Evan Baker

Program: MBA (Full-time)
Term of entry: Fall 2017
Graduation term: Fall 2019
Hometown: Montreal, Canada
Languages spoken: English and French
Most recent job: Senior Account Executive at Pricepoint
Why did you choose the John Molson School of Business? I wanted to pursue my studies in a diverse program that presented ample opportunity for learning outside of the classroom. With its incredible array of experiential learning opportunities, the John Molson MBA fit the bill. The program's location at the heart of Montreal's dynamic downtown core was an added bonus.
Focus in the program: My focus was on consulting and through my choice of challenging and highly rewarding electives, such as the MBA International Case Competition (ICC) and the Strategies in Action case competition class, I have greatly expanded my skill set in that domain.
Highlights of program: Acting as an organizer of the 2019 MBA ICC; travelling to compete in case competition with the Strategies in Action class; and all the fantastic events and networking opportunities that I have had the pleasure of attending.
Favourite place in Montreal: Mount-Royal
Future aspirations: I had always intended to leverage my MBA to fuel a career transition. Although my experience is in operations management, I am now pursuing a career in public affairs and government relations.
What do you wish you knew before starting the program? Even as a Montreal native, I wish I had looked at a campus map! Concordia's downtown campus offers a wide array of amenities and facilities - you just have to know where to find them all.