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Donor Awards


Varies. Please contact your program for further details.

Application and selection

Your admission application will serve as your application for the awards. In some cases, your program may issue a call for nominations and hold an internal, departmental pre-selection competition.

Your program is responsible for the selection of the awardees.

List by Faculty

Many of these awards are available for discipline-specific areas and individual departments are responsible for the selection of the awardees. For the majority of these awards, all graduate students within the specific departments are automatically considered (no application required), however some departments may issue a call for nominations and hold an internal, departmental pre-selection competition. The Graduate Awards Office issues the award notifications upon receipt of the recipients’ names by their departments.

The following awards are funded through the generosity of individual donors.

Award Name Description Approximate Value
Administration Management Society - John Crawford Award This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Education.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 500
Amy Menon Marleau Graduate Scholarship This award is in memory of Amy Menon Marleau, a passionate writer and charitably involved member of the community. She received both her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Concordia.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Department of English. Preference will be given to students interested in transnational literature or in questions of cultural encounter and exchange.
The award is non-renewable. It is tenable within the first two years of the program.
$ 2,320
Andrew Murphy Graduate Award in Special Education This award was created to show appreciation for the Special Education teachers who assisted and motivated Andrew Murphy, diagnosed with cerebral palsy, during his time at university.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing studies within the field of Special Education in one of the following programs: a Master of Arts in Educational Technology, a Master of Arts in Educational Studies, a Master of Arts in Child Study, or a Doctoral degree in Educational Technology.
The award is renewable.
$ 3,000
Anne Harper Pallen Entrance Scholarship This award is created through the generosity of Anne Pallen and serves to uplift and support graduate students within the fields of chemistry and biochemistry
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 20,000
Azrieli Foundation Graduate Fellowship in Holocaust Studies This fellowship is for new and returning students.
It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University whose research is in the area of the destruction of European Jewry in the 20th century.
The fellowship is renewable once (1) at the Master’s level and three(3)  times at the PhD level. It is tenable for a single year.
$ 10,000
Balvir and Ranjna Singh Memorial Scholarships in Economics This award is in memory of Dr. Balvir Singh and his wife Ranjna who were, along with their three children, among the victims tragically killed in the bombing of Air India flight 182 on June 23, 1985.
This award is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing graduate studies (Diploma, MA, MA Co-op, or PhD) in the Department of Economics.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,500
Barry J. Schwartz Memorial Bursary This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Judaic Studies.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 330
Bell Media Scholarships in Journalism These scholarships are intended to benefit Canada’s radio broadcasting sector by directly supporting Journalism students.
They are for current students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Journalism (they may also be within the Journalism Co-Op program). Applicants must have successfully completed courses in radio journalism, such as: Radio Newsroom (JOUR 330) or Advanced Radio News (JOUR 530).
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Bernard Lonergan Graduate Award This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Theological Studies. Applicants must provide a statement of purpose outlining how the student’s research involves the use of the Lonergan collection and/or on the life of Bernard Lonergan.
The award is renewable.
$ 1,200
Campaign for a New Millennium Graduate Scholarship - Faculty of Arts & Science This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
The award is renewable once (1).
$ 1,000
Campaign for a New Millennium Student Contribution Graduate Scholarship - Faculty of Arts and Science These awards are created through the generosity of graduate students in the Faculty of Arts & Science to the Campaign for a New Millennium.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
The awards are renewable once (1).
$ 1,000
Carole Epstein Graduate Scholarship in Creative Writing The Scholarship shall be granted over 2 years to a full-time student with excellent academic standing entering in a course of study leading to a Master degree in English, option Creative Writing, at the Faculty of Arts & Science of the University. Applicants may be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or international students.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 10,000
Carol Lee Price MA Scholarship in Ancient Philosophy These awards are in honour of Carol Lee Price, a philanthropic woman who had a keen interest in mathematics and philosophy, and was the founder and initial Trustee of the Tabor Trust.
They are entrance awards, open to female international students who pay tuition at the international rate and who have responded to a worldwide call for the application. Students who pay tuition at the Quebec rate or Canadian rate, or students who are eligible (at the time of application) for an International Fee Exemption do not qualify.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Philosophy, who have a demonstrated interdisciplinary background and training that would bring fresh perspectives to their own study of philosophy and to the intellectual life of the Department of Philosophy (the “Department”) and the University.
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 46,235
Carol Lee Price MA Scholarship in Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics These awards are in honour of Carol Lee Price, a philanthropic woman who had a keen interest in mathematics and philosophy, and was the founder and initial Trustee of the Tabor Trust.
They are entrance awards, open to female international students who pay tuition at the international rate and who have responded to a worldwide call for the application. Students who pay tuition at the Quebec rate or Canadian rate, or students who are eligible (at the time of application) for an International Fee Exemption do not qualify. Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Applicants shall have obtained a BA in Philosophy with high distinction and at least 21 credits (or the equivalent in the country of origin) in Mathematics, or a BA in Mathematics with at least 21 credits (or country equivalent) in Philosophy. Acceptable research area topics for the MA are Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, or Philosophy of Mathematics.
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 32,450
Catharina Vanderplaats Vallejo Scholarship in Hispanic Studies This award is created through the generosity of Catharina Vanderplaats Vallejo, who was a student at Sir George Williams University and went on to become a full-time faculty member at Université de Montréal. This award is a way for Catharina to show gratitude for the opportunities she received form Sir George Williams University and to encourage and reward graduate students.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time graduate students pursuing research in Hispanic Studies.
The award is renewable.
$ 900
Catherine and Robert Juster Graduate Student Scholarship This award is an homage to Robert-Paul Juster and was created to recognize up-and-coming researching, scientists and academics.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Psychology.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Cheryl Mackenzie Memorial Bursary This award is in memory of Cheryl MacKenzie, who worked at Concordia University for 24 years and was known for her infectious energy and dedication.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Educational Technology.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is renewable.
$ 530
Canada Steamship Lines Inc. Award in Transportation Studies This award is supports students in the field of transportation studies.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University. Applicants primary area of research must concern transportation.
The award is renewable.

$ 1,250
Chih Lin Chou Scholarship in Music Therapy This award pays homage to Chih-Lin Chou, who graduated from the Creative Arts Therapies program in June 2017. The purpose of this award is to encourage and reward students currently enrolled in any Music Therapy program, whose commitment and spirit towards music reflect the values exemplified by Chih-Lin Chou.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy or Master’s degree in Music Therapy.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 700
Communication Studies MA Graduate Scholarship This is an entrance award. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Department of Communication Studies.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,500
Dagobert Broh Doctoral Entrance Fellowship This is an entrance fellowship. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in the Department of History.
The fellowship is non-renewable.
$ 12,000
Dagobert Broh Graduate Research Stipend This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in the Department of History.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 3,000
Daniel Feist Memorial Scholarship This award is in memory of Daniel Feist, a part-time teacher in the Department of Music and the Department of Communication Studies, as well as a musician, broadcaster, journalist, band manager and record producer.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Media Studies. Priority is given to incoming students who are conducting research in music or sound.
$ 3,500
David Mckeen Award There are two (2) awards, one for best creative writing submission and one for best research essay.
The awards are for current students who are entering their second year of study, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Department of English.
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 500
Dick McDonald Award This award is for current students who are entering their second year of study. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Human Systems Intervention.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 700
Donald and Bonnie Poole Chemistry Graduate Scholarship Five scholarships of $8,000 available to new or returning students pursuing a Master of Science degree in Chemistry. This award is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 8,000
Dr. Everett M. Price Graduate Scholarship This award is in memory of Dr. Everett Melbourne Price who was the first chair of Concordia’s Department of Political Science and founder of the Master of Arts program in Public Policy and Public Administration.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Public Administration.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,200
Dr. Paresh Chattopadhyay Political Economy Annual Graduate Scholarship Paresh Chattopadhyay, a self-described careful reader of Karl Marx and an authority on Marx’s works, retired as a professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), Canada, where among other things he taught political economy. Before this he had been a member of the Economics faculty at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta in Kolkata, India and a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Paris and Grenoble. He is a Fellow of Institut für kritische Theorie (InkriT) in Berlin and a guest researcher at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, associated with complete works of Marx and Engels. Dr. Chattopadhyay is widely published and has written extensively on development, the agrarian question in India, the theory of accumulation of capital and on Marx’s Capital, including on his original emancipatory idea of socialism as an association of free individuals centered on working people’s self-emancipation after the demise of capitalism. The purpose of this Scholarship is to honour Dr. Chattopadhyay’s research in political economy, social economy and in the emancipatory potential, both at the individual and collective level, of non- capitalist societies in theory and praxis. The Scholarship will support one graduate student annually. The applicants must be pursuing a Master’s degree or a PhD in Humanities or Social Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Concordia University with an interest in Marxism and/or heterodox political economy, collectivism, solidarity and social studies.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
David J. Azrieli Fellowship This fellowship program welcomes the best and brightest Postdoctoral scholars who wish to undertake research in Israel.
It is for new or returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, having completed a Doctorate at a Canadian university. Their Postdoctoral work must concern Israel.
Candidates will be assessed based on their potential to make cutting-edge contributions to their respective fields. Aspects of personal merit and leadership abilities are also taken into consideration without regard to race, religion, gender, ethnicity or age.
The fellowship is non-renewable.

