Visiting students
Graduate visiting students from other universities who have been authorized by their home universities to take graduate courses at Concordia University are subject to the regulations of Concordia University. Consult the Visiting Students section in the Graduate Calendar.
Does your home university have a visiting student agreement with Concordia?
Follow the visiting student application process that best describes your situation:
- Graduate students from Québec universities must submit requests for courses through the Inter-University Agreement (AEHE/BCI) process.
- Graduate students from Canadian universities outside of Québec must obtain a letter (or form) of authorization from their home university. Applicants must submit this document to the degree program that offers the course(s). The Graduate Transfer Agreement between Canadian Universities (CAGS) form can also be completed if used by the home institution.
- Graduate students from universities outside of Canada must contact Concordia International if their home university has an exchange agreement with Concordia. They will be considered as Visiting Exchange students.
If your home university does not have an exchange agreement, follow these steps to apply (at least one-month prior to the commencement of the requested term):
- Obtain a letter of permission from your home university stating which courses you are permitted to take
- Contact the Graduate Program Assistant of the department that offers the graduate-level courses that interest you
- Submit the following documents:
- Authorization to Register as a Non-Degree Student form
- proof of current university studies (i.e., transcripts)
- proof of English language proficiency
- a copy of your birth certificate
- proof of immigration status (if applicable)
Immigration documents for international students
All individuals who wish to pursue studies in the province of Québec must obtain immigration documents if they are not Canadian citizens or Landed immigrants.