The Office of the Dean sets academic priorities for the John Molson School of Business and manages the School in accordance with Collective Agreements and other University policies.

Anne-Marie Croteau
Dean, John Molson School of Business

Barbara oversees the daily operation of the office of the dean and ensures that John Molson’s administrative procedures are carried out in accordance with guidelines established by university administration. She assists the Dean in promoting the business school both internally and externally.
Room: S-MB 15129
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2704

Lynn is responsible for the coordination of all activities related to faculty affairs in the John Molson School of Business.She coordinates the administration of the CUFA, CUPFA and TRAC workload management and monitors and issues part-time and teaching assistant contracts. Lynn ensures John Molson’s adherence to all the relevant collective agreements.
Room: S-MB 15207
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2702
Alex provides administrative and logistical support and acts as a resource person for the Dean and the Dean’s Office.
Room: S-MB 15115
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2779

Valentina is responsible for the ongoing development and maintenance of John Molson's administrative and academic facilities for teaching and research, as well as planning and implementation of systems to maximize access.
Room: S-MB 15235
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2706

Taylor is responsible for enhancing the visibility and reputation of John Molson both internally and externally through the planning, development and implementation of communications and marketing strategies. She drafts speeches, press releases, presentations and briefing materials. She also handles media requests and coordinates media events.
Room: S-MB 15.207
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 4142
Padraig plans, analyzes, reports and controls all the finances for John Molson. He establishes the business school’s revenue and expense budgets and oversees the expenditure process. Padraig determines the optimal way to utilize funds and establishes department, program and faculty spending levels. He ensures that most effective and efficient strategies are followed with respect to the faculty's budget.
Room: S-MB 15.217
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2706