$ 13,000
Edward and Maria Roach Scholarship in Journalism Studies This award is in memory of Edward Hugh Roach.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Journalism Studies program.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,300
Enn Raudsepp Graduate Diploma in Journalism Entrance Scholarship This award is created through the generosity of friends, colleagues and the Reader’s Digest Foundation of Canada in honour of Dr. Enn Raudsepp upon his retirement from Concordia University.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing studies within the Graduate Diploma in Journalism program.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 500
Faculty of Arts and Science Graduate Fellowship in Ethnic Studies and Social Diversity This fellowship was created to provide funding for new research projects on ethnic studies and social diversity.
It is an entrance fellowship, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree within the Faculty of Arts and Science. Those within the Individualized (INDI) program are also eligible provided that their principal supervisor is from the Faculty of Arts and Science. The applicant's research topic must focus on ethnic studies or social diversity.
The fellowship is non-renewable.
$ 7,500
Froebel Foundation Early Childhood Education Graduate Scholarship The Scholarship shall be based on academic merit to a part- time or full-time student pursuing a Master of /Magisteriate or Doctor / Doctorate (PhD) degree of/in Education at the University. Graduate Program Directors nominate candidates interested in the philosophy of Friedrich Froebel in the study of early childhood education. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The scholarship is renewable.
$ 10,000
Garnet Strong Scholarship The Garnet Strong Scholarship is awarded in alternating years between the Department of Biology and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Biology or the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 3,500
Geoffrey Adams Scholarship in French History This award honours Geoffrey Adams who taught in the Department of History at Loyola College from 1962 until he retired in 1992.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of History that is specializing in French History.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Harvey Shulman Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Political Theory The Harvey Shulman Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Political Theory was established by Celia Shulman, wife of the late Harvey Shulman. Professor Shulman was Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science as well as co-founder of the Liberal Arts College. He researched and taught American politics, Jewish political thought, political philosophy, and American political theory. The purpose of the gift is to support and encourage full-time students entering the MA or PhD in Political Science, in the area of Political Theory. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Hydro-Quebec Doctoral Scholarships These awards are created through the generosity of Hydro-Quebec.
They are open to new students, either Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are paying tuition fees at the Quebec rate.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree within one of the eligible programs in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science: Mechanical Engineering, Information and Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, or Building Engineering, or Computer Science. Eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in Faculty of Arts and Science: Physics, Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies, Economics, Chemistry, or Biology. Lastly, eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in the John Molson School of Business: Administration.
The awards are renewable two (2) times.
$ 11,160
Hydro-Quebec Master's Scholarships These awards are created through the generosity of Hydro-Quebec.
They are open to new students, either Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are paying tuition fees at the Quebec rate.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science: Mechanical Engineering (MSc), Industrial Engineering (MSc), Quality Systems Engineering (Msc), Information Systems Security (MSc), Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSc), Computer Science, Civil Engineering (MSc), or Building Engineering (MSc). Eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in Faculty of Arts and Science: Physics (MSc), Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies (MSc), Economics (MA), Chemistry (MSc), or Biology (MSc). Lastly, eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in the John Molson School of Business: Management (MSc) or Finance (MSc).
The awards are renewable once.
$ 5,072
Inge Thurm Bursary in Women's or Gender History This award is for current students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of History with research focusing on either women or gender.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 470
International Congress of Historical Sciences This award is given out once every five (5) years to assist a graduate student in attending the International Congress of Historical Sciences.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, a Doctoral student or Postdoctoral Fellow registered in the Department of History.
The award will be granted by the History Department based on academic achievement and other relevant criteria.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 700
J.P. Zweig Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Psychology or Department of Exercise Science, with research focusing on the following areas: Psychology of Fitness, Exercise Science, and/or Behavioural Medicine.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 300
Jacques Goulet Graduate Scholarship in Acturial Mathematics This award is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, specializing in the area of Actuarial Mathematics. Applicants must have successfully passed at least four (4) of the five (5) required exams as defined by the Society of Actuaries’ current ASA Requirements, or five (5) of the seven (7) required exams as defined by the revised ASA Requirements (effective July 2018). Applicants are also required to submit a one-page letter of intent demonstrating their commitment to pursuing their research in the field of Actuarial Science.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 10,000
James A. Stewart Memorial Scholarship in Journalism This award is in memory of James Alexander Stewart who taught editorial and opinion writing at Concordia University for 24 years until his retirement in 1999, he also had a distinguished career with the Montreal Star and The Gazette.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Journalism.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 590
Jean-Francois Towner Graduate Scholarship In Education This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Educational Studies.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Jean Schwartz Takefman Scholarship for Graduate Students This award was created in Jean Takefman‘s memory from her appreciative daughter Marilyn, to support and promote female students and assist them in their studies. The Scholarship shall be based on academic merit for full-time female students pursuing a Master of /Magisteriate or Doctor / Doctorate (PhD) degree in the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens only, with a GPA of at least 3.70.
The award is renewable.
$ 10,000
Judy and Morris Fish Graduate Scholarship in Education This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree in the Department of Education.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Kanfi-Holzbaur Awards This award is created through the generosity of Dr. Inès Holzbaur in loving memory of her husband, Shady Kanfi. It is meant to support graduate and postgraduate students in their research travel and conference travel activities.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, and either a Master’s or Doctoral student, attending a conference or partaking on a research trip related to Judaic Studies or Canadian Jewish Studies, Green Chemistry, Biochemistry or Environmental Studies. Applicants must prove that the award is essential to their travels and the trip is important to their studies or research.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award may be used to reimburse any type of expense related to the trip. Reimbursements will be issued by the School of Graduate Studies upon submission by the awardees of appropriate receipts supporting the expenses.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,000
Keith Lowther Graduate Award This award is for current students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of History.
The award is renewable.
$ 500
Kurt Ekler Scholarship in Judaic Studies This award is created through the generosity of Dr. Kurt Ekler, a Holocaust survivor and Professor Emeritus who graduated from McGill University with BSc and PhD degrees before teaching Chemistry at Loyola College and Concordia University.
It is for new and returning students, however preference will be given to students starting their Master’s degree. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Judaic Studies.
The award is renewable upon recommendation from the Department of Religion and Cultures.
$ 10,000
La bourse d'études supérieures en Traductologie This is an entrance award. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Littératures francophones et résonances médiatiques.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 500
La Bourse Françoise Bertrand La Bourse Françoise Bertrand was created in honour of Françoise Bertrand to support a PhD student in their studies.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Leo Tavormina Memorial Entrance Bursary This award is in memory of Leo Tavormina, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science in 1989, a Master of Arts degree in Public Policy and Public Administration (MPPPA) in 1993, and worked as the internship coordinator for the MPPPA program until he passed.
This is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Public Administration.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 650
Lorraine Gosselin Scholarship in Physics This award is made possible through the generosity of Lorraine Gosselin and meant to prioritize and encourage female students in Physics.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Physics with priority going to (but not restricted to) female students.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
Louise Dandurand Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies This is an entrance award. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in the Humanities program or in the Individualized (INDI) program.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 15,000
Luigi Liberatore Graduate Entrance Fellowship This is an entrance fellowship. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Arts (MA) in Media Studies or a Doctoral degree in Communication Studies.
The fellowship is non-renewable.
$ 4,600
Maria Teresa Hausmann Endowed Bursary Award This award is in memory of Maria Teresa Hausmann who studied philosophy for much of her life and graduated from Sir George Williams with a Bachelor of Arts in 1969.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Philosophy.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 800
Marjorie Dalwood Hollett PhD Scholarship in English Literatire These scholarships are intended to attract top doctoral students to the PhD program in English Literature who demonstrate a strong interest in teaching composition. The Scholarship is funded through the generosity of Shane Hollett, BA SGW ’70, who believes in the importance of having strong composition skills regardless of your program of study. The Scholarship shall be granted based on academic merit and demonstrated interest in teaching composition, to full-time students entering or currently pursuing a Doctorate (PhD) degree in English Literature at the University. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
$ 10,000
Mary Perri Graduate Scholarship in Educational Technology This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students, though priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Education with a specialization in Educational Technology. Preference will be given to students studying Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Management and/or Change Management with research focusing on the applications of educational technology in the workplace.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,000
Miriam Aaron Roland Bursary This award is created through the generosity of Miriam Roland, a dedicated Concordia Governor Emeritus and generous supporter of Concordia University. It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Community Economic Development.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Miriam Aaron Roland Fellowship in Canadian Jewish Studies or Jewish Studies This fellowship is created through the generosity of Miriam Roland, a dedicated Concordia Governor Emeritus and generous supporter of Concordia University.
It is for new and current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Canadian Jewish Studies or Jewish Studies.
The fellowship is renewable.
$ 5,000
Miriam Aaron Roland Fellowship in PhD Humanities These two (2) fellowships are created through the generosity of Miriam Roland, a dedicated Concordia Governor Emeritus and generous supporter of Concordia University.
They are entrance fellowships, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Humanities.
The fellowships are non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Monsignor Andrew Sinal Memorial Bursary in Theological Studies This award is created in memory of Monsignor Andrew Sinal by the Slovak Catholic Church of Ascension Eastern Rite (Byzantine) in Montreal, for his exemplary service to the parish.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Theological Studies.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is renewable.
$ 2,120
Moses Montefiore Fellows Graduate Scholarship These awards are in honour of Sir Moses Montefiore, a passionate philanthropist.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Humanities, the Social Sciences, Jewish Studies, or other related disciplines. Preference will be given to students whose research focuses on Jewish Studies.
The awards are renewable.
$ 7,000
