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Kai Chang

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Program: MBA (Full-time)
Term of entry: Fall 2018
Graduation term: Fall 2020

Hometown: Beijing, China
Other cities lived in: York, UK
Languages spoken: English, Mandarin
Most recent job: Inventory Analyst at Kubota Canada

Why did you choose JMSB? Before I submitted my application forms for the John Molson MBA, I conducted a detailed study on various programs all over North America. I listed the 20 most prestigious business schools systematically with reference to geographic location, QS rankings, employment rate, total cost and another 6 indicators. Overall, JMSB is the top one on the list!

What’s more, Montreal is the biggest bilingual city in the world. As a father, I would like my little boy to be exposed to a multi-lingual environment, which will benefit his intellectual and emotional development remarkably. For your information, after 1 year’s study in a French school, my son is now capable to communicate freely in French with a lovely Québécois accent. 

Focus of Program: Data Intelligence, Project Management and Supply Chain Mangement

Highlights of Program: John Molson's MBA has shaped me in many respects, but it is the people, I have to say, that define the unique program here. Immersing myself in a challenging environment such as this has never been easy. However, it is a pure pleasure to work with so many smart and accomplished people. In this sense, I can feel the positive change every day as a student, as a co-worker, and as a team leader. This MBA education has pushed me to my limits, redefined my limits, pushed me some more, and will eventually transform me into a better person and a better professional.

Favourite place in Montreal? Riverside Park in LaSalle

Future aspirations: I want to combine data intelligence with supply chain management. My professional goal involves not merely advancing up the corporate ladder, but taking on more responsibility. In this way, I would feel personally fulfilled with my accomplishments.

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