Dania Kyle

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Program: MSc Marketing
Term of entry: Fall 2020
Graduation term: Winter 2023
Hometown: Montreal
Languages spoken: French, English, Japanese, Arabic, and Spanish
Most recent position: Teaching Assistant and PhD candidate in Marketing at HEC Montréal
Why did you choose the John Molson School of Business? The John Molson School of Business has an outstanding reputation across the globe. The Master of Science in Marketing is the graduate program ranked one of the best in Canada by several organizations. There aren’t many universities offering a research-based graduate degree in marketing, and John Molson (in my humble, unbiased opinion) offers the best option! It provides a diverse array of courses, maintains an international openness and values inclusiveness, along with its students’ health. The school’s foundations rely on unlocking its students’ potential to improve both businesses and society – and I can confirm that you will be surrounded by like-minded, amazing individuals who are also striving for success. John Molson offers great opportunities due to its professional, personal, and networking events. It goes without saying that employment rates are high for students after graduation. John Molson also provides exceptional programs that have superior quality, excellent professors, research chairs, and a respectable multicultural environment. This inspired me to pursue my education to the fullest by allowing me to advance on to a PhD in Marketing. I thrive off open atmospheres that allow me to create and teach through experiential learning, such as when I host workshops or perform as a teaching assistant. My students’ feedback indicate that they have fun and learn the most from these methods. I always knew that the John Molson School of Business and I would make a great fit!
Favourite place in Montreal? I love Old Montreal and the Old Port, especially with dinners at Jiao Dim Sum Bar and brunches at Greenwoods during the summer. My favorite speakeasy in the city would be Cloakroom Bar. For dessert? The “pain perdu” at Chez Sophie. Thank me later.
Future aspirations: I aspire to create my first graphic novel denouncing my personal experiences with domestic violence and feminicides, along with creating a new marketing course at the university level, becoming a published researcher in academic journals and a marketing professor, while also indulging in making art of my own.
What do you wish you knew before starting the program? I wish I knew how much fun I was going to have doing my Master’s degree! I’ve made incredible connections, learned different methods of teaching (such as experiential learning – my favorite), adored writing my thesis on a topic I am very passionate about (the marketing of comic books, which was accepted to the AMA’s Las Vegas conference), created and hosted an interactive workshop for the Center of Oral History and Digital Storytelling, and more! I became a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society. I’m currently working on creating a second workshop, which will involve art in marketing with the music industry.