Nadia Chaudhri Wingspan Award in Psychology The Nadia Chaudhri Wingspan Award in Psychology shall be granted to a full-time or part-time student admitted to or enrolled in a course of study leading to a Masters of/ Magisteriate or Doctor/ Doctorate (PhD) degree in the Department Psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Candidates must self-identify as being from a historically underrepresented group. Eligible students from underrepresented backgrounds and/or facing hardship due to systemic issues like racism, sexism, geographic origin, and other barriers may self-identify through a short statement.
The awards are renewable.
$ 13,000
Nadia Chaudhri Wingspan Award in Neuroscience The Nadia Chaudhri Wingspan Award in Neuroscience shall be granted to a full-time or part-time student admitted to or enrolled in a course of study leading to a Masters of/ Magisteriate or Doctor/ Doctorate (PhD) degree in the Department Psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Science, with a focus on Behavioral Neuroscience. Candidates must self-identify as being from a historically underrepresented group. Eligible students from underrepresented backgrounds and/or facing hardship due to systemic issues like racism, sexism, geographic origin, and other barriers may self-identify through a short statement.
The awards are renewable.
$ 13,000
Naim Mahlab Fellowship These two (2) fellowships are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Canadian Jewish Studies. Preference will be given to those pursuing research in the area of anti-Semitism and its roots.
The fellowships are renewable once (1).
$ 7,500
Nick Herscovics Memorial Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing studies in the MTM program or a Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MSc) in the area of Mathematics Education.
The award is renewable once (1).
$ 900
PARSA Community Foundation Graduate Scholarship in Iranian Studies This award is created through the generosity of the PARSA Community Foundation, which is a non-partisan, non-religious, non-profit entity that focuses on the preservation and advancement of Persian arts and culture, the development of leaders through awards and fellowships, and the encouragement of civic engagement.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the area of Iranian Studies. Preference will be given to those whose research focus is related to contemporary Iran.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,800
Pat and Bill Tierney Communication Studies Graduate Diploma Scholarship This is an entrance award. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, enrolled in the Communication Studies Graduate Diploma program.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 400
Philip Fisher Graduate Diploma Bursary These awards are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Journalism.
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 1,500
Professor Jaleel Ahmad Scholarship This award is in honour of Professor Jaleel Ahmad who taught in the Department of Economics at Concordia University for close to 40 years.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Economics. Preference will be given to students working in the area of international economics, including such fields as developing country economic analysis, international economic development, international trade, East-West economic relations, or similar subjects.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Professor Mervin Butovsky Memorial Scholarships This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in English with preference given to students whose research is in the field of Jewish Studies.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,160
Ragai Ibrahim Graduate Award in Biology This award was created through the generosity of Dr. Ragai Ibrahim, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Concordia University. It is a graduation prize, open to full-time Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Biology.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,000
Reader's Digest Foundation of Canada Graduate Scholarship In Journalism This award is created through the generosity of the Reader’s Digest Foundation, which has been a strong supporter of Concordia University’s Department of Journalism.
It is for current students entering their second year, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Journalism Studies. Applicants must have completed 15 credits of coursework.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,970
Renata and Michal Hornstein Graduate Scholarship in PhD Humanities This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Humanities.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Richard K. Dimond Memorial Award This award is created through the generosity of Jang-Hwan Kwon, alumnus and staff member of Concordia University, to honour the memory of his first employer, Dr. Richard K. Dimond.
It is for new students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Physics.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 500
Romek Hornstein Memorial Fellowship These two (2) fellowships are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Jewish Studies.
The fellowships are non-renewable.
$ 3,125
Rona and Robert Davis Scholarship This award is for current students in their second year. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Department of Communication Studies. Applicants must have contributed to the Department in significant ways.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 775
Rose Reiter Goldberg Graduate Award in Philosophy This award is granted to a full-time student registered in the MA Philosophy program. It is awarded on the basis of academic excellence to new or returning students. The Department of Philosophy will adjudicate the award. Applicants must submit a short text (max 750 words) explaining how their life experience to date has been in keeping with Rose’s values of community involvement, equity and inclusion. A CV must also be provided to document community involvement activities.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,000
Ross Bayus PhD Scholarship in Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies The Scholarship shall be granted based on academic merit, to full-time students entering a Doctor/Doctorate (PhD) degree of/in Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies at the University. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The scholarship is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Ruth and David Steinberg Graduate Scholarship for Creative Writing This is an entrance award. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Creative Writing.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
Steven Goldberg Graduate Scholarship in Economics This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree in Economics.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Steven Goldberg Graduate Scholarship in English This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in English (Creative Writng).
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Steven Goldberg Graduate Scholarship in Psychology This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree in Psychology. Preference will be given to students whose research area is Abnormal Child Development.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Steven Goldberg Graduate Scholarship in Theological Studies This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Theological Studies.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Susan Carson Memorial Bursary This award is in memory of Susan Carson, who was a journalist for The Gazette and known for being a champion of the poor, the abused, and the disabled.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Journalism Studies. Applicants must also demonstrate concern for humankind and qualities of citizenship. Applicants may be required to partake in an interview in addition to the submission of written materials and/or application form. Preference will be given to students who have custody of one or more dependent children.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,500
Susan Russell Memorial Graduate Award This award is in memory of Professor Susan Russell.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Sociology whose research is in feminist studies. Their commitment to the study of women and sociology must reflect the values exemplified by the late Professor Susan Russell.
The award is renewable once (1).
$ 1,000
TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Bursaries These two (2) awards are created in recognition of the longstanding ties between TD Insurance Meloche Money Inc. and Concordia University.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Community Economic Development or be a part of the Institute for Community Development.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 1,400
Triskelion Fellowships in Chemistry and Biochemistry The purpose of the Fellowships is to attract and retain the best and brightest graduate students in Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University. The Fellowship is created through the generosity of a longtime member of the Concordia community who strongly believes that quality and relevance in teaching at all University levels is intimately linked to excellence in research, for which attracting the best possible graduate students is indispensable. The Fellowships shall be granted through competition, based on academic merit, to full-time students pursuing a Master of/Magisteriate in Science (MSc.) or Doctorate (PhD) in Chemistry or Biochemistry. Eligible applicants include Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students.
The fellowship is renewable.
$ 5,000
Port of Montreal Award in Transportation Studies This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University whose primary area of research concerns transportation.
The award is renewable.
$ 1,750
The Goldberg - Tabac Scholarship In academic year 2020-2021 and starting in academic year 2023-2024 and for a period of three (3) years, the Scholarship shall be awarded based on academic merit to full or part-time students pursuing a Masters or Doctorate (PhD) degree at Concordia University and specializing in Jewish Studies. Eligible candidates may be Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
The Harris and Ann Wetstein Foundation Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree with research in the area of Canadian Jewish Studies.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,500
The Saint Patrick's Society Graduate Scholarships in Canadian Irish Studies These awards are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree with research that focuses on Irish or Irish Canadian studies.
For more information about the awards that are offered and requirement details, please contact the School of Irish Studies.
$ 5,000
The Sportsnet Diploma Scholarship in Journalism and the Sportsnet Diploma Scholarship in Visual Journalism There are seven (7) entrance awards. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Diploma in Journalism or a Diploma in Visual Journalism.
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 4,000
Thomas Waugh Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Film and Moving Image Studies in the Faculty of Fine Arts, or a Doctoral degree in the Humanities program. The applicant’s work shall be engaged in risk-taking research or research-creation in such fields as: (1) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirited, queer (or questioning) moving image culture or history; or (2) social justice documentary media culture or history.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
Vinesh Saxena Graduate Studies Thesis Award The Vinesh Graduate Thesis Award was established by Vinesh Saxena, a long-time donor and former faculty member who wishes to examine fundamental questions about spirituality. Through his foundation, the Vinesh Saxena Family Foundation, the primary objective is committed to helping those in need ( As a second objective his passion is to find answers to the 'unanswered' fundamental questions related to the soul, life after death and the existence of God ( After working very hard for almost forty years in Canadian society and leading a humble, modest life he established the foundation to return what he had received from society for its betterment.
The award is open to full-time graduate students in both thesis and non-thesis programs, studying issues of consciousness and/or life after life.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Wassim Sader Fellowship The Wassim Sader Fellowship was established to encourage and reward an incoming PhD students in CISSC that is performing research on an interdisciplinary subject that brings together the Arts and Sciences as they were before the Renaissance.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,066
William R. Sellers Graduate Award This award is created through the generosity of the faculty in the Department of Exercise Science in honour of Dr. William (Bill) R. Sellers, who served as Chair of the department for 18 years and was the motivating force behind the development of the graduate program in Exercise Science.
It is for current students within their second year of study, and open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Exercise Science.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 700
Wynne Francis Award This award is created through the generosity of Wynne Francis, who taught within the Department of English at Concordia University for many years and had a life-long enthusiasm for Canadian poetry.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in English. The area of research must either be on Canadian poetry or the theory and criticism of Canadian poetry.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,680
Yves and Cynthia Bled Future Achievers Scholarship for Outstanding Female Students in Engineering and Science This award is created through the generosity of Cynthia and Yves Bled, the founders of the Canadian Future Achievers Leadership (CFA) program to support and encourage students in their completion of high school and their pursuit of post-secondary studies.
It is for current female students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Engineering or Science, though preference will be given to students in Engineering. Applicants must submit a letter of intent relating their academic achievements as well as their active community involvement and engagement at local, national or international levels. Involvement which is, in the University’s sole judgment, of a religious, ethnic or political nature will not be taken into consideration.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 3,420

