Training the next generation of artificial intelligence (AI) specialists

What is SE4AI?
Delivered by a team of world-renowned experts, in close collaboration with leading Canadian and international industry partners, our program is a unique graduate training opportunity designed to provide students with the skills needed to develop, deploy and service AI-based software systems, together with a solid background on the ethical and social understanding of AI.
Funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), it’s part of the Collaborative Research and Training Experience program (CREATE) and is rooted in the field of software engineering (SE).
What will you learn?
Academic Courses
Learn from 2 newly developed courses on Engineering AI-based Software Systems (SOEN 691) and Social Aspects of AI-based Software Systems (ENCS 691) taught by leading researchers.
Professional Development Modules
Develop valuable professional skills in the context of AI-based software systems through a series of self-directed modules on topics such as Communication and Explainability, Technical Writing and Critiquing, and Commercialization and Entrepreneurship. Trainees choose modules that are best suited to their personalized learning plan and future career aspirations.
Industrial Embedding
Enhance your research, build on your professional skills and solve real-world problems by participating in internships with industry partners, supported by your academic supervisor and the partner organization.
Webinars and Seminars
Gain hands-on presentation experience delivering a webinar or an in-person seminar on a research topic of interest to both academic and non-academic audiences.
Specialization Courses
Follow specialized courses on topics such as Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning, Advanced AI, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM.
Leadership and Mentorship Training
Receive coaching on how to critically evaluate AI-based software systems and related projects and publications.
How to apply
The program is open to Masters and PhD students from all faculties at Concordia University. Applications from interested and motivated students will be reviewed on a continuous basis.
Past events
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