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Ameer Nizami:
My inspiration

The lithium sulfide adsorbate molecules, shown in purple and yellow, dance as energy is released and stored during the charging and discharging processes. Harmony in Energy: A Molecular Ballet. An optimized titanium nitride structure with the lithium sulfide adsorbate molecules floating above. Credit: Ameer Nizami.

How can computational predictions guide the optimization of the interface design of lithium-sulfur battery cathodes?

Ever since I participated in my first Earth Day, I became deeply concerned about the effects of climate change and the long-term impact on our planet. This concern drove my passion for science throughout my teenage years. While pursuing my bachelor's degree in engineering, I became acutely aware of the constantly growing global demand for renewable energy and efficient energy storage solutions to alleviate our dependency on fossil fuels. The potential of lithium-sulfur batteries to revolutionize energy storage systems and significantly reduce carbon emissions fueled my curiosity and commitment to dedicate my research efforts to battery technology.

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