Award Name Description Approximate Value
Avtar Pall Graduate Award In Earthquake Engineering This award is created through the generosity of Dr. Avtar S. Pall and meant to encourage young engineers to think of new solutions to technical challenges. Dr. Pall is the founder of Pall Dynamics Limited and pioneered the development of friction-dampers for seismic control of buildings.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree in the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering. The area of research must fall under: earthquake engineering, structural engineering, and/or oblique structural engineering.
The award is renewable once (1) at the Master’s level and twice (2) at the PhD level.

$ 1,000
CAE Scholarship In Engineering Excellence This award is created through the generosity of the CAE, a global leader in the provision of simulation and control technologies, and training solutions for aerospace, defence and marine markets.
It is for current students within their final year, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science. Preference will be given to students in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 3,000
Campaign for A New Millennium Student Contribution Graduate Scholarship - Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science These awards are created through the generosity of graduate students in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science to the Campaign for a New Millennium.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Gina Cody School of Engineering & Computer Science.
The awards are renewable once (1).

$ 1,000
Canada Steamship Lines Inc. Award in Transportation Studies This award is supports students in the field of transportation studies.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University. Applicants primary area of research must concern transportation.
The award is renewable.

$ 1,250
Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Graduate Scholarship These two (2) awards are created through the generosity of Dr. Ching Y. Suen, the Director of CENPARMI and the Concordia Chair on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition. These awards encourage and reward graduate students enrolled in a Computer Science program whose research is related to pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.
They are for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students. If and when two (2) or more scholarships are available in a given year, one will preferably be awarded to an international student.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, with at least six (6) credits in a course of study leading to a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Computer Science. Applicants are required to submit a 2-page research proposal demonstrating the relevance of the dissertation work to the field of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, particularly in character recognition and analysis, or a closely related topic.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 1,000
CIBC Entrance Scholarship in Engineering Eligible candidates entering (CIISE) studying cybersecurity in the Master of Information Systems Security (thesis or course-based) must also identify in a short statement as belonging to, or identifying with, one of the following groups: BIPOC, LGBTQ+, female, or disabled. Indigenous students must also provide information on their nation and community of origin in their statement, as well as provide proof in the form of documentation to Financial Aid and Awards. LGBTQ+ students may alternately indicate why receiving this award would be meaningful to them. The Scholarships are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students.
The award is renewable.
$ 15,000
David J. Azrieli Fellowship This fellowship program welcomes the best and brightest Postdoctoral scholars who wish to undertake research in Israel.
It is for new or returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, having completed a Doctorate at a Canadian university. Their Postdoctoral work must concern Israel.
Candidates will be assessed based on their potential to make cutting-edge contributions to their respective fields. Aspects of personal merit and leadership abilities are also taken into consideration without regard to race, religion, gender, ethnicity or age.
The fellowship is non-renewable.

$ 13,000
Dr. T. Radhakrishnan In-Course Graduate Bursary in Computer Science This award is created through the generosity of Dr. T. Radhakrishnan whose research in information and communication technology for development reflects his life-long commitment to helping the poor and vulnerable.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering within the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 500
Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Scholarship This is an award for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree within Engineering and Computer Science.
The award is renewable.

$ 3,000
Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Scholarships There are multiple entrance awards. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Dpctoral degree in Engineering or Computer Science.
The awards are renewable for a duration of three (3) years.

$ 60,000
Graduate Memorial Scholarship Fund for Iranian Students The Memorial Scholarship Fund for Iranian Students was established to commemorate those whose lives were lost on Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 in Iran on January 8, 2020, including two Concordia graduates — Siavash Ghafouri-Azar, MASc 19, and Sara Mamani, MASc 18. The Scholarship is based on academic merit for full-time students from Iran commencing a Master of /Magisteriate degree, thesis program, in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering at the University. The Scholarship will alternate between one male and one female annually.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 3,800
Hydro-Quebec Doctoral Scholarships These awards are created through the generosity of Hydro-Quebec.
They are open to new students, either Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are paying tuition fees at the Quebec rate.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree within one of the eligible programs in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science: Mechanical Engineering, Information and Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, or Building Engineering, or Computer Science. Eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in Faculty of Arts and Science: Physics, Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies, Economics, Chemistry, or Biology. Lastly, eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in the John Molson School of Business: Administration.
The awards are renewable two (2) times.

$ 11,160
Hydro-Quebec Master's Scholarships These awards are created through the generosity of Hydro-Quebec.
They are open to new students, either Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are paying tuition fees at the Quebec rate.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science: Mechanical Engineering (MSc), Industrial Engineering (MSc), Quality Systems Engineering (Msc), Information Systems Security (MSc), Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSc), Computer Science, Civil Engineering (MSc), or Building Engineering (MSc). Eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in Faculty of Arts and Science: Physics (MSc), Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies (MSc), Economics (MA), Chemistry (MSc), or Biology (MSc). Lastly, eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master’s degree within one of the eligible programs in the John Molson School of Business: Management (MSc) or Finance (MSc).
The awards are renewable once.

$ 5,072
James M. Stanford Master's Scholarship in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science This award is created in honour of James M. Stanford, who received a BSc in 1958 from Loyola College and an Honorary Doctorate of Law in 2000 from Concordia University.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science.
The award is renewable.

$ 7,500
James M. Stanford PhD Scholarship in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science This award is created in honour of James M. Stanford, who received a BSc in 1958 from Loyola College and an Honorary Doctorate of Law in 2000 from Concordia University.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science.
The award is renewable.

$ 10,000
Jang-Hwan Kwon Graduate Award in Computer Science This award is created through the generosity of Jang-Hwan Kwon and is to support and encourage students within Computer Science.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science. They must not have received a prior degree from Concordia University.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 500
Leonard F. Ruggins Engineering PhD Scholarships These awards are in memory of Leonard F. Ruggins to attract and retain the best and brightest PhD students in research-oriented programs at Concordia University.
They are entrance awards, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree. Priority will be given, but not limited to, (a) a graduated Engineering and Computer Science (ENCS) Masters student admitted to a PhD degree offered by ENCS and/or; (b) a graduated ENCS Masters student admitted to a PhD degree offered by ENCS and whose research focuses on engineering and system’s design.
The awards are renewable for two (2) years, so long as the recipient continues to maintain their academic standing within their program.

$ 17,500
L.K. Rao and Ramasita Tata Award The Award shall be granted on the basis of academic merit and financial need to full-time female students applying from India, that are entering the Master of Engineering (MEng) degree at the University.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Port of Montreal Award in Transportation Studies This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University whose primary area of research concerns transportation.
The award is renewable.

$ 1,750
Pratt and Whitney Canada Targeted Scholarship These two (2) awards were created to support top students in aerospace research.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Engineering. They must also have completed or be currently working on a P&WC project. Applicants must demonstrate leadership potential (i.e. participation in competitions, debates, technical societies, or technical clubs) and demonstrate an innovative mindset.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 3,000
Professor Hugh McQueen Award of Excellence This award is in honour of Professor Hugh McQueen who was the initiator of Concordia’s Social Aspects of Engineering program and a generous supporter of the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science. They must also be a recipient of a Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGSD) or a Postgraduate Scholarship (PGSD) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) or a Bourse en milieu pratique “BMP Innovation” (FQRNT-CRSNG).
The award is non-renewable.

