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Muhammad Ilyas Nadeem:
My inspiration

Green grass growing in footprints on a cracked earth background. Transforming the barren landscape of disease management into a thriving field of health and hope. Credit: Zuzana Uhlíková.

How do obesity and Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) independently affect the characteristics of fat tissue in the upper and lower body and how does weight loss in obese individuals without T2DM and those with T2DM affect regional fat tissue characteristics?

Growing up in a middle-class family grappling with Type 2 Diabetes, I witnessed first-hand its devastating impact, with my grandparents succumbing to its complications and my mother and relatives struggling with diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. This fueled my determination to find lasting, affordable solutions. My inspiration was further ignited by reading Gifted Hands by Ben Carson, which instilled in me the belief that I could make a significant difference in the lives of people close to me and others regardless of economic status. This led me to pursue advanced studies in health sciences, focusing on the interplay between genetic factors and lifestyle choices in disease manifestation and management. My master's thesis explored the impact of genetic variants and physical activity on obesity prevention, reinforcing my commitment to research.

Much like leaving green footprints on parched ground, my research aims to transform the landscape of obesity and diabetes management. By understanding the heterogeneity of obesity and the mechanisms behind differences in pathology and treatment outcomes, I hope to create a path toward better disease prevention and management, making a lasting impact on the lives of many.

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