the regulations associated with their loans, bursaries, or awards. International students must retain the status as indicated on their Study Permit/CAQ.
Changes to a student’s status may also affect the student’s time limit and/or their payment schedule.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
Course exemption
Students who believe they have previously met the objectives of a required graduate course may apply for exemption. If exempted, a replacement course is needed to fulfill program requirements.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable.
Course substitution
A course substitution is a request for a student to take a course that is not part of their program requirements instead of a course that is. This new course will be used to meet the student’s program requirements.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable.
In-progress extension
An in-progress grade extension request is a request to extend a student’s in-progress notation deadline.
The request should be submitted no later than 2 weeks before the end of the term of the course.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
See your professor first, he will email Jenny.
Late academic course withdrawal (DISC)
Students who miss the DISC deadline through no fault of their own may submit a Late DISC request to drop the course. The request cannot be reviewed nor approved without supporting documentation and included reason(s).
Poor performance in a course is not sufficient reason to late DISC a course.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable.
Late did not enter (DNE)
Students who miss the DNE deadline through no fault of their own may submit a Late DNE request to drop the course. The request cannot be reviewed nor approved without supporting documentation and included reason(s).
Poor performance in a course is not sufficient reason to late DNE a course.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable.
Leave of absence
Graduate students who wish to temporarily discontinue their studies for a few terms may request a leave of absence from their program. Students may not graduate with a Leave of Absence in their graduating term.
A leave from a program of study may have implications for students receiving awards, loans or bursaries; students should check the regulations associated with their awards, loans or bursaries.
Types of leaves
Leave without access: During a leave without access, a student will not have access to library, university or student services. No fees will be charged.
Leave with access: During a leave with access, a student will have access to library, university and student services. Leaves with access are granted only under exceptional circumstances. A flat service fee of $150 per term will be charged.
Parental leave: All graduate students are entitled to parental leave of up to three consecutive terms during their program of study on the occasion of the birth or adoption of a child. The student will have access to library, university and student services. Students holding a Concordia Fellowship will receive a deferral of their fellowship for the period of leave. In the case of other fellowships, the regulations of the granting agencies will apply. No fees will be charged.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable. If you are an international student, please check with ISO if they will allow it. Include the name of the person who you spoke to in your ticket.
Late registration
Students must submit a request for late registration when, due to extenuating circumstances, a student could not register by the registration deadline dates. In such cases, a student may attend classes until they receive a decision.
The student must include the reason(s) for late registration.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable.
This is used when a request for exceptions to academic regulations cannot be fulfilled by other request types.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable.
Re-instatement into program
Students who have been withdrawn from a graduate program by the University for non-academic reasons (e.g. non-continuous registration) may wish to submit this request. This request is to be submitted for consideration during the same term in which the student was withdrawn.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation.
Time limit extension
Students who will or have exceeded their time limit can submit this request. A Time Limit Extension (TLE) notation is added to the extended terms and are replaced if a course is registered.
The student must submit a timeline for completion of degree, approved by their supervisor.
There is a term fee for a TLE. Students must have submitted their annual progress report.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation. Also make sure that your professor also sends an email to Jenny and ask to be in cc so that you know when it is done.
Transfer credits
A service request may be submitted to request transfer credits for courses completed less than five years ago. The credits must have been earned for graduate-level studies, and they must not have been used as part of a completed Master’s or Doctoral degree. Please refer to the Graduate Calendar for eligibility of transfer credits.
For external credits, students must provide official transcripts which include the number of credits and the grade(s) achieved.
Students must be withdrawn from their previous Master’s or Doctoral studies before transfer credits can be evaluated.
Effective Fall 2017: Courses from a completed graduate certificate or diploma are now eligible for transfer if deemed acceptable by the department.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
Waiving a course requirement
Students who wish to have their deficiency course(s) waived must provide a justification as well any supporting documentation.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
**NOTE: Please be ready to be asked for a full explanation and to provide supporting documentation if applicable.
Withdrawal from program
Students who wish to withdraw from their program or from the university must do so by the DNE deadline and include the reason(s) for withdrawing. If the student withdraws after the DNE deadline, they will be responsible for paying the term fees.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have dropped (DNE) their courses by the deadline for the withdrawal to be effective for the beginning of term.
Students are encouraged to indicate the reason(s) for their withdrawal.
Do I need to communicate with Jenny?
YES, by opening a ticket first.
*Annotated by BCEE. Original from