$ 3,000
Sheng Family Graduate Scholarship in Electrical Engineering This award is in memory of Shi Shi Sheng, beloved father of a Concordia University Electrical Engineering graduate, who instilled in his daughters the importance of an education in STEM subjects. Shi Shi Sheng was orphaned during World War II in China and escaped poverty by studying to be a mechanical engineer.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering. Preference will be given to female students entering a thesis or non-thesis option, to encourage more of them within the department.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 5,000
DRW Graduate Scholarship In Computer Science This award is created through the generosity of DRW, a Montreal-based company who participates in the world of electronic financial markets. It is an entrance award, open to international students. Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Computer Science.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,000
Yves and Cynthia Bled Future Achievers Scholarship for Outstanding Female Students in Engineering and Science This award is created through the generosity of Cynthia and Yves Bled, the founders of the Canadian Future Achievers Leadership (CFA) program to support and encourage students in their completion of high school and their pursuit of post-secondary studies.
It is for current female students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Engineering or Science, though preference will be given to students in Engineering. Applicants must submit a letter of intent relating their academic achievements as well as their active community involvement and engagement at local, national or international levels. Involvement which is, in the University’s sole judgment, of a religious, ethnic or political nature will not be taken into consideration.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 3,420

Award Name Description Approximate Value
Anne Savage Memorial Scholarship This award is in memory of Anne Savage, a pioneer Canadian art educator and painter who was an important influence on the founders of the art education program at Sir George Williams University.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Art Education.
The award will be granted based upon artistic achievement and a commitment to the vocation of teaching.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 4,500
Art History Faculty and Staff Adopt-A-Student Award This award is for current students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Art History.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,000
Bourses Sandra et Alain Bouchard au Centre de développement humain par les arts Les bourses Sandra et Alain Bouchard au Centre de développement humain par les arts are intended to encourage and support the best students in their second year of a graduate certificate in art therapy at the University.
The awards are non-renewable.
Campaign For A New Millennium Student Contribution Graduate Scholarship - Faculty of Fine Arts This award is created through the generosity of various donors including graduate students in the Faculty of Fine Arts to the Campaign for a New Millennium.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
The award is renewable once (1).

$ 1,000
Dale and Nick Tedeschi Studio Arts Fellowship These fellowship awards are created through the generosity of Dale and Nick Tedeschi. The establishment of this endowment by the Tedeschis is part of a larger vision of contemporary art that encourages emerging artists to focus their energies on both academic study and creative pursuit.
They are entrance fellowships, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Studio Arts program.
The fellowships are renewable for a maximum of two (2) years depending on the student’s successful completion of their first year in the MFA program and an assessment of their progress to be determined by the Faculty of Fine Arts.

$ 17,000
Dave McGary Memorial Award in Fine Arts This award is in memory of Dave McGary, the artist behind the Emergence of the Chief sculpture at the Loyola campus.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in the Studio Arts program with a specialization in sculpture or those working in three dimensional media in other Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs within the Faculty of Fine Arts.
The award is renewable.

$ 9,000
Dora and Avi Morrow Fellowship for Excellent Achievement in Visual Arts There are two (2) fellowships, one to a student from Studio Arts and the other to a student from Design Art.
They are entrance awards, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in the Department of Studio Arts or the Department of Design and Computational Arts. Eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Digital Technologies in Design Art Practice.
The fellowships are non-renewable.

$ 5,000
Film Studies Graduate Award This award is for current students who have completed their first year of study (at minimum). It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Film Studies.
The award will be granted to a student who has a stated career interest and vocation for teaching in the area of Film Studies.
The award is renewable.

$ 500
Fondation De Seve Graduate Entrance Scholarship The award was established to recognize artistic achievement and academic excellence of students registered in the MFA in Cinematic Arts program. Selection of the recipient is made by the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema Committee.
Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,000
Froebel Foundation Early Childhood Education Graduate Scholarship The Scholarship shall be based on academic merit to a part- time or full-time student pursuing a Master of /Magisteriate or Doctor / Doctorate (PhD) degree of/in Art Education at the University. Graduate Program Directors nominate candidates interested in the philosophy of Friedrich Froebel in the study of early childhood education. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The scholarship is renewable.

$ 10,000
Glay Sperling Scholarship This award is for current students who have completed their first year of study. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
The award is renewable.

$ 1,600
Hitting the High Notes Fellowship These fellowships are created through the generosity of the patrons of the Hitting the High Notes 2005 and 2006 events. They are entrance fellowships, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
The fellowships are renewable once (1) at the Master’s level and twice (2) at the PhD level based on satisfactory progress and good academic standing.

$ 15,000
John O'Brian Travel Exchange Award These awards are intended to support graduate students at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University who engage in an Art History MA student exchange between Concordia University and University of British Colombia (UBC). John O’Brian completed his PhD in art history at Harvard under the supervision of TJ Clark and in 1987 joined the University of British Columbia, where he is Professor Emeritus of Art History and a Faculty Associate at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. He publishes on modern art history and criticism, and is the author, co-author or editor of 20 books. His current research is on nuclear photography in North America and Japan. The Award shall be granted to a maximum of two (2) full-time students pursuing a Master in Art History at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University. Eligible applicants include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
$ 5,000
Joyce Melville Memorial Scholarship This award is in memory of Joyce Melville, a former Concordia University student and an artist.
It is for current female students entering their third year, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree within the Faculty of Fine Arts. Applicants must submit their CV and a statement expressing concern for social issues, particularly those affecting women, as demonstrated through her art.
The award is renewable.

$ 725
Kurt Ekler Scholarship in Judaic Studies This award is created through the generosity of Dr. Kurt Ekler, a Holocaust survivor and Professor Emeritus who graduated from McGill University with BSc and PhD degrees before teaching Chemistry at Loyola College and Concordia University.
It is for new and returning students, however preference will be given to students starting their Master’s degree. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Judaic Studies.
The award is renewable upon recommendation from the Department of Religion and Cultures.

$ 10,000
Lande Award in Photography This award is created through the generosity of Margot Lande and her mother, Mildred Lande. The graduate scholarship aims to encourage students to deeply engage with their work and was inspired by Margot Lande’s commitment to photography and belief in the value of having time for reflection.
This is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Studio Arts - Photography.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 20,000
Lazare Family Graduate Award in Photography This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Studio Arts - Photography. Students must demonstrate an interest in representational photography.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 10,000
Leslie Schalk Painting and Drawing Award The Leslie Schalk Painting and Drawing Award was established by Sally Issenman, in memory of the influential artist and educator who taught her mother, Lois Gold Issenman, for many years. Mr. Schalk was hugely talented. He worked in and taught painting (lithography, acrylic landscapes, large format triptych) in Montreal after moving to the city from Hungary in the late 1930s.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Lillian Vineberg Graduate Award In Painting And Drawing This award is for current students entering their second year. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Studio Arts - Paining and Drawing.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 2,300
Miriam Aaron Roland Fellowship in PhD Humanities These two (2) fellowships are created through the generosity of Miriam Roland, a dedicated Concordia Governor Emeritus and generous supporter of Concordia University.
They are entrance fellowships, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Humanities.
The fellowships are non-renewable.

$ 2,500
Morrie And Diane Cohen Graduate Scholarship in Art History This award is created through the generosity of Diane Cohen and Morrie M. Cohen, who received a Bachelor of Arts in 1965 form Sir George Williams University.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Arts in Art History or Doctoral degree in Philosophy in Art History.
The award is renewable.

$ 1,200
Phil Cohen Music Award This award is in honour of Phil Cohen, the first Head of the Music Section in the Department of Fine Arts (prior to the formation of the Faculty of Fine Arts) and the designer of the BFA in Music.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing studies in the Diploma in Advanced Music Performance Studies or pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Individualized Program (INDI) with a major declared in Music. Applicants must be outstanding instrumental performers or outstanding vocal performers. This will be measured either by faculty recommendations supported by the high grade achieved by the recipient in one or more Graduate Diploma performance examinations, a previously received graduate level degree in music, and/or an outstanding record of prizes won in professional contests and success achieved in community concerts.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 425
Port of Montreal Award in Transportation Studies This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University whose primary area of research concerns transportation.
The award is renewable.

$ 1,750
Renata and Michal Hornstein Graduate Scholarship in PhDHumanities This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Humanities.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 2,500
Renata Hornstein Graduate Fellowship in Art History These two (2) fellowships are created through the generosity of Michael Hornstein and dedicated to his wife, Renata Hornstein.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Art History or a Doctoral degree in Philosophy in Art History.
The fellowships are renewable.

$ 3,125
Roloff Beny Foundation Fellowship in Photography This fellowship is created through the generosity of The Roloff Beny Foundation. Roloff Beny was a photographer, painter and designer. He was famous for his photography, which earned him numerous awards.
The fellowship is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Studio Arts (specialization in Photography).
The Roloff Beny Foundation proposes that the work produced by those who receive this fellowship be appropriately presented to the University community and be displayed at other institutions promoting photography in Canada. The exhibition of these works shall be made without undue expenditure of funds or time by the students.
The fellowship is non-renewable.

$ 46,830
Romek Hornstein Memorial Fellowship These two (2) fellowships are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Jewish Studies.
The fellowships are non-renewable.

