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PhD in Business Administration

Program overview

The John Molson School of Business in affiliation with École des Hautes Études Commerciales de MontréalMcGill University, and Université du Québec à Montréal, has offered a joint PhD in Business Administration since 1976.


Photo by Zack Jarosz on Pexels

Dig deep into the PhD and specialize

"In these times of uncertainty, it is more important than ever to integrate into our society young people who are trained in critical thinking, who are able to gain perspective so that they can understand the constraints and the opportunities that organizations are experiencing. As we begin to learn to live in this post-normal world, I strongly believe that PhD graduates have a crucial role to play."

Dr. Cédric Lesage, Associate Dean, Research

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Photo by Zack Jarosz on Pexels

Apply for Fall admissions

Deadline: January 15 (September admission, international and domestic students)

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