Ayanna Durant
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Program: MSc Management (Part-time)
Term of entry: Fall 2020
Graduation term: Spring 2024
Hometown: Montreal
Languages spoken: English, French
Most recent position: Admissions Officer at Concordia University
Why did you choose the John Molson School of Business? With a background in Fine Arts, many have asked me "Why study business?" I chose to study business because I am curious and fascinated with how business touches most facets of our day-to-day lives. I chose The John Molson School of Business because I understood that it would provide the theoretical foundation required to understand the nuanced elements of business and provide an environment of experienced faculty who are here to help students grow and thrive.
Favourite place in Montreal: Montreal is full of amazing places, and it is impossible to choose one, but I could spend hours in Montreal’s Musée des beaux-arts, MAC and the McCord museums.
Future aspirations: Teaching and exploring additional areas of research related to my topic.
What do you wish you knew before starting the program? Absolutely nothing. You will surprise yourself and learn what you need to know as you move through the program. Every challenge and discovery along the way has contributed to my professional and academic growth in a way I could not have imagined.