$ 3,125
Sandra and Alain Bouchard Graduate Student Award Awards supported by the Sandra and Alain Bouchard Professorship. Selection of recipients shall be made by the University from qualified applicants in a part- or full-time course of study leading to a Master of /Magisteriate or Doctor / Doctorate (PhD) degree. Candidates will be recommended by the Department in conjunction with the Professorship holder. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The fellowships are renewable.
$ 5,000
Sari Goldberg Graduate Scholarship in Creative Arts Therapies This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Creative Arts Therapies - Drama Therapy.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 2,500
Shirley Reed Graduate Scholarship The Scholarship is based on academic merit, to full-time students entering a Master of /Magistrate in Fine Arts degree, with a concentration in Painting and Drawing, at the University. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Founded in November 2006, the Tenaquip Foundation, provides relief primarily in the areas of homelessness, poverty, abuse, caregiving, medical research, children’s welfare and humanitarian causes. Since its operations began in 2006-2007, the Tenaquip Foundation has donated over $30,000,000 to Canadians in need and has also taken part in several international projects. The Foundation prides itself on giving back to the communities it is involved in and causes that are close to their heart.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 15,000
Tenaquip Foundation Graduate Scholarship The Scholarship is based on academic merit, to full-time students entering a Master of /Magistrate in Fine Arts degree, with a concentration in Painting and Drawing, at the University. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Founded in November 2006, the Tenaquip Foundation, provides relief primarily in the areas of homelessness, poverty, abuse, caregiving, medical research, children’s welfare and humanitarian causes. Since its operations began in 2006-2007, the Tenaquip Foundation has donated over $30,000,000 to Canadians in need and has also taken part in several international projects. The Foundation prides itself on giving back to the communities it is involved in and causes that are close to their heart.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 7,500
The Art Saving Life Foundation Graduate Scholarship in Creative Arts Therapy This award is created through the generosity of the Art Saving Life Foundation, which is a volunteer-based organization whose mission is to assist in the recovery of breast cancer survivors by providing art therapy programs, seminars on self-balance, and funding research.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Art Therapy.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 500
The Christopher Moore Graduate Award in Design This is a graduate entrance award for students entering the MDes program in the department of Design and Computation Arts who self-identify as members of the LGBTQIA2+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-spirit) community. Applicants should be willing to attest to their lived experience in one of these equity-deserving groups through a short, written statement. This award is intended to encourage, foster inclusion, and improve equity for students who identify as sexual minorities, emphasizing their intrinsic value as members of the Fine Arts community, and their potential to make meaningful contributions in the field of Design. If no suitable candidate is identified in a given year, the award may be granted to a student representing another equity-deserving group, including Indigenous communities, racialized groups, women, persons with disabilities and religious minority groups.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
The Harris and Ann Wetstein Foundation Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree with research in the area of Canadian Jewish Studies.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,500
The John Heward Graduate Award The award aims to encourage the emerging artists supporting the graduate students enrolled in the Department of Studio Arts in painting, drawing, sculpture and intermedia. It is open to full-time Canadian or permanent resident students.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
The Mildred Lande and Margot Lande Graduate Scholarship in Photography This award is created through the generosity of Mildred Lande and Margot Lande, who received a Bachelor of Arts in 1970 from Loyola College.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Studio Arts specializing in Photography.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 3,350
The Peter N. Thomson Family Graduate Scholarship These awards are created in memory of Peter Nesbitt Thomson, who attended Sir George Williams College and had an immense interest in supporting higher learning and the next generation of artists and art scholars.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
The awards are renewable.

$ 20,000
The Renata and Michal Hornstein Doctoral Scholarships This award is created in honour of Renata and Michal Hornstein, Holocaust survivors, philanthropists. Their love for art resulted in a world-class collection of works by Dutch, Flemish and Italian artists along with ongoing support of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in a Fine Arts Program such as: Art Education, Art History or Film Studies. Applicants may also be pursuing a Doctoral degree within the following two interdisciplinary programs as long as they have a principal supervisor or co-supervisor from Fine Arts: (1) Humanities, or (2) Individualized (INDI) Program.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 100,000
Thomas Waugh Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Film and Moving Image Studies in the Faculty of Fine Arts, or a Doctoral degree in the Humanities program. The applicant’s work shall be engaged in risk-taking research or research-creation in such fields as: (1) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirited, queer (or questioning) moving image culture or history; or (2) social justice documentary media culture or history.
The award is renewable.

$ 5,000
Tom Hopkins Graduate Award in Painting & Drawing This award is in memory of Tom Hopkins and meant to reward graduate students whose commitment and spirit towards painting and drawing reflect the passion for their practice as exemplified by Tom.
It is for current students in their third year of study, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in Studio Arts specializing in Painting.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,000
Tom Hopkins Memorial Graduate Award These awards are created by J. Ross Quigley in memory of his friend and well-known Canadian artist, Tom Hopkins.
Eligible applicants must be full-time students, pursuing a Master’s degree in Studio Arts. The award is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 5,000

Award Name Description Approximate Value
Anne-Marie Croteau MSc Scholarship The purpose of the Awards is to support and encourage women to pursue studies in Business Technology Management, a field where women are often underrepresented. The Scholarship shall be granted, based on academic merit, to female students entering and pursuing their MSc in Business Analytics and Technology Management at the John Molson School of Business.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Bank of Montreal Pauline Vanier MBA Fellowship This fellowship was established in 1987 by the Bank of Montreal to honour Pauline Vanier, the first woman to be elected to the board of directors of a Canadian chartered bank. It aims to encourage women to aspire to the highest levels in the business world through a combination of practical business experience and academic excellence.
This is an entrance fellowship, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be women pursuing full-time studies, resulting in a Master of Business Administration (MBA) within the John Molson School of Business. Applicants must have two (2) years of cumulative business experience.
The fellowship is renewable for one (1) year.
$ 20,000
Bernie Schroder MBA Award Entrance award for full-time students accepted to the MBA program at John Molson School of Business.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Betsy Barber Memorial Award This award is in memory of Betsy Barber, who served as chair for the University Women's Club of Montreal Public Foundation from 1998 to 2000 raising thousands of dollars, and who also obtained her MBA from Concordia University as a mature student.
It is for female students who have completed one year of study, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) within the John Molson School of Business.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 600
Bob and Raye Briscoe MSc Scholarships The Bob and Raye Briscoe MSc Scholarship is created through the generosity of the Bob and Raye Briscoe Centre in Business Ownership Studies. The purpose of the Centre is to provide an environment for students and faculty to cultivate ties with the business community.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Science (MSc) with the intention of performing basic and applied research in business ownership and/or entrepreneurship.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
Bob and Raye Briscoe PhD Fellowship in Business Administration This fellowship is created to encourage and reward doctoral students enrolled in the John Molson School of Business.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Business Administration within the John Molson School of Business specializing in one of the following disciplines: Accountancy, Management, Marketing, or Supply Chain & Business Technology Management (formerly Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems). Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The fellowship is renewable.

$ 12,800
Bourse d'Études Supérieures en Commerce et en Administration Humberto Santos (Diplome de 2e cycle) These awards are in honour of Humberto Santos, who was the President and CEO of the Societe Financiere Desjardins Laurentienne and served six years on Concordia University's Board of Governors
There are two (2) entrance awards, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration within the John Molson School of Business.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 1,250
Bourse d'Études Supérieures en Commerce et en Administration Humberto Santos (Doctorat) This award is in honour of Humberto Santos, who was the President and CEO of the Societe Financiere Desjardins Laurentienne and served six years on Concordia University's Board of Governors.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Administration within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is renewable during the first three (3) years of the PhD program.
$ 10,000
Bourse D'Études D'excellence du Centre Desjardins D'innovation en Financement D'entreprises These awards are created through the generosity of the Desjardins Centre for Innovation in Business Finance.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree within the John Molson School of Business. Students from other faculties may be considered. The research interests or related activities of applicants must align with the mandate of the Centre.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 3,000
Campaign for A New Millennium Student Contribution Graduate Scholarship - John Molson School of Business These awards are created through the generosity of graduate students in John Molson School of Business to the Campaign for a New Millennium.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree within the John Molson School of Business.
The awards are renewable once (1).

$ 1,000
Canada Steamship Lines Inc. Award in Transportation Studies This award is supports students in the field of transportation studies.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree at Concordia University. Applicants primary area of research must concern transportation.
The award is renewable.
$ 1,250
Copland Family Graduate Scholarship This award is created through the generosity of Kenneth G. Copland who received a Bachelor of Commerce from Sir George Williams University in 1959.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, and must have either completed or are about to complete 24 credits towards a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Master of Science (MSc) in Administration within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 1,500
CUAA John Molson School Of Business Alumni Chapter Entrance Bursary These awards are created through the generosity of corporate sponsors and individual players of the Annual JMSB Alumni Gold Tournament.
They are entrance awards, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 1,000
Fiera Capital Scholarships for MBA-CFA Students The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and on the basis of a written statement from returning students to the Goodman Institute of Investment Management of the John Molson School of Business who are pursuing an MBA in Investment Management.  Scholarship recipients will be evaluated based on academic merit and financial need, as expressed in the personal statement of their application. The selection process will be designed to ensure fair representation of all qualified candidates, with the goal of addressing underrepresentation in the program. Eligible applicants/candidates include Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students. The recipient of the Scholarship is not eligible to be nominated again.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 10,000
Christine Sayegh-Filgiano Scholarship for Women in the MBA in Investment Management Program The Scholarship was established by Christine Sayegh-Filgiano, an alumna and longtime donor and volunteer at the University. The intention of the Scholarship is to support and encourage women to pursue their MBA and CFA studies. Open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students, both full and part-time.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Greg Rokos MBA Scholarship This award is created through the generosity of Greg Rokos, a graduate of Concordia University and President and CEO at ESI Technologies.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 5,000
Greg Rokos MSc Scholarship These two (2) awards are created through the generosity of Greg Rokos, a graduate of Concordia University and President and CEO at ESI Technologies.
They are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's degree in Science (MSc) within the John Molson School of Business, with preference given to those specializing in International Business, Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Ownership, or Business Evaluation.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 5,000
Gregory Kersten Memorial Scholarship The award is created in memory of Gregory Kersten, a professor at the John Molson School of Business from 1999 until his passing on May 26, 2020.
The awards are non-renewable.
Haimovith-Tabac/DNTW-Montreal PhD Scholarship in Accountancy This award is created through the generosity of Steven Tabac who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Sir George Williams University in 1974.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Accountancy.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
Hardeep Grewal MBA Scholarship This award is created through the generosity Hardeep Grewal who came to Montreal in 1972, worked extremely hard to pay for his education and graduated in 1983 with a BComm from Concordia University. The award is to encourage students whose commitment and spirit towards business education reflect the same values.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's degree in Business Administration.
The award is renewable.

