Meet our team

Message from
the Dean
I am honoured to serve as dean of Graduate Studies, especially at a time when Concordia’s increasing number of graduate students are an integral element in the actualization of our strategic directions.
The School of Graduate Studies plays many roles within Concordia. It functions as a knowledge-broker, a forerunner and a source of guidance for our students, researchers, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and staff. As we move into this new decade amidst global change and rapidly advancing technology, it is profoundly important that we evolve while remaining true to Concordia’s values of accessible, relevant education and innovative research. We are well-equipped to handle these challenges. Concordia is home to two campuses, state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated staff and renowned faculty. Our incredible diversity encourages ingenuity, open dialogue and a vibrant culture. Our academic partnerships foster collaboration and innovation. The School of Graduate Studies is well-placed to initiate change and support Concordia’s goals.
I look forward to working with Concordia’s community to attract, retain and support the brightest minds from across the globe, to develop and support new curriculums in line with the changing world, to build and strengthen our dialogue with the public and to adopt new technologies in support of greater access to education and services.
– Effrosyni Diamantoudi - Dean of Graduate Studies
Connect with us
Book individual appointments with our staff for guidance relating to service requests, thesis matters, graduate awards, postdoctoral studies, or any of our academic and professional development programs.
Walk-in service is also available if you are on campus.
Our team
Office of the Dean
Effrosyni Diamantoudi, Dean of Graduate Studies
Marie-Michelle Duval-Martin, Executive Secretary to the Dean
Rachel Berger, Associate Dean, Academic Programs & Development
Mamoun Medraj, Associate Dean, Recruitment & Awards
Geoffrey Dover, Associate Dean, Graduate Student Academic Matters & Postdoctoral Studies
Julie Hong, Assistant, Office of the Dean
Donald Lafrance, Director
Erika MacFadden, Manager of Operations
Jennifer Bacon, Analyst, Graduate Enrolment
Adriana Rico, Web and Graduate Calendar Coordinator
Haley Prescott, Service Assistant
Charalambos (Charis) Poullis, Academic Code Administrator
Michael Jordan, Academic Governance Assistant
Graduate Academic Programs
Gina Beltran, Manager, Graduate Academic Programs
Ryan Angrove, Program Analyst, Graduate Academic Programs
Felice Yuen, Graduate Program Director, Individualized Programs
Darlene Dubiel, Coordinator, Graduate Academic Programs
Graduate Professional Development
Kristy Clarke, Manager, Graduate Professional Development
Javier Ibarra-Isassi, Coordinator, Graduate Research and Thesis Support
Racha Cheikh-Ibrahim, Officer, Graduate Professional Development
Maria Kyres, Coordinator, Graduate Career Development
Anim Hossain, Administrative Coordinator, GradProSkills
Graduate Academic Services
Nadeem Butt, Manager, Graduate Academic Services
Raja Bhattacharya, Advisor, Student Affairs
Irene Grigoropoulos, Advisor, Graduate Admissions
Niyusha Samadi, Coordinator, Postdoctoral Development
Dolly Grewal, Administrator, Thesis
Graduate Awards
Cynthia Raso, Manager, Graduate Awards
Cecilia Kramar, Advisor, Fellowship Application Development
Jordan Carey, Advisor, Internal Awards
Katherine Belloso, Advisor, External Awards
Recruitment, Outreach and Communication
Marie-Eve Roy, Manager, Graduate Strategic Enrolment and Outreach
Lorena Marzitelli, Officer, Graduate Recruitment
Andres Vazquez, Coordinator, Marketing and Outreach
The School of Graduate Studies is part of the research sector at Concordia University.