$ 11,500
Hydro-Quebec Doctoral Scholarships
These awards are created through the generosity of Hydro-Quebec.
They are open to new students, either Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are paying tuition fees at the Quebec rate.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree within one of the eligible programs in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science: Mechanical Engineering, Information and Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, or Building Engineering, or Computer Science. Eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master's degree within one of the eligible programs in Faculty of Arts and Science: Physics, Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies, Economics, Chemistry, or Biology. Lastly, eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master's degree within one of the eligible programs in the John Molson School of Business: Administration.
The awards are renewable two (2) times.

$ 11,160
Hydro-Quebec Master's Scholarships These awards are created through the generosity of Hydro-Quebec.
They are open to new students, either Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are paying tuition fees at the Quebec rate.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's degree within one of the eligible programs in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science: Mechanical Engineering (MSc), Industrial Engineering (MSc), Quality Systems Engineering (Msc), Information Systems Security (MSc), Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSc), Computer Science, Civil Engineering (MSc), or Building Engineering (MSc). Eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master's degree within one of the eligible programs in Faculty of Arts and Science: Physics (MSc), Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies (MSc), Economics (MA), Chemistry (MSc), or Biology (MSc). Lastly, eligible applicants can also be pursuing a Master's degree within one of the eligible programs in the John Molson School of Business: Management (MSc) or Finance (MSc).
The awards are renewable once (1).

$ 5,072
Lino A. Saputo MBA Goodman Institute Scholarship The Lino Saputo Jr. MBA Goodman Institute Scholarship shall be granted to a full-time student admitted to a Master of Business Administration in Investment Management at the Goodman Institute of Investment Management at the John Molson School of Business. Applicants may be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or international students. The Scholarship recipient is not automatically renewed from year to year, but previous recipients may be eligible for consideration in subsequent years.
The awards are non-renewable.
Lord Shaughnessy MBA Fellowship in Investment Management This is an entrance fellowship. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) within the Goodman Institute of Investment Management of the John Molson School of Business.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The fellowship is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Mirelle & Murray Steinberg Awards This award is created through the generosity of Mireille and Murray Steinberg.
It is for current students entering their second year of study, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,250
National Bank Initiative in Entrepreneurship in Family Business -  MSc Scholarship The purpose for the Initiative Master's scholarship and Doctoral fellowship is to support and reward graduate students with an interest in entrepreneurship and family business.
These awards are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Science (MSc) or Doctoral degree within the John Molson School of Business with an interest in entrepreneurship and family business.
The scholarship is renewable once (1) for a Master's student and the fellowship is renewable three (3) times for a Doctoral student.
$ 10,000
National Bank Initiative in Entrepreneurship in Family Business - PhD Fellowship The purpose for the Initiative Master's scholarship and Doctoral fellowship is to support and reward graduate students with an interest in entrepreneurship and family business.
These awards are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Science (MSc) or Doctoral degree within the John Molson School of Business with an interest in entrepreneurship and family business.
The scholarship is renewable once (1) for a Master's student and the fellowship is renewable three (3) times for a Doctoral student.
$ 20,000
Ned Goodman Teaching Assistantship This teaching assistant award is in honour Ned Goodman and to provide deserving students with an opportunity, on campus, to develop professional skills.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's degree within the John Molson School of Business, specifically within the Goodman Institute in Investment Management.
The award is non-renewable though previous recipients may reapply.
$ 5,000
Noranda Inc. Fellowship in Commerce and Administration This fellowship is created through the generosity of Noranda Inc. to assist and encourage excellent students pursuing graduate studies and research.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Science (MSc) in Administration, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Doctoral degree in Philosophy (Administration).
The fellowship is renewable.
$ 5,000
Paul Desmarais Sr. MBA-CSI Memorial Scholarship These two (2) awards are created through the generosity of Carolyn and Richard J. Renaud in memory of Paul Desmarais Sr.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and registered in the MBA-CSI Internship within the John Molson School of Business.
The awards are non-renewable.
$ 2,430
Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis Memorial Scholarship This award is created through the generosity of Concordia Prof. Dr. Stylianos Perrakis, specialist in financial product derivatives and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, in honor of his late wife Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis. He created this graduate award in her memory, reflecting her own generosity of spirit in the more than 52 years that they were together. As he stated, “I figure that a young man or woman with merit will benefit from this money — and that’s good. What those students do will benefit everybody.”
This award is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Science (MSc) or Doctoral degree in Finance within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is non-renewable; however, it may be renewed in exceptional circumstances.
$ 3,654
Quadbridge MBA Entrance Scholarship for International Women The purpose of the Quadbridge Scholarship for Women in Tech is to encourage and support high achieving female students that are entering the University and pursuing an MBA. Quadbridge is a Leading IT Solutions Provider, Driving Success Through Technology by supplying hardware and software to the medium and large enterprise customers across North America. Quadbridge is passionate about encouraging women to pursue their career and become leaders in this ever-growing industry. The Scholarship shall be based on academic merit, to a full-time female student pursuing a Master of Business Administration the University. Eligible candidates are students arriving to Concordia University from Iran.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 5,000
Raymond Decarie Graduate Scholarship in Commerce & Administration This award is created through the generosity of Raymond A. D‚carie, Chairman, Affinity Marketing Group, Meloche Money Inc. He received a Bachelor of Commerce from Loyola in 1964 and was awarded the Concordia University Alumni Association's Distinguished Service Award in 1999.
It is for current students entering their second year, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Master of Science (MSc) or a Doctoral degree in Business Administration within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is renewable.
$ 1,500
Redpath Sugars Graduate Scholarship in Commerce & Administration This award is created through the generosity of the Redpath Sugars, a division of Tate & Lyle North American Sugars Ltd.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Master of Science (MSc) or a Doctoral degree in Administration within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is renewable.
$ 1,500
Robert C. White Commerce Award The Robert C. White Commerce Award was created by Bob White’s family in honour of Robert C. White, MBA 1980. The award is to recognize outstanding graduate students in the John Molson School of Business. The award is available to both new and returning Canadian students.
The award is renewable.
Robert J. Briscoe MBA Award This award is created through the generosity of Robert J. Briscoe who received a Bachelor of Science from Sir George Williams University in 1967 and was in the first MBA class at Sir George Williams University in 1973.
It is for current students entering their second year, and open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) within the John Molson School of Business. Their undergraduate degree must not be in commerce. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate entrepreneurial activity.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 2,500
Ruth P. Glenen Master of Business Administration Memorial Award The Ruth P. Glenen Master of Business Administration Memorial Award shall be granted through competition for a two-year term, based on academic merit, to a full-time female student pursuing their Masters in Business Administration at JMSB. The award is open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents only.
The award is non-renewable.
$ 32,400
Steven Goldberg Doctoral Scholarship This award is for current students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree within the John Molson School of Business.
The award is renewable at the discretion of the Committee.
$ 2,500
The Barry F. Lorenzetti Master of Science Scholarship The MSc scholarships are open to students currently enrolled in, or entering, a course of study leading to a Master's of Science degree at JMSB and who are conducting or who will conduct targeted research in the area of women, entrepreneurship and leadership. Open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students.
The award is renewable.
$ 5,000
The Barry F. Lorenzetti PhD Scholarship The PhD scholarship is open to students currently enrolled in, or entering, a course of study leading to a PhD in Business Administration at JMSB and who are conducting or who will conduct targeted research in the area of women, entrepreneurship and leadership. Open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students.
The award is renewable.
$ 10,000
The Goodman Institute of Investment Management MBA Bursary This award is for current students. It is open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's degree in Investment Management within The Goodman Institute with complete CFA Integration at the John Molson School of Business. They must have a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is renewable.

$ 18,000

Award Name Description Approximate Value
Campaign For A New Millennium Graduate Scholarship - School Of Graduate Studies This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is renewable once (1).
$ 1,000
Chih Lin Chou Scholarship in Music Therapy This award pays homage to Chih-Lin Chou, who graduated from the Creative Arts Therapies program in June 2017. The purpose of this award is to encourage and reward students currently enrolled in any Music Therapy program, whose commitment and spirit towards music reflect the values exemplified by Chih-Lin Chou.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy or Master’s degree in Music Therapy.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 700
Faculty of Arts and Science Graduate Fellowship in Ethnic Studies and Social Diversity This fellowship was created to provide funding for new research projects on ethnic studies and social diversity.
It is an entrance fellowship, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree within the Faculty of Arts and Science. Those within the Individualized (INDI) program are also eligible provided that their principal supervisor is from the Faculty of Arts and Science. The applicant's research topic must focus on ethnic studies or social diversity.
The fellowship is non-renewable.

$ 7,500
Louise Dandurand Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies This is an entrance award. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in the Humanities program or in the Individualized (INDI) program.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 15,000
Miriam Aaron Roland Fellowship in PhD Humanities These two (2) fellowships are created through the generosity of Miriam Roland, a dedicated Concordia Governor Emeritus and generous supporter of Concordia University.
They are entrance fellowships, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Humanities.
The fellowships are non-renewable.

$ 2,500
Phil Cohen Music Award This award is in honour of Phil Cohen, the first Head of the Music Section in the Department of Fine Arts (prior to the formation of the Faculty of Fine Arts) and the designer of the BFA in Music.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing studies in the Diploma in Advanced Music Performance Studies or pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the Individualized Program (INDI) with a major declared in Music. Applicants must be outstanding instrumental performers or outstanding vocal performers. This will be measured either by faculty recommendations supported by the high grade achieved by the recipient in one or more Graduate Diploma performance examinations, a previously received graduate level degree in music, and/or an outstanding record of prizes won in professional contests and success achieved in community concerts.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 425
Renata and Michal Hornstein Graduate Scholarship in Ph.D. Humanities This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Humanities.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 2,500
School of Graduate Studies Personnel Award This award is created through the generosity of the staff of the School of Graduate Studies, whose mission is to provide leadership and support to the university community.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in the Humanities or Individualized (INDI) program.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,000
The Renata and Michal Hornstein Doctoral Scholarships This award is created in honour of Renata and Michal Hornstein, Holocaust survivors, philanthropists. Their love for art resulted in a world-class collection of works by Dutch, Flemish and Italian artists along with ongoing support of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in a Fine Arts Program such as: Art Education, Art History or Film Studies. Applicants may also be pursuing a Doctoral degree within the following two interdisciplinary programs as long as they have a principal supervisor or co-supervisor from Fine Arts: (1) Humanities, or (2) Individualized (INDI) Program.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 100,000
Thomas Waugh Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree in Film and Moving Image Studies in the Faculty of Fine Arts, or a Doctoral degree in the Humanities program. The applicant’s work shall be engaged in risk-taking research or research-creation in such fields as: (1) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirited, queer (or questioning) moving image culture or history; or (2) social justice documentary media culture or history.
The award is renewable.

$ 5,000
Wynne Francis Award This award is created through the generosity of Wynne Francis, who taught within the Department of English at Concordia University for many years and had a life-long enthusiasm for Canadian poetry.
It is for current students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree in English. The area of research must either be on Canadian poetry or the theory and criticism of Canadian poetry. 
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,680

Award Name Description Approximate Value
Ann Kerby Scholarship for Students With Disabilities This award is in memory of Ann Kerby to honour her tireless and active leadership on behalf of disabled students while she was the Director of Advocacy & Support Services at Concordia University.
It is an entrance award, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants can be full-time or part-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University. Applicants must be registered with the Office of Students with Disabilities, have fulfilled the in-take process, and be recognized with chronic disability as defined in the official university policy.
The award is renewable.

$ 1,630
Armand Archambualt Fellowship This award is created through the generosity of Estate of the late Armand C. Archambault.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree within Concordia University.
The award is renewable.

$ 5,000
Campaign for Concordia Graduate Award These awards are created through the generosity of various donors to the Campaign for Concordia.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The awards are renewable.

$ 5,000
Canadian National Award in Transportation Studies This award is supports students in the field of transportation studies.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University. Applicants primary area of research must concern transportation.
The award is renewable.

$ 2,500
Carolyn & Richard Renaud Teaching Assistantship This award is intended to recognize and reward graduate students and to provide them with an opportunity on campus to develop professional skills in their chosen field.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 5,000
Carolyn and Brian Neysmith Graduate Scholarships These awards are created through the generosity of the Carolyn and Brian Neysmith. Brian is an alumnus of Sir George Williams University, former governor, and engaged volunteer dedicated to the future growth and development of Concordia University.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 5,000
Concordia Merit Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 10,000
Concordia Student Support Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to First Nations, Métis and Inuit students registered with the Concordia University Centre for Native Education.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is renewable. It is tenable within the first two (2) years of a Master’s program or the first four (4) years of a Doctorate program.

$ 5,000
Concordia University Adopt-A-Student Shuffle Graduate Award These four (4) awards are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 2,500
Concordia University Retired Faculty and Staff Graduate Award These four (4) awards are for current students who have completed at least one (1) year of study. They are open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The awards are non-renewable, but students may re-apply in successive years.

$ 4,850
Dominic D'Alessandro Fellowship This fellowship is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University in a research-based program.
The fellowship is non-renewable.

$ 15,000
Dominic D’Alessandro Prestige PhD Award The Prestige PhD Awards shall be based on academic excellence, granted annually to full-time students admitted to or enrolled in a course of study leading to a Doctor /Doctorate (PhD) degree in Finance, or a discipline in STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics). Candidates may be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or international students.
The fellowship is non-renewable.
$ 160,000
France and Andre Desmarais Graduate Fellowship This fellowship is created through the generosity of André Desmarais, President and co-CEO of Power Corporation of Canada, who earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University in 1978.
It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The fellowship is renewable.

$ 5,000
Frederick Lowy Scholars Fellowship This is an entrance fellowship. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The fellowship is renewable for a three (3) year period.

$ 45,000
Hydro-Quebec Graduate Award This is award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is renewable once.

$ 5,000
J.W. McConnell Memorial Doctoral Fellowship This fellowship aims to promote postgraduate research at Concordia University and to help build a body of teachers for Canadian universities and schools.
. It is an entrance fellowship, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The fellowship is renewable for nine (9) terms .

$ 32,400
Jacques Goulet Doctoral Fellowship This fellowship is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The fellowship is non-renewable.

$ 10,000
James W. Burns Graduate Award This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is renewable.

$ 3,000
Miriam Aaron Roland Graduate Fellowship These two (2) fellowships are created through the generosity of Miriam Roland, a dedicated Concordia Governor Emeritus and generous supporter of Concordia University.
They are entrance fellowships, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The fellowships are non-renewable.

$ 100,000
Out-of-Province Fee Remission This is an entrance award. It is open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Students paying the Quebec tuition rate or international fees do not qualify.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s degree at Concordia University.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 8,878
Peter Kruyt Award for Student Leadership and Engagement This award is in honour of Peter Kruyt to show appreciation for his leadership and dedication to Concordia University. It is for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award will be granted based on personal engagement and leadership within the Concordia community and the community at large.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 5,000
Power Corporation Of Canada Graduate Fellowship These fellowships are created through the generosity of the Power Corporation of Canada.
They are for new and returning students, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The fellowships are renewable.<br /><br />
$ 5,000
R. Howard Webster Foundation Doctoral Fellowship These fellowships are for new and returning students. They are open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The fellowships are renewable once.

$ 10,000
Richard Joly Scholarship for Indigenous Students Graduate scholarship in support graduate level Indigenous students. Indigenous students face many educational challenges unique to their cultures and histories. The Richard Joly Scholarship for Indigenous Students will help alleviate the financial pressures they face and promote academic excellence and success. The scholarship shall be granted through competition, based on academic merit, to students entering a graduate program at the University. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens or permanent residents registered with the Aboriginal Student Resource Centre at the University.
The scholarship is not renewable.
Sarah Anne and Henry John Hemens Graduate Scholarship to Advance Aboriginal Women It’s $10,000 and the Scholarship shall be granted through competition, based on academic-merit, to full-time women Aboriginal to Canada, demonstrating leadership, entering a Master of/Magisteriate Doctor/Doctorate (PhD) degree at the University. Eligible candidates include First Nations, Inuit and Metis, $ 10,000
Sheila and Marvyn Kussner Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 2,500
Steven Goldberg Entrance Bursary These awards are created through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gold.
They are entrance awards, open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University. Applicants must have completed their undergraduate studies within the previous two years.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The awards are non-renewable.

$ 5,000
Steven Goldberg Graduate Scholarship This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 2,500
The Jolly Sandhu Desai Memorial Bursary for Graduate Studies This award is in memory of Jolly Sandhu, a Concordia graduate.
This award is for new and returning students. It is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students.
Eligible applicants must be full-time, pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Concordia University.
Applicants may be required to submit a confidential statement of financial need.
The award is non-renewable.

$ 1,000
University Secretariat Indigenous Graduate Student Award Award open to full-time Indigenous students studying at the PhD level. The scholarship shall be granted through competition, based on academic merit. Eligible candidates include Canadian citizens or permanent residents registered with the Otsenhákta Student Centre at the University. The scholarship may be renewed. $ 5,000
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